Sore throat: how to determine the cause? How to treat pain in the throat and whether you can do without the help of a doctor


Sore throat - An unpleasant sensation arising from a cold or flu.

A sore throat can also indicate some viral and bacterial infections. Even excessive crying causes pain in the throat.

Causes of sore throat

One of the common causes of sore throat is pharyngitis - inflammation of the back wall of the larynx.

Pharyngitis occurs as a result of human inhalation of cold or polluted air.

Also, the disease is provoked by various microbes and viruses. The first are strepto, staphylo, pneumococci, and the second are adenoviruses and influenza viruses.

Pharyngitis has two forms: acute and chronic. For pharyngitis characteristic: pain in the throat when swallowing, scratchy, dry. The diagnosis is established by the otolaryngologist on the basis of the examination of the patient. If necessary, take a smear.

Pharyngitis is treated symptomatically. To do this, use:

• hot foot baths

• warming compresses

• gargling

• inhalation

• to give up smoking

In case of severe pharyngitis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx, which is a consequence of hypothermia, respiration through the mouth, smoking and drinking, strong overstrain of the larynx. The disease develops against the background of a cold, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough and can be short-lived or chronic.

Acute laryngitis - it is an independent inflammation. Representatives of certain professions are subject to it: singers, teachers, etc. Laryngitis can also arise on the basis of the flu and can affect the epiglottis, vocal cords, walls of the sub-vocal cavity.

Chronic laryngitis occurs due to frequently recurring acute forms of the disease, as well as due to prolonged inflammatory processes in the nose.

In acute laryngitis, the patient arises:

• sore throat without fever

• feeling of dryness, tickling, discomfort

• dry cough

• hoarseness

• pain when swallowing

• headache

Diagnoses the disease otolaryngologist on the basis of physical examination. He examines the nose, mouth, throat for inflammation, and also probes the neck, revealing swollen lymph nodes.

A specialist should be contacted in such cases:

• if symptoms do not go away within 2 weeks

• if there is severe pain in the throat, extending into the ear

• if swallowing is difficult

• if there is blood expectoration

In some cases, in addition to the usual examination, the doctor prescribes additional studies: laryngoscopy and video laryngostroboscopy.

Treatment of laryngitis in its acute form consists, first of all, in eliminating the cause that contributed to the onset of the disease. It is recommended to keep peace of the vocal cords for a week. It is also necessary to eat simple food without an abundance of spicy dishes. It is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol.

In acute laryngitis, it is helpful to drink warm water, warming throat wraps, gargling with medicinal solutions. In addition, medications are used in the treatment of the disease.

Those who suffer from chronic laryngitis must strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Specialist prescribes medication, inhalation, throat lubrication, physiotherapy. In some cases, surgical treatment may be necessary.

Tonsillitis or tonsillitis - A disease in which the tonsils are inflamed. The most common form of tonsillitis is that primary tonsillitis is seasonal, that is, it most often occurs in autumn and spring.

The disease usually affects children and young people. The infection is transferred from patients and from those who are carriers of streptococci. The disease is transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also through household contact.

Secondary sore throat occurs as a consequence of infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, adenoviral and herpetic infections, syphilis.

Angina is acute and has the following characteristics:

• sore throat and fever

• chills

• enlarged lymph nodes

In case of such symptoms, you should contact the otolaryngologist. The doctor, on the basis of the examination and some laboratory tests, diagnoses and prescribes treatment.

A mild form of tonsillitis is treated on an outpatient basis, and in severe cases, hospitalization is necessary. At home, a sore throat is treated by rinsing broths of chamomile, calendula, and a diet in which preference is given to foods rich in vitamins C and B, and abundant drinking.

In addition, as prescribed by the doctor, antibacterial therapy is used.

ARVI, ORZ - Another cause of sore throat. ARVI is the most common disease that is caused by parainfluenza viruses, influenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses. The causative agents of SARS and acute respiratory infections are transmitted by airborne droplets and through contaminated household items.

