Mustard oil - its benefits, harm, and methods of application in cosmetology and medicine. How to use mustard oil - indications and contraindications.


Cold-pressed (or seed extraction) mustard oil is extracted from mustard seeds. Mustard seeds belong to the family of cross-flowers, the content of which is rich in polysaturated fatty acids (omega 3 and 6).

Mustard oil has found wide application in cooking, perfumery, cosmetology, soap making and traditional medicine. Often, for medicinal purposes, mustard oil is used for the following diseases and ailments:

- diseases associated with the joints;

- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

- pleurisy;

- urolithiasis disease;

- tumors (due to the content of chlorophylls, phytoncides, isothiocyanates and sinegrin, the beneficial effect on malignant tumors is possible);

- rheumatism;


Mustard oil (essential) - a tool with a strong bactericidal property. But it belongs to the category of the most poisonous, which can cause injury to the skin and the appearance of inflammation on it. Oil should also be used carefully for people with problems with the digestive system and liver.

The benefits of mustard oil

Effects of oil on the human body due to the combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids:

- a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels (vasodilator effect; preventing the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques; an increase in the elasticity of blood vessels; a decrease in blood viscosity);

- a positive effect on the digestive system;

- normalization of hormonal background;

- beneficial effects on the central nervous system, endocrine and sexual function;

- increase the overall level of body resistance;

- normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and biochemical composition of the blood (contributes to the increase in the number of erythrocytes, hemo globulin, leukocytes);

- reducing the impact of harmful toxins, salts, slags and radionuclides on the body;

- improved vision due to vitamin A;

- positive effect on reproductive function (vitamin E).

Medicinal properties of mustard oil:

- Anti-edema effect on the body (used for edema);

- Bactericidal and antiseptic effect (used as a bactericidal agent. Heals injuries and wounds);

- Antiviral effects on the body (helps effectively cope with SARS and other colds);

- Anesthetic effects (helps reduce pain);

- Immunostimulating effect on the body (due to the content of vitamin antioxidant - vitamin A).

Cosmetic properties of mustard oil:

- provides the skin with a fresh look, has a rejuvenating effect;

- relieves tension from the ligaments and muscles (can be used in the process of massage);

- effectively fights hair loss;

- effectively fights gray hair;

- stimulate growth and density of hair.

Benefits for pregnant women

Thanks to a number of vitamins (E, F and A), mustard oil is useful for pregnant and nursing mothers. The whole pregnancy will be easier, the risks and complications in the process of childbirth are reduced. And when the baby is born, the taste of mother's milk will be sweeter and tastier thanks to chlorophyll and the same vitamin E. They also have a positive effect on the processes of lactation.

Potential harm of mustard oil

Before using mustard oil (as a dietary supplement and for external use), consult your physician first. For those who suffer from myocardial ailments, consultation with a cardiologist is the first necessity before taking the remedy. You should also be careful before consuming mustard oil for those who have: an ulcer, gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach. In any case, consultation with an experienced specialist does not hurt, so be prudent and seek medical help before using the product.

The reason for not using mustard oil can be individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the oil.

But remember that the most important thing in the application of mustard oil is the observance of dosage. Incorrect use of oil can cause injury, deterioration of health and health.

Mustard oil application

Mustard oil is used in two ways: internally and externally.

Internal use of oil as a dietary supplement.

For the treatment of a number of ailments and diseases (the list is listed above), and also for preventive purposes, mustard oil is used.

Dosage and duration of treatment

Mustard oil consumed three times a day for one teaspoon. Take this type of dietary supplements can be without limitation on the duration of admission.

External use of mustard oil

Mustard oil is widely used in cosmetology. With his help also perform professional massage.

Cosmetic effects of mustard oil on the skin

Mustard oil has the ability to quickly and easily be absorbed into the skin. It moisturizes it, nourishes it with beneficial substances, normalizes Ph-balance and perfectly softens the skin. In addition, due to the biochemical composition of mustard oil, the skin is protected from harmful environmental effects. The oil in this case acts as a protective film for the skin, so it won such recognition and love among beauties. The problems of premature aging will not touch you if you regularly perform cosmetic procedures using mustard oil.

But not only young seducers should pay close attention to this amazing tool. Also, women who have already experienced problems of skin wilting, loss of tone, wrinkles, etc., can use mustard oil. It will help even out wrinkles and tone the skin itself. In this matter, regularity, perseverance and patience are important!

Mustard oil moisturizing mask

For two tablespoons of mustard oil you will need four drops of essential oils: ylang-ylang, lavender, rosemary or sandalwood. Stir the mixture thoroughly, apply to face or body. This mask does not need flushing.

Mask for problem skin with mustard oil

Take on one article. a spoonful of oils: mustard, jojoba, almond, avocado and wheat germ oil. Mix thoroughly. Then blot a cotton napkin in the mixture and, in the form of an appliqué, apply to the problem areas on the skin (15 minutes).

Cosmetic effects of mustard oil on hair

Mustard oil will help strengthen and heal your curls. The oil also activates the accelerated growth of the hair follicle. Because of this, beauties can count on a couple of extra centimeters per month to the length of their curls. And oh so nice and valuable for girls! In addition, the density of the hair can surprise you after doing regular hair masks using this amazing tool.

Oil normalizes the sebaceous glands, so it is also a unique cosmetic product for girls who have to wash their hair too often, for whom it quickly becomes fat. Also mustard oil will help to cope with the problem of gray hair and excessive hair loss.

Oil with the problem of hair loss and gray hair

Rub the oil into the scalp. The greatest result will be from performing massage movements for 5-15 minutes. The most important rule - do this procedure fairly regularly (3 times a week). The effect of the use of oil will delight you and your hair will once again become thick, lush and beautiful.

Universal mask for mustard oil hair

A universal mask of mustard oil is made simple. Apply oil to the hair (pay special attention to the roots). Wrap hair in polyethylene and put a towel on top for a better mask effect. If time permits, you can hold the mask on your head for 8 hours (leaving it all night), but if time is limited, you can wash it off after 30 minutes. Wash your hair very carefully (you can lather your head several times), as any essential or vegetable oil is not easy to wash out. But your hair from the first application will become more docile, healthy and shiny.

Improve the mask as follows. In mustard oil, add a few drops of essential oil of rasmarin, bergamot, ylang-ylang. The method of application is the same.

You can add mustard oil in your shampoo, it will improve the characteristics of the latter.

Cold Treatment Oil

Mustard oil grease the area of ​​the feet, chest. Oil must be rubbed into the skin, gently massaging it for about 5 minutes. Also, when colds are sometimes recommended to bury the nose with mustard oil (a few droplets in both nostrils).

Cough oil

Prepare a simple mixture of mustard oil and salt (20ml / 4g). With this mixture, rub the back and chest of the patient before the appearance of redness in these areas.

Mustard oil is a great helper in medical, preventive and cosmetic matters. However, it should be used wisely and competently. Improper use of mustard oil can cause allergic reactions, deterioration of health, burns and other injuries. Be sure to agree on the dosage and duration of treatment or preventive measures with a competent specialist.


Watch the video: Side effects of black seed oil or kalonji oil (June 2024).