What you really need to know about training intimate muscles


Paying attention to beauty and health, women completely forget about the muscles of the pelvic floor. But in vain, because sexuality, well-being and satisfaction with life in general depend on their condition.

The technique of building was first used in the Ancient East. From a young age, girls were taught this, explained various details, nuances. The training took place not so much for health as for satisfaction of the man. For example, because of the inability to control her body, the girl could not become a concubine and completely satisfy the sultan.

Deterioration of intimate life is the least that can happen from weakness of intimate muscles. Women with such an ailment cannot bear the fetus, and if they are bearing, the postpartum recovery takes a very long time and is inferior. The quality of life is declining, urinary incontinence, prolapse of the uterus, infertility. All these problems do not go away on their own, and only worsen with age. It is worth noting that the technique of im-building can be used by both women and men (contrary to the general stereotype).

To understand the need for these activities, it is important to know what the intimate muscles are responsible for:

  1. Preservation of the organs of the pelvic floor and abdominal cavity. This is the most important function, this muscle is a kind of “corset” that extends between the coccyx and the pubic bone.
  2. Bowel movement and urination.
  3. Take direct part in the process of having a baby.
  4. Responsible for satisfying sexual life.

A difficult birth, pregnancy, obesity, diseases of the genitourinary organs - all this can cause weakness of the intimate muscles.

What symptoms indicate that you need to do a workout?

This is urinary incontinence, which occurs during sneezing and physical exertion, multiple cystitis, as well as "popping" sounds during intercourse, due to the passage of air into the body. All these symptoms can disappear if treatment is started on time.

Intimate gymnastics is very practical, you can do it anytime anywhere, which is its advantage. For this, money, special conditions are not needed, only desire and time are needed. On average, training for 15-20 minutes is enough, and after 2-6 weeks you can notice the first result, the effect of which lasts several years.

The tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor has a positive effect on almost all spheres of life of a modern person.

Health. A good state of the muscular skeleton is the key to excellent health, an easy flow of labor, and pregnancy. In addition, training is the prevention of certain neoplastic diseases and inflammations.

Sex. The ability to control your body helps to improve your sex life, allows you to fill it with new emotions and sensations. An amazing effect should be expected if, training is carried out by both partners. A man and a woman begin to “feel” each other and have a completely different attitude to intimate life.

Psychology. Imbuilding is a godsend for a woman. This technique allows you to open up, to feel confident, sexy, feminine and self-sufficient. Training gives a “push”, after which a person reveals himself, develops and strives for something new.

In the 40s, the famous gynecologist and urologist Arnold Kegel, discovered exercises for the development of perineal muscles, it was they who subsequently formed the Imbuilding training system. The doctor conducted an experiment in which both men and women participated, they all performed daily training. After the lapse of time, patients noted that their orgasms became brighter, their sexual life became much more diverse and more fun. Since then, the technique has been popular, and for greater efficiency it is replenished with new exercises.

It is best to train at home, for this you can use special balls, a vaginal egg, a Kegel simulator, and after classes use a camera to massage the walls of the vagina. If these devices are not, you can train without them, just for the result it will take more time. To get started, study a couple of basic exercises, and do them regularly. The first effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks. After the result, you do not need to stop classes, because in this matter there is much to strive for.

First of all, it is important for a beginner to find out where these same muscles are. For this, during urination, it is necessary to delay the flow of urine. The muscles you set in motion are the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Muscle compression

Tighten your intimate muscles and hold this position for 10-20 seconds. It is not necessary to exert too much effort right away, to begin with a fairly light squeeze, gradually increasing the force of action. Relaxation should last about 3 seconds, and the number of actions reach 10 times.

Muscle contraction

Exercise is suitable even for very busy people, as it can be performed even in public places. It is necessary to compress and relax the muscles as quickly as possible. You need to complete the exercise in 10 sets.

Pushing out

The bottom line is that you need to make a movement similar to the act of defecation, but only by the muscles of the vagina. This technique is most quickly mastered by women who gave birth, since the movement is very similar to attempts.

Onion-cancellous muscle development

Lie on your back and relax, then pull the clitoris inward and push it out. This exercise is not so easy to perform, but with practice, you will master it perfectly.


To improve the superficial muscles, proceed as follows: in the supine position, bend your legs, then alternate the retraction and relaxation of the anus. Repeat exercise 10 times.

It is worth noting that imbuilding has contraindications, namely:

  • pregnancy;
  • postpartum period up to 2 months;
  • bleeding
  • inflammatory processes.

Before starting training, you need to consult a gynecologist in order to exclude diseases and get competent advice on training.


Watch the video: 4 Best Positions to do Kegel Exercises - Kegels Physical Therapy for Beginners (June 2024).