The disease is manifested by such symptoms:

• sore throat without swallowing

• discomfort in the nasopharynx

• dry cough

• chills

• full body aches

• sneezing

Treatment of the disease at home includes the mandatory strengthening of the immune system. To do this, it is recommended to comply with bed rest, drink more liquid, use inhalations with aromatic oils and gargling with saline-soda solution (per 1 cup of water for a teaspoon of salt and soda).

If these methods of treatment do not help, then consultation of the expert is obligatory. With signs of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections should contact the therapist who is able to assess the extent of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Allergy. Not always a sore throat causes inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Often, discomfort in the throat - the result of an allergic reaction to dust, pollen, pet hair. Depending on the allergen and the reaction of the human body to a stimulus, an allergy can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

• sore throat when swallowing without fever

• swelling of the throat

• voice timbre changes

• hoarse

• difficulty breathing

• itchy throat

• cough

• nasal congestion

• burning eyes

As a rule, all signs of allergy occur without increasing body temperature. This is what distinguishes allergies from colds. In addition, allergies are clear from the nose, cough without sputum, or none at all.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to distinguish the common cold from allergies. Why is it important? Because in the treatment of SARS and acute respiratory infections prescribed drugs acetylsalicylic acid, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial agents, which for the most part adversely affect the body of a person allergic to humans.

As a rule, antihistamines are used to combat the disease. They relieve sore throat, perspiration. Also, the patient is recommended:

1. exclude contact with the allergen

2. daily wet cleaning

3. destroy dust accumulation

4. not to go out in windy weather

5. change clothes after walking

6. flush nose, eyes, gargle after going out

For the treatment of allergies should contact an allergist who can accurately determine the allergen and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Stomatitis - Inflammation of the oral mucosa causes a sore throat when the disease is neglected. Due to ulceration of large areas of the oral cavity, desiccation of the mucous membrane and tissue necrosis, a painful syndrome occurs. It can also cause swelling and erosion of the tongue root.

Stomatitis is divided into individual localized inflammations:

• gingivitis - inflammation of the gums

• palatinite - sky inflammation

• glossitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue

• cheilitis - inflammation of the rim and lip tissue

• generalized stomatitis - an inflammatory process that spreads to the entire oral cavity, including the tonsils

Stomatitis is handled by a dentist, dermatologist, general practitioner or pediatrician, dermatovenerologist.

Based on the examination of the external signs of the disease, the doctor makes a diagnosis. In some cases it is required to pass a swab.

Reflux diseasein which there is an involuntary discharge of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus - the cause of pain in the throat. One of the main signs of the disease is painful heartburn. Reflux is characterized by a variety of symptoms:

• difficulty breathing

• belching

• sore throat

• foreign body sensation in the pharynx

• cough

• chest pain

Reflux treatment is carried out by a gastroenterologist, who is able to establish the root cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment based on the assessment of the patient's complaints, the duration of the disease, as well as examining the results of special studies.

Infectious mononucleosis - A disease that is often confused with a sore throat. It is caused by a virus transmitted by airborne droplets and through a kiss.

Symptoms of mononucleosis: sore throat, fever, increased tonsils and lymph nodes. Despite the similar symptoms, angina and mononucleosis are treated differently. With this disease can not take antibiotics. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroid drugs and heavy drinking is a treatment that will help beat the disease.

Air pollution is one of the causes of pain in the throat. The most common cause of unpleasant sensations in the throat is tobacco smoke, which in its composition contains many harmful substances that act irritatingly to the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx.

Dry air contributes pain in the throat. The term “dry throat” is applicable to residents of modern megacities who, with the onset of the heating season, begin to feel sore and sore throat due to atrophy of the laryngeal mucosa due to too dry air in the room.

Getting rid of the problem in this case is simple. It is necessary to humidify the air well by hanging wet towels on batteries or using special devices.

Sore throat - other causes.

