Pink salmon with rice is a tasty and affordable dish. How to cook pink salmon with rice in various ways with fantasy and fiction


Delicate, spicy, salty - red fish seduces with a variety of tastes.

Pink salmon is the most numerous representative of the Pacific salmon species. Preparing it is easy, ready-made meals are delicious, satisfying and healthy. One fish is enough to make a full meal.

Pink salmon hides Omega-3 in itself - valuable acids that help a person stay healthy, keep youth and beauty. Therefore, it can not be included in the home menu and you need to cook more often. This is what cooks and housewives do in all civilized countries.

Pink salmon with rice - the general principles of cooking

The main ingredient of future dishes is pink salmon. Therefore, in order for the food to be tasty, and the cooking time was not wasted, the fish must be selected correctly. When buying, it is recommended to give preference to chilled pink salmon rather than frozen.

It is necessary to estimate the thickness of the ice glaze. It should not be more than 1-2 mm.

We choose pink salmon without any damage, pink inside.

Before cooking, defrost the fish, clean, remove the remnants of the entrails, wash and dry with a napkin or towel.

Trim fins with scissors.

Coarse-grained rice should be rinsed under cold water until transparent. It is brewed, as a rule, until half-ready.

Cutting vegetables produced depending on the recipe.

Lemon juice, black pepper, and vegetable oil are considered the best spices for pink salmon with rice.

They should not be abused - they can stifle such fragrant and delicate taste of fish.

Fish stuffed with rice is rather fatty and very delicate in taste. The cooking process is simple, and the result is excellent.


• One kg of pink salmon.

• Three spoons of boiled rice.

• 50 grams of hard cheese.

• Onion head.

• Two eggs.

• Three Art. spoons of mayonnaise.

• Salt.

• A mixture of black and red ground peppers.

Cooking method:

Thawed and cleaned fish is washed under running water and thoroughly shaken. Cut a piece from the tail and leave the middle. Crop all fins.

Carefully remove the fish carefully remove the ridge. Small bones that can remain on the carcass, remove the tweezers or by hand.

We remove with the knife the remnants of pulp from the ridge. It will be used for the filling.

Coarse washed rice boil and leave to cool. Add in a bowl with fish pulp.

Dice onions, hard cheese and boiled eggs. Pour into a bowl of rice and mix.

We fill mince with mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Again, mix everything thoroughly.

The inner surface of pink salmon pritinivivaem mixture of peppers.

Prepared minced meat is laid on one of the halves of the fish. The second half is covered.

Grease the upper part of the fish with a thin layer of mayonnaise. The same side is laid on the foil. We smear the second side with mayonnaise, tamp the fish filled with minced meat to keep it in shape.

We wrap the piece in several layers of foil so that the juice does not flow out.

We spread on a baking sheet and send in the oven for 35 minutes.

Already finished fish taken out of foil and transferred to a plate with lettuce leaves. Additionally, decorate with parsley sprigs, fresh cucumbers, a slice of lemon.

Baked fish is aromatic and tasty. Rice and vegetables advantageously complement it, turning it into a rich dish. The cheese spreads over the surface of the casserole and creates an attractive and appetizing crust.


• Kilogram of pink salmon fillet.

• 0.400 kg round grain rice.

• Two carrots.

• 0,200 kg of hard cheese.

• Two onions.

• 0,250 kg of fat sour cream.

• Salt.

• Seasoning for fish.

Cooking method:

Washed rice cooked until half cooked, salt.

Chop smaller onions, grate large carrots. Both vegetables fry in vegetable oil until soft and golden brown.

Put rice on the bottom of heat-resistant dishes. Place roasted vegetables on top and smooth evenly over the surface.

Wash pink salmon, check if there are any small stones left in it, dry it. Salt and sprinkle with seasoning.

Put the fish on the carrot and onion. Smear each piece with sour cream and sprinkle generously with hard cheese, coarsely grated, on top.

