Making perfect eyebrows at home (plus video instruction)


Perhaps every woman dreams of Hollywood beauty - the perfect figure, style and beautifully outlined eyebrows. And if the first requires time and money, then you can deal with the latter quickly and without costs. To create the perfect shape of the eyebrows does not necessarily refer to a specialist. Armed with the necessary tool and having mastered a couple of manipulations, you can perform real magic.

General rules

  • The shape of the eyebrows is not a single template. She is selected by type of person.
  • To feel less painful, face can be slightly steamed.
  • Having defined the form, carefully outline the outline with a pencil. Everything that remains behind the form line is removed with tweezers.
  • After correction, the skin near the eyebrows must be lubricated with a moisturizing cream.
  • Then you should carefully "comb" the eyebrows with a brush and, if necessary, slightly cut the tips of long hairs that are out of the line of the chosen shape.

Brow size

Make-up artists have a special technique that helps to correctly determine the edges of the eyebrow and the point of lifting.

  • Apply vertically cosmetic pencil to the right wing of the nose, mark the point of intersection with the eyebrow along the line. This will be the inner border of the line.
  • Then from the wing of the nose tilt the pencil to the side through the point of the pupil. At the intersection with the eyebrow, mark the "peak" of the rise.
  • Finally, draw a line from the wing of the nose to the eyebrow (through the outer edge of the eye) using the same pencil. And you get the outer border of the eyebrow line. Line up the shape of the points. Do the same operation with the other eye.

Round face

Eyebrows with a slight break will help to give a round face an oblongness. Here the main thing is not to overdo it. If your eyebrows are raised too high, it can quite comically affect your face. Use a pencil to mark the highest point of the eyebrow and adjust the shape relative to it. The round shape of the eyebrows to this type of person is categorically not acceptable.

Oval face

This is perhaps the ideal type of person. The form options are much larger. You can soften a wide oval with a broken eyebrow. A narrow oval to harmonize will help straight eyebrows of medium thickness. With a large chin, you can slightly lengthen the edges of the eyebrows with a pencil. To round a little face, if possible, you can leave the natural thickness of the line.

Triangular or square face

For a triangular face, moderately broken eyebrows of medium length are ideal. Straight eyebrows will violate the proportions of the face, so you should not experiment with such forms. But for a square face, straight lines will be useful. Also suitable for this type of highly curved eyebrows.

And here is also a video instruction from an interesting make-up artist Elena Krygina on creating perfect eyebrows.

It would seem that eyebrows are an insignificant element on a woman's face. However, this is not quite true! Properly selected eyebrow shape can significantly change the face, giving it softness, harmony and expressiveness. If the choice of form still makes you difficult. Contact a specialized store. There you can purchase stencils of various eyebrow shapes and experiment with them at home.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova


Watch the video: HOW TO GROOM + SHAPE YOUR EYEBROWS! super easy (July 2024).