Attention deficit disorder in children - description, causes, methods of correction


Inadequate behavior, poor grades in school, audacity and uncontrollable activity - do not rush to scold your child and constantly pull him down.

Perhaps the child suffers from attention deficit disorder and desperately needs the help of a doctor.

A bit of history

Although in Russia, following American and European researchers, the diagnosis “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (ADHD) began to be diagnosed only a decade ago, for the first time similar behavioral disorders of children were described in 1845 by Heinrich Hoffmann, a psychiatrist from Germany. Since then, a lot of researchers all over the world have been studying similar symptoms, and only in 1994, the modern term of the disease was proposed and established for the first time.

What is attention deficit disorder

Long-term studies prove that from 5% to 15% of schoolchildren are overly active and experience serious learning difficulties. They cannot coordinate their attention on the teacher's explanation, it is incredibly difficult for them to remain calm and sit still during the lesson and, as a result, the resulting assessments cause the understandable chagrin of the parents. The main signs of attention deficit disorder are:

- almost complete lack of attention, inability to concentrate it at the right moment;

- restlessness and hyperactivity, such children are considered problematic and disobedient;

- impulsivity - too fast reaction does not allow to assess the possible risks or adequately perform the tasks assigned to them.

Boys are most susceptible to deviations in behavior — among those suffering from this disease, 4–9 times more than girls. Each sick child has its own individual manifestations of illness, but for all the characteristic feature is the complexity of controlling attention, activity and restraint.

Causes of Attention Deficit Disorder in Children

Despite numerous studies, the exact cause of the disease has not yet been named. But experts rightly believe that the causes of the disease are:

1. Genetic predisposition.

2. Smoking and drinking during pregnancy.

3. Preterm labor.

4. Infectious diseases of the brain and its injuries in early childhood.

It is proved that the disease develops with a deficit in the brain dopamine and norepinephrine, so it is extremely important to make the correct diagnosis and undergo a course of necessary treatment.

How to recognize the attention deficit disorder in children

Unfortunately, Russian doctors can not always make the correct diagnosis. Often, attention deficit disorder is called mental retardation or childhood psychopathy, and sometimes even patients with obvious signs of schizophrenia are diagnosed with ADHD. Of course, it is difficult to recognize this disease, because almost all children at a certain age are too active and not too attentive in the classroom. Therefore, for the correct diagnosis should be carefully and in detail analyze the symptoms.

1. Inattention

A child with normal intelligence is simply unable to concentrate on the task or explanation of the teacher. The need to perform an action for a long time causes boredom and loss of interest. The implementation of mandatory actions is postponed until later, everyday duties are not performed, the desire to do several things at the same time ends in complete fiasco. Nearly 90% of children with ADHD, due to learning difficulties, have problems with learning and grades. It is difficult for them to grasp the meaning of the interlocutor's speech, they often lose their things, and they make mistakes in examinations due to carelessness. It is extremely difficult for such children to work independently, therefore they try to avoid doing their homework by any means.

2. Hyperactivity

They say about such children that “they have a little motor inside” - they are too sociable and restless, they find it difficult to sit in one place, their arms and legs are in constant motion, and the desire to get somewhere wins a healthy meaning. Often talkative and restless, children can not engage in quiet games at leisure, showing aimless physical activity. With age, these symptoms gradually decrease and disappear, although this does not mean recovery.

3. Impulsiveness

A very dangerous sign, as it often leads to accidents. Children with ADHD are careless and inconsiderate, unable to listen to instructions to commit an action. Sometimes it seems that they do not think at all before they do something. Unable to calculate the negative consequences of their actions, they commit risky and thoughtless actions - they can jump onto the road with racing cars or maliciously destroy someone’s property, demonstrate to their peers the courage of dangerous and risky actions.