It is necessary to bake a pink salmon with rice for about twenty-five minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Serve preferably hot and with lots of greens.

Delicate fish steaks and soft rice - an excellent dietary and tasty dish. Perfect with greens and sour cream sauce.


• Four steaks of pink salmon.

• 0.500 kg round grain rice.

• 0,200 kg of hard cheese.

• 0,150 kg of fat sour cream.

• 50 grams of dill and parsley.

• A slice of garlic.

• Salt.

• 0.100 kg of green onions.

• A mixture of ground peppers.

Cooking method:

Prepared steaks pepper and rub salt into them.

We pour the washed rice into the crock-pot and fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Pour one and a half teaspoons of salt.

On top lay out the container with pink salmon. Close the multicooker lid and set the desired mode ("Cereals").

We include a slow cooker and cook, as a rule, forty minutes.

To prepare the sauce, use a blender. We load it with greens and onions, pour sour cream and begin work. Add a clove of garlic. Pour the prepared sauce into the sauce-dish and lightly salt it.

Place the slices of pink salmon on a plate with rice and pour over the sauce.

The dish will adequately decorate the festive table, delighting with its aroma and pleasant taste.


• 0.350 kg of pink salmon (fillet).

• Two onions.

• ½ teaspoon salt.

• A teaspoon of seasoning to fish.

• Pinch of black pepper.

• Clove of garlic.

• Two Art. Spoon breadcrumbs for breading.

• A cup (250 grams) of rice.

• 50 grams of fresh dill.

• Spoonful of tablespoon butter and vegetable.

Cooking method:

Boil rice until half cooked in unsalted water. Pour into a bowl.

One onion cut into four parts, the second - into cubes.

Cut the pink salmon fillet into pieces and turn into mincemeat using a meat grinder. In the same way, chop the coarsely chopped onion.

Salt minced meat, pepper and add fish seasoning. Mix.

Squeeze garlic into a bowl of fish with the help of a garlic press, add the rusks. Pour a quarter cup of warm water and mix well.

In a bowl with rice, add salt and chopped dill. Stir with a spoon.

Fry the second onion slightly and pour into rice.

Minced fish lay out a rectangle on cling film. In the middle of it, place the rice stuffing, evenly distribute along. Using the same film, form a roll, wrap it in foil, twist the edges. It turns out a big "candy", which on the baking sheet should be sent to the oven (200 degrees) for 25-30 minutes.

Cooked fish roll free from foil, cool slightly and cut into centimeter thick slices. Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers perfectly complement the dish.

Hearty and healthy breakfast, which can be prepared quickly and easily. The only condition: all the ingredients should be on hand.


• 0.350 kg salted salmon fillet.

• Half a cup of rice.

• Red bell pepper.

• Art. spoon with a hill of cream cheese.

• Q. goat cheese spoon.

• Pinch of lemon peel and a half teaspoon of juice.

• 50 grams of chives.

• Pita.

Cooking method:

Coarse-grained rice boil without salt until cooked. Bake red pepper, peel free and divide with stripes with a knife.

Fish cut into thin slices. Chives shredded.

Pound creamy and goat cheese, mixing them. Fall asleep rice.

Add lemon zest, chives and juice. Knead and leave for a few minutes.

We lay out thin pita bread on a food film, generously lubricate it with rice-cheese mass. Top diagonally lay out the stripes of baked pepper. Perpendicularly lay out the pieces of pink salmon.

The edges of the pita bend and turn roll. His need to properly tamp. Cut diagonally in small slices.

An unusual recipe will appeal to those who dislike fish. The dish is very colorful, because Africans are not indifferent to bright colors.


• 0,500 kg salmon fillet.

• A glass of boiled rice.

• Three sweet colored peppers.

• Tomato.

• Two hot chili peppers: red and green.

• Five cherry tomatoes.

• Head of garlic.

• Carrot.

• Two Art. spoons of sweet paprika.

• Half a teaspoon of spicy paprika.

• Teaspoon jeera and turmeric.

