Get rid of unpleasant smell in shoes


Unpleasant smell in shoes - this is a serious problem, which brings a lot of inconvenience. The main cause of its occurrence is excessive sweating of the feet. It is known that sweat itself is odorless, but bacteria that are formed as a result of fusion of dust and abundant sweat create organic gases that have a pungent odor. How to deal with this unpleasant situation? There are several time-tested ways to help you in this difficult struggle.

How to get rid of unpleasant smell in shoes

1. Wipe the inside of your shoes with hydrogen peroxide, and then let it dry thoroughly. The next day, the smell will not be a trace.

2. Fill your shoes with soda and leave for a day. Then get rid of the soda with a vacuum cleaner. Instead of baking soda, you can use coal, which must first be crushed.

3. A good helper in the fight against pungent odor are granules for cat litter. A handful of these granules need to be wrapped in a thin fabric and make a bag that you need to put in shoes. After a day, the bags can be pulled out.

4. The use of deodorants - the most famous and easiest way to get rid of the smell of shoes. You need to spray the tool inside the shoe and leave for a few minutes. Deodorant prevents the formation of bacteria, resulting in no odor.

5. Normal airing. Just leave your shoes on the balcony and let it air out for a few hours.

Consider that hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and coal can spoil shoes made from expensive materials, so you need to buy funds for such shoes in specialized stores.

Of course, there are a lot of ways to get rid of the smell in shoes, but it's still much easier to know how to prevent this problem.

1. Wash your feet every day with special soap. Use a deodorant that has anti-bacterial properties.

2. Regularly change socks and tights.

3. Try to choose socks and tights that are made from a minimal amount of synthetic fabric.

4. Do not forget to change and wash insoles.

5. For each season have 2 pairs of shoes. Choose shoes made from breathable material.

Keep your shoes clean, not only outside, but inside. After you have washed your shoes, do not forget to dry them well.

Baths based on medicinal herbs, salt, potassium permanganate, vinegar, etc., help to increase sweating of the feet. Such baths narrow the ducts from which sweat is emitted, thereby normalizing perspiration.

Knowing the causes of excessive sweating of the legs, you can easily get rid of it using the methods given above. As a result, you will get rid of your other problem - an unpleasant smell in shoes.

Consider that if within two weeks you performed all the procedures, but the problem did not dare, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Remember that excessive sweating is the result of many diseases.


Watch the video: 10 Ways to Stop Shoe Odor! (June 2024).