A distinctive feature of the behavior of these children in the classroom is the desire to answer the question asked by the teacher without having listened to it to the end. And the answer will contain the first thought that came to mind. Talking with friends, they constantly interrupt others, trying to express their point of view. Children suffering from attention deficit disorder are not able to give up the desired thing or action - if they want something, they should get it immediately.

If we consider the signs of illness in different age groups, we can see that:

- preschoolers are restless, restless and disobedient;

- schoolchildren are forgetful, are in continuous movement, non-aggressive;

- adolescents experience feelings of depression and anxiety, exaggerate life difficulties and are not able to deal with them, tend to act in spite of their relatives or friends.

In some cases, attention deficit disorder is accompanied by hostility, deliberate disobedience, violence or weeping, lack of desire to communicate with peers. Sometimes it can be accompanied by tics - twitching of the head or facial muscles, sniffing or unexpected screams. This scares the surrounding children, and the child may be left without communication with peers.

The diagnosis of ADHD is made, what next?

If you give up on the diagnosis made by the doctor and refuse treatment in the hope of “outgrowing!”, You can condemn your child to a not quite successful future. The manifestations of the disease over time become not so bright, but ADHD in independent adulthood will be the cause of poor memory, inability to plan their actions, low level of professional activity. In addition, patients with a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder are prone to various types of addiction and severe forms of depression.

The best treatment option for ADHD is complex - psychological correction in combination with drugs. Sometimes the unbearable behavior of their own beloved offspring makes mommy feel guilty about improper upbringing. However, it is important to understand that the culprit is insidious disease, which can and must be defeated. Effective treatment will return peace to the family and provide the child with a normal full life.

A child has attention deficit disorder - how to behave to parents

Sometimes parents are outraged by the diagnosis, not understanding the complexity of the problem. Given the lack of awareness, it is possible to advise such moms to talk with experts, read the literature in order to better understand the causes and consequences of the disease. It is possible to defeat him only together, coordinating the actions of doctors and parents.

Much depends on the actions of moms and dads, so for your little ones you should listen to the advice of experienced professionals:

1. A painful reaction to the criticism of children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder makes life too difficult for them. Do not constantly scold the kid for wrong actions and inappropriate behavior. It is much more useful to offer your help in cleaning things or preparing for school, to praise for your zeal and overcoming difficulties. It is very important to emphasize each achievement, however small, and give the child confidence in their own abilities.

2. The praise of parents is a very important factor in achieving mutual understanding and peace of mind. Praise the child for any available reason - he washed the cup behind himself, put away the toys, wrote carefully in a notebook or helped his mother set the table. Do not skimp on the words of support, even in case of failure, because adults quite often make mistakes and minor offenses.

3. Calm music, board games, a warm bath are able to relieve irritation or discontent.

4. The daily routine put together will help the child to find peace and confidence, it is important for him to understand his duties and their sequence. It is useful to teach a student to make a list of upcoming cases, given their importance. In order not to postpone the started lesson, the unobtrusive help of parents is also required.

5. Communication is an important component of normal family relations and normalization of the behavior of a tomboy. Listening to the story of the day, you should not make harsh comments about unpleasant events. Respond positively to school news, gently suggesting a more correct solution to any controversial issues. It is extremely important that the child felt the attention of those close to his problems and actions, felt love and support.

6. Bad deeds, without which, alas, can not do, should receive an appropriate assessment. However, it is not necessary to generalize and argue for constantly bad behavior. It is better to make it clear that a particular action is being condemned, and to try to explain the reasons for parental discontent in an accessible way. If punishment is required, remember that it should be as fair as possible and correspond to the level of severity of the offense.

7. If a feeling of worthlessness and powerlessness appears, do not forget that you have a faithful and reliable ally. The doctor is ready to correct actions at any time, to suggest a true and reliable solution to the problem.

It is not easy to raise a child with attention deficit disorder, but do not forget that this diagnosis is not a sentence. This is just a disease that is treatable and will definitely be defeated. Good luck and patience!


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