Great Prague cake: recipes with photos, step by step cooking. A selection of recipes for the best Prague cakes with photos


Prague cake is a chocolate dessert that is known all over the world. Still would! Perfect taste, unusual aroma, ease of preparation - this is only a small part of its advantages.

Prague cake - general principles of cooking

Prague cakes are based on biscuit cakes. Most often they are cooked on sour cream, less often they use classic egg biscuit. Always add cocoa. Sometimes it is present in other ingredients: condensed milk, chocolate. Usually one big cake is baked, which after cooling is divided into several identical layers.

Cream for dessert use sour cream, condensed milk or custard. It may also contain cocoa, coffee, sometimes nuts are added. From above, the Prague torus is usually doused with glaze.

Gostovsky Prague cake (recipe with photo)

Recipe with a photo of a classic Prague cake according to GOST. It was he who could be bought in Soviet confectioneries. It is important for dessert to use good cocoa powder so that the taste is truly chocolate.


• 6 eggs;

• 25 g of cocoa;

• 115 grams of flour;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 40 g of oil.

To prepare the cream:

• 10 g of cocoa;

• egg;

• 160 g of condensed milk;

• 200 g of oil;

• 20 ml of water, vanilla.

For glaze: 50 g of apricot jam, one hundred grams of butter and chocolate (cocoa content of at least 70%).


1. Immediately you need to melt the oil, cool to 25 degrees.

2. Proteins and yolks are divided into different bowls. Beat the squirrels until lush foam and half sugar. Beat the rest of the sugar with the yolks separately after the proteins.

3. Combine flour with cocoa.

4. Combine the yolks with proteins and flour, at the end pour the previously melted butter. Stir quickly.

5. Now you need to pour the dough into a mold with a diameter of about 22 centimeters. We send it to the oven for half an hour. Bake at 200 degrees.

6. Take out the cake, cool. It is advisable to prepare the basis for the cake on the eve, so that she has time to lie down for 5-8 hours.

7. Cooking cream for Prague. Pour the condensed milk into the pan, add water and yolk, stir. We put on the stove. You can immediately add vanilla and cocoa. Boil until thick. Cooling down.

8. Beat butter thoroughly. For everything to work out, the product must be softened. Combine with custard mass, stir.

9. Cut the baked cake into three parts, divide the cream in half, spread the two middle layers.

10. Heat the apricot jam, grease the cake on top and sides. We apply a thin layer, not much is needed.

11. For the glaze, you need to combine the butter with chocolate, melt until smooth. Pour icing on the cake, carefully work out the sides.

12. Leave for a couple of hours to soak the dessert.

Prague Cherry Cake (recipe with photo)

For this Prague cake, a recipe with a photo of which is presented here, you will need cherry berries. It is not necessary to take fresh, frozen ones will also work. If the dessert is prepared for adults, you can sprinkle them with cognac, it will be even tastier.


• sour cream 220 grams;

• condensed milk with cocoa a third of the can;

• eggs 2 pcs. 1 categories;

• flour 1.3 tbsp .;

• ripper 7 g;

• 175 g of sugar.


• a pack of unsalted butter;

• chocolate bar;

• 100 g of cherry jam or syrup;

• 250 g of cherries;

• remaining condensed milk.


1. Beat eggs with prescription sugar, add sour cream with condensed milk. Stir everything thoroughly, season with flour and cultivator. Pour the dough into the mold. We set the cake to bake in the oven, focus on dry sticks, temperature 180.

2. Beat butter, mix with chocolate condensed milk, vanillin can be added.

3. Slightly sprinkle cakes with jam or cherry syrup. Remove the seeds from the berries. If the cherries are frozen, then after thawing they need to be squeezed slightly, the excess water in the dessert is not needed.

4. Grease the bottom cake with cream, spread the cherries. Now comes the second layer, coat the cake, cool for 2 hours.

5. Melt the chocolate. You can add a little oil to make the icing softer. Pour the chilled cake on top, let stand for another 15 minutes and you can serve it to the table! If desired, until the chocolate has frozen, you can spread the cherry berries on top.

Prague cake (recipe with photo) with custard

Cake recipe with a rich chocolate flavor. The dessert is delicate, fragrant, but at the same time very easy to prepare.


• 5 whole eggs;

• 5 yolks;

• 0.5 tbsp. cocoa;

• 200 g of sugar;

• 0.4 kg of oil;

• a glass of condensed milk;

• 0.2 kg of chocolate;

• 0.15 liters of cream.


1. Beat the eggs in foam, add sugar to them in small portions. Make a biscuit dough. As soon as its volume increases at least 2.5 times, add 150 g of melted, but not hot oil, stir. Pour the cultivator into the flour, throw half the cocoa, stir. Pour into beaten eggs. Pour the dough into a mold, set the biscuit to bake.

