How tasty to make beans with tomatoes: red, white, green, canned. Recipes for side dishes and beans with tomatoes


Dish of beans with tomatoes is known throughout the world. In each country, it absorbs a bit of local flavor, turning into Georgian lobio, Indian curry, Mexican chili.

In Italy, beans with tomatoes are surely complemented with garlic, and in Russia they all like to add chicken egg. However, the basic ingredient is always the beans, and it is with it that the process of cooking begins.

Beans with Tomatoes - General Cooking Principles

First you need to decide on the variety of beans that you will use: whether it will be red, white or green. Mixing different types is not worth it, because the dish can be tasteless.

Then the beans must be rinsed, remove the poor-quality grains and leave to soak for three to twelve hours - until the volume of beans is doubled. Every three hours do not forget to change the water, because the process of oxidation can begin. When soaking is complete, wash the grain several times, then it's time to start cooking.

Depending on the type of beans, it can boil from five minutes to an hour and a half, but this product is always salted at the very end, before being removed from the stove. After soaking, red beans are boiled for up to 1.5 hours; without preliminary preparation, this will take at least three hours. But white can not be soaked at all, since it is also cooked raw in a relatively quick manner - from half an hour to 50 minutes. After the first 30 minutes, white beans should be periodically monitored so that it does not boil soft.

If you decide to use green beans, choose young pods: they are more juicy and cook faster - about 7 minutes. Mature reach readiness in 10 minutes. The cooking process requires careful monitoring, because the beans are easy to digest.

After the main ingredient is ready, quite a bit remains. It is necessary to cut the turnip and fry it in a skillet until golden brown. Hold the tomatoes in boiling water, peel off the skins, then put in a pan to the onions and simmer until uniform, and then add the cooked beans. The resulting mixture fry for 10 minutes, stirring regularly. On this beans with tomatoes ready.

Recipe 1: Georgian Lobio

The peculiarity of this traditional Caucasian dish is that, having stood in the refrigerator for a while, it only gets tastier. Lobio is usually eaten with flatbread, and also used as a side dish - for example, to buckwheat porridge.


• half a kilo of beans;

• 2 carrots;

• cooking oil;

• greenery;

• turmeric;

• adjika;

• ground black pepper;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• 2 tbsp. l tomato paste;

• iodized salt.

Cooking method

Soak the beans in the water for 6 hours or leave overnight, after making sure that there is enough water (the beans will swell up a lot). Cook on low heat for an hour and a half, salt before removing from the stove. Peeled grated carrot grated with large teeth, simmer on high heat for a couple of minutes. Put the beans in the pan, along with the liquid in which it is cooked. Wait until the water boils and reduce the heat to minimum, cover with a lid, cook for 15 minutes. At the end add crushed garlic, herbs, black pepper and adjika. If there are no adjika on hand, it can be replaced with ground chili. Before use, the dish should sweat for about 10 minutes under a closed lid.

Recipe 2: Italian Beans with Tomatoes and Garlic

This is a recipe from sunny Italy, but the products used in it are not at all exotic for Russia. The dish is 100% vegetarian and fits perfectly into any diet.


• half a kilo of beans;

• 400 g salted tomatoes;

• 1 onion;

• 4 garlic cloves;

• cooking oil;

• spices for meat;

• basil.

Cooking method

Soak red beans in a deep bowl with plenty of water, then cook until done. Scald tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin. Garlic cloves put fry in olive oil, tomatoes at this time cut. Add the beans in a frying pan, sprinkle with spices, simmer for half an hour. Due to the canned tomatoes, the dish comes out salty. If it seems to you bland, salt it at your discretion. Serve beans with tomatoes can be hot or cold. Serve basil.

Recipe 3: Bean Curry

This recipe presents beans with tomatoes in Indian style. The dish turns out to be spicy, spicy and therefore perfectly warms in the cold. Instead of fresh grains, you can use canned - this will significantly speed up the preparation of the dish.


• Canned beans - 0.4 kg;

• salted tomatoes - 0.4 kg;

• cilantro - 2 tbsp. l .;

• 1 onion;

• 0.5 tsp. ground chilli pepper;

• 1.5 tsp. cumin;

• 1 tsp. coriander;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• ginger;

• cooking oil;

• salt.

Cooking method

Beans boil. Fry half a teaspoon of cumin in sunflower oil for two minutes, then add chopped onion, ginger and crushed garlic to the pan. Five minutes later, pour the remaining cumin, as well as coriander, chili pepper, salt and cook for five minutes. Peel the tomatoes, chop them and put them in the pan. Five minutes later, put the beans, cilantro and add the juice from the salted tomatoes to the tomatoes, simmer for 10 minutes or a little more - until done.

Recipe 4: Chili from the beans in the slow cooker

Another sharp variation of the dish, which came to us from distant Mexico. The traditional dish is much sharper than that described in the recipe. Therefore, if you like the burning taste, replace 1 tomato with half a glass of adjika or add more chili pepper.