Unpleasant throat sensations occur for the following reasons:

• neuropsychiatric disorders

• oral sex

• throat injuries

• foreign body in the pharynx

• syphilis

• HIV infection

• angina pectoris

• myocardial infarction

• tumors and neoplasms of the larynx, throat, tongue

• lack of vitamins A, B, C in the body

Sore throat: treatment

In order to get rid of a sore throat, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of it. Many remedies for sore throat are only drugs for complex treatment or are used as additional measures to get rid of the problem.

It is important to know that the effect of such funds is superficial. In some cases, the inflammatory process develops in hard to reach areas. Therefore, before proceeding to self-treatment of pain in the throat with sprays and lozenges, assess the severity of the disease.

For angina, accompanied by high body temperature and strong pain, throat remedies should be used in addition to the basic antibiotic treatment.

In addition, some lollipops contain in their composition dyes, flavors - all that can lead to an allergic reaction. Therefore, people with allergies need to use drugs for the treatment of throat - sprays, pills, rinses with a simple composition.

Preparations for eliminating sore throat:

Grammeadine. A unique combination of active ingredients - antibiotic and antiseptic, inhibits the growth and reproduction of microbes in the throat. The drug reduces inflammation, alleviates unpleasant sensations in the throat and facilitates swallowing. When resorption helps cleanse the pharynx and mouth from microorganisms. The drug is available in three forms of tablets: Grammidin Neo, Grammidin with anesthetic Neo (included anesthetic for an additional analgesic effect) and Grammidin for children (with raspberry flavor, for children from 4 years, and also in the form of spray - Grammidin spray (for patients with 18 years).

Ingalipt. Popular spray agent. Not recommended for pregnant, lactating and children up to 3 years.

Kameton. Anti-inflammatory antiseptic drug. Contains menthol. It creates a cooling effect, eliminating the pain in the throat.

Faringosept. Tablets that are a local antibiotic. The greatest effect of treatment is achieved on the third day of use. After taking the funds you must refrain from drinking and eating for 3 hours.

Aqualore throat. Anti-inflammatory antiseptic drug in aerosols. Used to reduce pain, moisturizing. Locally increases the body's resistance, and also washes away bacteria from the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat.

Bioparox. An antibacterial drug used to treat inflammation of the nose, larynx. Available in the form of aerosols.

Sore throat: folk remedies

Traditional medicine knows a lot of recipes that can help get rid of unpleasant sensations in the throat. Among them are the most popular:

1. In half a glass of crushed garlic - a product that has been used in the treatment of various diseases since ancient times, adds high-quality liquid honey so that it covers all the garlic. Then the mixture is simmered on low heat for 15-20 minutes, cooled and again put on the stove. The result is a viscous syrup, which should be drained and drunk a tablespoon every hour.

2. Lemon - An excellent tool for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In combination with honey, it gives good results. To get rid of a sore throat should be in a glass of not too hot water to stir a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. Drink a means of slow sips.

3. At home, a sore throat is amenable to treatment if you drink milk with honey. During the period of illness, when there is no appetite, milk is both a drink and food. In order to prepare a healing drink, boil the milk, cool it a little, add a spoonful of honey.

It is necessary to drink this remedy at least three times a day, adding a little butter to soften the throat or a small pinch of soda. Milk with honey warms, relieves pain, makes it possible to sleep peacefully.

4. Ginger well helps with sore throat. It destroys bacteria, dilutes mucus, soothes the throat and washes away toxins. To prepare a therapeutic drink, wash the ginger root thoroughly, cut off a small piece, grind it. Add ginger to boiling water and let it boil for a few minutes. In ginger tea you can add a little honey and drink it several times a day, not too hot.

In addition to the means for internal use, traditional medicine suggests using rinses.

How to gargle for sore throat? Proven recipes:

1. The most popular treatment for sore throat is a solution that contains salt, soda and iodine. For its preparation it is necessary to dissolve in a glass of warm water so that there is no sediment, a teaspoon of soda and salt, adding a few drops of iodine.

