10 awesome things you've probably never seen before


Absolutely unexpected and even almost unreal things happen in our world every day, and from time immemorial. We can thank the modern technological advances that finally allowed us to capture such amazing and rare objects in order to have evidence of their existence on hand. So, 10 amazing shots of what is happening on the planet. And, most likely, you never suspected it and did not see earlier!

No. 1. God of Ganesha (Murti Ganesha) made of green bananas - 5 tons of tropical fruits were used for this design.

Imagine, but this “monument” has enormous dimensions: more than 8 m in height. And on its "construction" the masters took as much as 75 days. And imagine this incredible amount of bananas, and the equally titanic efforts of the people who worked on the statue! Since Ganesha personifies wisdom and luck, the builders will obviously be lucky in life.

No. 2. Many of us can do absolutely desperate things and take risks to help or save our neighbor.

As you can see, this seagull was not afraid to risk its own life in order to rescue its relative from the misfortune, which a huge feathered predator chose for lunch.

Number 3. King cobra is the longest and deadliest snake in the world.

In nature, it is better to never meet her, otherwise the cobra will be the last creature that you will see in your life. However, you can admire her very impressive skeleton and sincerely rejoice that in this form she can no longer send you to the next world.

Number 4. Warm-up with yoyo, it turns out, can be a very extreme sport.

An angiogram (or snapshot of blood vessels) of a person who is too keen on yo-yo sports can upset you. This seemingly harmless toy can do incredible damage to the vascular tissue of your fingers. So think twice before buying a yo-yo as a gift to children!

No. 5. A unique Zhongshung bookstore in the Chinese city of Hangzhou.

At first glance, you might think that this shot is more like a tetris game. However, in fact, this is what a stunning bookstore in China looks like. Surely many book lovers, upon seeing this miracle, immediately became fired by the desire to visit it!

# 6 Royal Guard soldiers in the UK are always motionless in the same place. They are probably absolutely lazy and move a little. How wrong you are!

In just one year of operation, the sole of the shoe worn by an ordinary representative of the Royal Guard looks like this. Not at all like the brand-new boots of a sedentary person, right?

# 7 And this is aiolot - a mole lizard native to Mexico. It is so rare in nature that it is considered almost a myth and a legend.

The lizard looks strange and looks more like a pink worm. This creature prefers to dwell underground, as well as crawl and rummage through the sand and soil of the Mexican state of Baja California.

#eight. Just a fantastic wedding cake from Renat Agzamov.

This guru of confectionery art from Russia creates and does just incredible things, and he rather deserves the title of a real sculptor or architect. How much do you think this sweet masterpiece can cost? Approximately 50 thousand dollars.

#9. You know the simple truth from school time: oil and water never mix.

A very simple, but bewitching snapshot only confirms this truth. Here is rainbow droplets of water on an oily surface.

#ten. Have you seen cacti in your life? Of course, they saw, but mostly green.

It turns out that there are two thousand varieties of this prickly plant, and cacti can be of different shapes, sizes and, as you can see, they are not only green. What colors and shades they do not have!