• Corn oil.

• Sea salt.

• Lemon.

• Cilantro bunch.

Cooking method:

Cut the carrots into rings and put them into a deep stewpan.

Peppers are cleared of seeds and cut into strips. Sent to the stewpot.

Tomato divided into large pieces and add to carrots and peppers. Cherry and spicy chili are placed on top.

Peel the garlic and cut the lobules in half. Pour them into a saucepan. Put rice on top, pour in some water and send to stew.

In a separate bowl, prepare the sauce. Fall asleep paprika sweet and spicy, salt, dilute with oil. Stirring with a whisk, gradually pour out almost the entire sauce on rice with vegetables.

Free two slices of lemon from the peel and seeds, send in a saucepan. You can add a little salt and pepper. We pour out turmeric and cumin.

Shred the cilantro and half send to the skillet. Stew under the lid closed. After ten minutes, add hot water to the skillet and spread the pink salmon on vegetables. The fish should be only half in the water. Pour the rest of the sauce on top, pour the cilantro and simmer, closing the lid of the saucepan for half an hour. Serve ready fish recommended with tasty and fresh bread.

Uncomplicated food with a minimum amount of ingredients will feed tasty and satisfying. It is only important that in the process of preparation there is not a single bone in the fish.


• One fish carcass.

• One third cup of boiled rice.

• Salt, black pepper.

• Large onion.

• Two tablespoons of lemon juice.

• Cilantro bunch.

• 0.150 kg of hard cheese.

• Mayonnaise.

• Egg.

• Fresh thyme and rosemary - four branches each.

Cooking method:

Humpback salmon divided into two half-carcasses, completely remove the bones. Cut each part into pieces. Lay the sandpaper down on the foil, which is smeared with vegetable oil.

Sprinkle the fish pulp, sprinkle with pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave for a few minutes.

Onions cut into small pieces and fry in a skillet, as usual, until golden.

Prepare the mixture: add grated cheese in rice, four spoons of mayonnaise and raw egg, mix.

Lay a layer of golden onions on the fish so that it is completely covered.

From above it is good to spread rice mixture over the surface of pink salmon. Arrange the sprigs of thyme and rosemary.

Put the form with fish in the oven for 35 minutes (180 degrees). Split the finished dish along the cut pieces, sprinkle with cilantro.

Pieces of fish are covered with a thick coat of rice and nuts. Inside there are dill seeds, creating a special taste. The dish is preferably cooked for breakfast.


• 0,500 kg of pink salmon (fillet).

• Half a cup of rice.

• One-third cup of walnuts.

• Pinch of dill seeds.

• Sea salt.

• Olive oil.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice in unsalted water and move it to a deep bowl.

Pour the nuts in a strong package and crush with a rolling pin. Add a pinch of sea salt and dill seeds. Pour a spoon (two possible) tablespoon of olive oil and mix everything.

Ten minutes later, pour the nut mixture into the rice and mix the ingredients again.

Fish fillet cut into pieces, salt. Transfer to heat-resistant dishes and cover rice-nut coat.

Cook in the oven (200 degrees) thirty-five minutes.

You can make a cucumber salad with dill, seasoned with a spoon of oil and a drop of vinegar.

Pink salmon with rice - tips and tricks

  • The smell of frozen fish is corrosive, so it’s better to work with gloves.
  • Begin to clean the pink salmon need obliquely from the tail, clean the head and fins with a knife with a sharp tip.
  • The knife for cutting should be long and sharp, you can easily cut the short fish.
  • Wash the black film and blood clots - otherwise the bitterness will be felt.
  • To get a golden crust when baking, you can put pieces of butter at the end of cooking on a pink salmon and rice.
  • Rinse the fish need under cold running water. If you use warm water, pink salmon will become wadded.
  • The ideal thickness of the steak is 3-4 cm. If you cut it thicker - the fish will burn out on the outside, and the inside will remain raw. Thinner - pink salmon will be dry.


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