• 400 g of beans;

• 500 grams of minced meat;

• 1 tsp. milled grain;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 1 chili pepper and 1 sweet;

• 3 tbsp. tomato paste;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• 1 onion;

• cilantro;

• parsley;

• sour cream.

Cooking method

A pot of multicooker fill with water, pour the beans there, leave overnight. In the morning, drain the excess water, rinse the grain, pour water to the top and put it out on the appropriate mode. During this time, fry the minced meat with salt and spices. Scald tomatoes with boiling water, peel them, chop them, add them to mince. All pour tomato paste and simmer a couple of minutes. Chop the onion, pepper, fry vegetables for five minutes and put in a slow cooker. By this time, the beans should already be prepared - remove excess water from the pan, add minced meat and onion with pepper, chopped chili pepper, pepper, and garlic, crushed in a special press. Cook for an hour in the "heating" mode. Serve with sour cream and cilantro.

Recipe 5: String beans with tomatoes and egg

Despite the variety of ingredients, this dish is pretty quickly prepared. Unlike red beans, green beans do not require pre-soaking. You can use frozen pods - they are already washed and cleaned from the tips.


• String beans - 0.4 kg;

• tomatoes - 2-3 pcs .;

• parsley;

• cilantro;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• 1 onion;

• ground hot red pepper;

• cooking oil;

• salt.

Cooking method

Rinse the beans under running water, cut into 4 cm pieces using kitchen scissors. Chop the onion in small cubes and fry until golden brown. Chop the tomatoes, put them on the pan and simmer with onions until thick and smooth. While the tomatoes are preparing, put the beans on the stove and cook in salt water for 10 minutes until half ready. It is important that the beans remain solid, so you need to periodically glance behind it.

Put the undercooked beans in the pan to the tomato and onion sauce and fry for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir. If desired, salt, add herbs, mix. Stir in the resulting mass, add the raw eggs and bring the dish to readiness. At the end add crushed garlic, mix again.

Recipe 6: Green Beans with Tomatoes and Yogurt

The unusual combination of beans and yogurt gives this dish a savory zest. It can be used both separately and in combination with potatoes.


• 250 g young pods of beans;

• 1 onion .;

• cooking oil;

• 1 tomato;

• 1 Bulgarian pepper;

• 1 garlic clove;

• 400 g of yogurt;

• black pepper;

• parsley;

• salt.

Cooking method

Remove the tips and coarse parts from the beans, rinse them under running water and cook with salt. Fry the onions in a pan with the addition of oil, put the chopped tomato in the onion and fry for a while. Mix beans with crushed garlic, salt, pepper, chopped parsley. Pour all into the cooked tomato-onion mixture, mix gently. Serve with yogurt and fresh herbs.

Recipe 7: Green Beans with Tomatoes in the Oven

Useful and diet recipe, which is also quite simple in execution. Baking allows you to save vitamins, which are rich in beans.


• 1 kg of young pods of beans;

• vegetable oil;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 1 tsp. flour;

• 1 onion;

• parsley;

• salt.

Cooking method

Bean pods boil. Grind onions, fry, sprinkle with flour and mix with water. Put boiled beans, diced tomatoes and parsley into the mixture. Add salt and put in the oven on the "baking" mode.

Recipe 8: Beans with Tomatoes for the Winter

Despite the fact that canned foods are abundant in all grocery stores, they still can not be compared with homemade preparations. Canned beans with tomatoes can be used as a basis for a wide variety of dishes - from salads to soups.


• 1 kg of beans;

• 3 medium onions;

• 1 kg of tomatoes;

• ground black pepper;

• Bay leaf;

• 2 tbsp. l vinegar;

• cooking oil;

• salt, sugar.

Cooking method

Soak the beans in the water for about 5 hours, then wash and put to boil. Onions cut and fry. Remove the peel of tomatoes, then cut them into small pieces and rub with salt. Put the beans, onion, sugar, and spices into the mixture. Put on the stove to boil, then pour vinegar. Wash and sterilize the jars, fill them with cooked beans with tomatoes and roll them up.

Beans with Tomatoes - Tricks and Tips

  • The process of soaking beans is very long. If you do not have time for this, use one of the quick cooking methods.
  • To accelerate the preparation of beans can be due to temperature changes. After 15 minutes of boiling, pour out the hot water and replace it with cold water, bring it to the boil again and repeat the procedure.
  • The second way to cheat - just cook the frozen beans. The process will take a maximum of 20 minutes.
  • By the way, beans have the ability to absorb the surrounding flavors, so when cooking, you can add tomato and garlic to it. So the beans will become more fragrant.


Watch the video: Quick And Tasty Stewed Beans Recipe For Students & Busy People - Chris De La Rosa (July 2024).