2. For cream you need to beat the yolks with condensed milk, put in a water bath. Warm up until the mass is stronger. Remove, cool.

3. Leave 50 g of glaze oil. Whip the rest, add custard and condensed milk.

4. Cut the baked and cooled cake into three parts, layered with custard.

5. Melt the chocolate with the rest of the butter, pour over it.

Another Prague Cherry Cake (recipe with photo)

The second version of Prague cherry cake: recipe, photo, detailed description. Dough with cocoa, chocolate cakes are chocolate. It will take a lot of cherries to make it possible to lay the berries in two layers. If you use canned berries, then the juice needs to be well expressed.


• a glass of sugar;

• a can of condensed milk;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• two eggs;

• 500-700 g of cherries;

• 1.5 tbsp. flour;

• a glass of sour cream;

• a pack of unsalted butter;

• bag of a cultivator;

• 80 g of any jam;

• 50 g of glaze oil;

• chocolate bar.


1. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar with sour cream. Open a can of condensed milk, pour a third into the dough. Stir everything together with a mixer for 2-3 minutes. Add the flour with cocoa and immediately pour the cultivator. Stir the dough, pour into a pre-prepared form. Bake cakes at 180 for about 35-40 minutes. Cooling down.

2. For the cream, beat the remaining condensed milk and butter. Melt half the chocolate, add to the cream, stir quickly.

3. Cut the cooled cake into three pieces, coat with cream, lay the cherry berries freed from the seeds. Thus, we collect the whole cake.

4. Top grease jam. Apply a thin layer. Well, if there is cherry jam. But apricot or apple is also great.

5. The remaining chocolate is melted, doused with cake or gently greased. We do as we like more.

Prague Walnut Cake (recipe with photo)

Nuts for this cake are best used walnuts. The cream is prepared from sour cream, it should be thick and oily. If not, you can add a thickener or slightly dissolved gelatin.


• 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;

• 1.5 tbsp. flour;

• cocoa 3 tablespoons;

• 0.5 tbsp. nuts

• a glass of sour cream.


• 250 g sour cream;

• a glass of sugar.

You will also need 70 g of chocolate, 40 g of butter and 100 g of nuts.


1. For the test, beat the eggs, sugar and sour cream. Stir thoroughly. You can use a mixer. We immediately add cocoa and chopped nuts, season with flour and throw a teaspoon of slaked soda. Mix everything, pour into a mold, bake until dry. Cool the cakes for at least three hours.

2. For the cream, simply beat the sour cream and sugar. Keep in the refrigerator so that the dairy product does not melt.

3. Cut the nuts into pieces, fry them in a pan to reveal the aroma.

4. Cut the cooled cakes into layers, coat with sour cream, lightly sprinkle with nuts. We leave a part for the top design.

5. Melt chocolate with butter, grease the Prague cake with icing on top, immediately sprinkle with nuts until the coating has frozen. We leave the dessert for three hours for impregnation, it is better to stand in the refrigerator all night.

Prague cake with vegetable oil (recipe with photo)

An unusual recipe for a Prague cake made with vegetable oil. But this is far from the only recipe feature.


• 8 proteins;

• 10 yolks;

• 1.5 tbsp. flour;

• cocoa 0.3 cups;

• sour cream;

• 2.5 tsp cultivator;

• 8 tablespoons of condensed milk;

• oil 0.4 kg;

• 280 g of sugar;

• chocolate bar;

• 1 tsp solution. coffee;

• rast. oil 100 ml;

• glass of water.


1. Pour? warm water in a bowl, add cocoa with coffee, stir until all the grains are dissolved.

2. Beat five yolks and sugar with a mixer until all lumps disappear. Add vegetable oil. It must be odorless, otherwise the cake will smell like seeds.

3. Now add to the dough the prepared mixture of coffee with chocolate, stir. Pour flour and baking powder.

4. Pour the squirrels into a clean bowl, beat until strong foam with a small pinch of salt. Transfer to chocolate dough, stir.

5. We shift into the form, bake for 45 minutes at 160 degrees. Then turn off the oven, slightly open. As soon as the cake gets stronger, we take out, completely cool and cut into three layers.

6. Cooking cream. To do this, mix a third of a glass of water, which remains, with condensed milk and yolks, add grated chocolate. We send everything together to a water bath, cook until thick. Cooling down.

7. Beat the butter, mix with chocolate cream, coat the cakes and leave the cake for impregnation.

Prague cake - useful tips and tricks

• Prague cake can be coated with a cream to glaze, but the layer needs to be well cooled. Otherwise, it may melt from warm chocolate.

• Cherry can be added to any Prague cake, but it should not contradict the taste of the dessert.

• If you are afraid that the cake will not rise or settle, it is better to play it safe. To do this, you can simply add more baking powder to the dough.


Watch the video: Russia- Chocolate Raspberry Layered Prague Cake Recipe (June 2024).