Rinsing with this solution is recommended for both adults and children.The solution should not be hot or cold. Only with proper use can it benefit.

During rinsing, tilt your head back well, gargle for no less than 30 seconds and try not to swallow the liquid. The first three days you can use iodine, but then you should use only saline soda solution for the procedure.

This tool can be used to rinse pregnant women and children under 2 years of age, which need to be explained that you can not swallow the tool.

2. A more complicated recipe for rinsing solution, with which you can not only sanitize your throat, but also soften it: stir in a glass of warm water until completely dissolved in a teaspoon of soda and salt, add pre-whipped chicken protein.

Rinsing with such a composition of the throat should be done more often, then it will be possible to quickly achieve a positive result.

3. Broth eucalyptus leaves perfectly fights sore throat. For its preparation it is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, to insist, to filter in the usual way. It is recommended more often during the day to make gargling with such decoction.

4. Violet fragrant used in folk medicine to rinse for sore throat. For the preparation of healing tools take 1 teaspoon of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, insist, filter through a strainer. Gargle with warm decoction several times a day.

Instead of violet, you can use chamomile, calendula.

5. Beet often used in traditional medicine. It has anti-inflammatory properties. To eliminate pain and swelling, use this recipe for the preparation of a medicinal product: add vinegar to fresh beet juice (20 ml of vinegar per glass of juice), mix. Rinse with a healing solution throat every hour.

6. In the treatment of sore throat with success is used a product that is in every household - green or black tea. For the preparation of a therapeutic mixture, it is necessary to make a strong brew and, straining, add a pinch of salt to it. This infusion can gargle several times a day.

Sore throat: inhalation

In addition to the above, there are still many ways to get rid of sore throat. How to treat more discomfort in the throat?

Inhalation are a fairly simple and effective method of treating a problem. They are able to stop the inflammatory process and alleviate the condition of the patient. Inhalation is not recommended immediately after a meal.

If you not only have a sore throat, but also a runny nose, then part of the inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose. If one throat hurts, breathing is better only through the mouth.

After the procedure, you should hold the vocal cords for a while. The recommended time is 1 hour. It is also forbidden to drink, eat, smoke after inhalations for the same period of time. Within 15 minutes after treatment can not go out.

At home, inhalation is carried out using ordinary enamelware, or using modern special devices.

There are various means used for inhalation:

1. Essential oils: eucalyptus, menthol, fir, pine, olive. In hot water, you need to drop 10-15 drops of any of the oils and, wrapped in a towel, breathe healing vapors.

2. For inhalation often used decoctions of medicinal herbs: coltsfoot, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile, eucalyptus. 1 tablespoon of any herb should be filled with a glass of water, boil the mixture, let it boil over low heat. Then insist, cool slightly and breathe a decoction, covered with a towel.

3. Onion-garlic mixture. Grind both components of the recipe, squeeze the juice in any way convenient for you. In an enamel pot dilute the juice with water at a ratio of 1:10. put the tank to prepare for a water bath. After the remedy boils, it should be slightly cooled, and then, wrapped in a towel, inhale the healing vapors.

Sore throat - prevention

Prevention of sore throat is, above all, the adoption of a number of measures aimed at protecting the body from colds. The most effective method of prevention is to avoid contact with the patient.

A man cannot fully protect himself against infections, but he can strengthen the body's defenses - in his power.

To be less likely to get sick and, as a result, to have a sore throat, follow these guidelines:

1. temper

2. eat varied

3. humidify the air in the room in which you live or work

4. Change your toothbrush more often - source of pathogens

5. stop smoking

Sore throat ... Everyone knows this feeling. With the right treatment is not so difficult to get rid of it. The main thing is not to start the disease.

All the above treatment methods and recommendations, I hope, will help you to cure your throat, strengthen your immune system and enjoy your health.


Watch the video: How to Treat a Viral Infection (July 2024).