What exercises are effective if your eyes are tired: what to do? Eyes get tired: folk remedies, lotions, first aid


Many spend too much time in front of a computer or work with a mountain of documentation. This leads to eye fatigue and causes a lot of discomfort. A constant feeling of eye fatigue can cause visual impairment. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to remove fatigue from the eyes in time.

Eyes get tired: the causes of the problem

Eye fatigue can be triggered by many negative factors. They surround every person in everyday life. The main ones are:

1. Long work with the computer. When working with the gadget, visual tension and a violation of the processes of blood circulation are observed. For this reason, dryness is felt and redness of the eyes occurs.

2. Prolonged viewing of television shows and films. Newer televisions do not exert such a heavy load, but fatigue appears due to a longer time spent in front of the computer.

3. Incorrect organization of the workplace. Eyes get tired due to improper lighting and insufficient lighting. To reduce the load, the table should be parallel to the window. For lighting, it is worth choosing LED lamps.

4. Long reading of print media. When reading books, eye movement occurs irregularly along lines with stops. At these intervals, the text is perceived. This has a great load. It increases dramatically when read in low light.

5. Wrong means for vision correction. Only the attending physician can choose glasses and lenses. It is forbidden to purchase glasses on your own. If the correction tools are not suitable for the patient, then not only fatigue will occur, but also headaches.

6. Vitamin deficiency. Very often, if your eyes are tired, this may indicate poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins C, A, group B, as well as potassium and polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to a decrease in the functionality of the organs of vision.

Eye fatigue can occur after working with small parts, frequent stress, prolonged stay in a room with too dry air.

Eyes get tired: preventive exercises

If your eyes are tired, you need to perform some exercises. The most effective are:

1. Make circular rotations with the eyes first, clockwise, and then against it. Repeat steps 10 times.

2. When performing this exercise, the head should not move. First, turn your eyes to the left, then look forward. Then turn right and look in front of you again. Perform such actions slowly, not in a hurry.

3. In this exercise, only the eyes should also move. First, raise them as high as possible, and then in the opposite direction.

4. Firmly squeeze and unclench the eyelids. Manipulations repeat 20 times.

5. To eliminate drying out of the eye and increase tear fluid, blink at least 50 times.

6. Make eye movements diagonally. Performing the exercise, they should be fixed at the extreme upper and lower extreme points.

7. Glue a piece of paper onto the glass. Get as close to the window as possible and fix your gaze on it. After looking at the object located far outside the window.

Quickly relieve fatigue from the organs of vision will help exercises for the neck and upper shoulder girdle. It can be tilts, turns or rotations.

The use of folk remedies if your eyes are tired

Before using any prescription of traditional medicine, you should always consult with a specialist. The most effective recipes are:

1. A mask of potatoes. Grate half the potatoes. Mix the gruel with milk and flour to get a sour cream consistency. Apply the resulting composition to the area around the eyes and leave for a third of an hour. After rinse with cool water.

2. Tea bags. It is best to use green tea. You will need a tea leaves, which should be mixed with sour cream. Apply the composition to the region of the lower eyelids, and apply bags directly to the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, delete everything.

3. Mask with a banana. It will take a pulp of fruit. Grind part of the fruit with a blender, add sour cream, apply for a third of an hour. After this period, rinse everything off with warm water.

4. Ice mask. To do this, prepare a few ice cubes with the addition of cucumber and parsley. Put the mixture on cheesecloth and bring to the eyes. After 5 minutes, remove the bags.

5. Mask with a carrot. For cooking, you need half a carrot, 2 tablespoons of starch and a yolk. All ingredients must be crushed and mixed. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes. After a quarter of an hour, remove everything and apply a moisturizer.

6. Compresses from camomile. Pour a teaspoon of grass with a cup of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Filter the infusion and divide into 2 parts. One part is used for hot compresses, and the second for cold ones. Blot gauze napkins in infusions and in turn apply to eyes. The duration of the manipulation is 10 minutes. Perform such actions either as necessary, or as a whole course. The infusion is characterized by anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, soothing effect.

7. Honey drops. They will help maintain visual acuity. Dissolve a third of a teaspoon in a large spoon of water. Instill 2 drops in each eye three times a day. The prepared product should be stored only in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

With the correct use of recipes, you can very quickly get rid of eye fatigue.

It is important to know that with eye fatigue, you need to eat properly. Food should be balanced. It is useful to cook nettle cabbage soup or add a plant to salads. Sprouted wheat is useful for vision. It is necessary to eat a tablespoon of the product and then vision problems are not terrible. It is possible to increase visual acuity with beets, as it is rich in zinc.

If your eyes are tired, then express methods will help

With excessive fatigue, various eye diseases can begin to develop. They carry some health hazard. That is why it is necessary to deal with the problem as soon as possible.

1. Dill compresses. A teaspoon of dill must be filled with half a glass of boiling water. Leave the whole mass for 10 minutes. The learned composition is filtered and can be used for procedures.

2. Compresses from the mallow. Fresh petals must be soaked in cold milk and then applied to the eyes for a quarter of an hour. After this time, wash yourself with mineral water.

3. Lotions from a rosehip broth. 2 teaspoons of dried rosehips pour a glass of boiling water and put on low heat for 5 minutes. Leave the composition for 30 minutes, and then filter. Moisten a cotton swab in the composition and apply to sore eyes for a third of an hour. This method is highly effective in conjunctivitis.

4. Millet. If with fatigue the eyes still began to water and watery, then this recipe will be very effective. Rinse a tablespoon of millet and pour 0.5 l of boiling liquid. Put on low heat for 7 minutes. Filter the broth and cool. They rinse their eyes half an hour before bedtime. The swab is applied for 5 minutes.

5. Infusion of cornflower. Pour a small spoonful of plant flowers with half a liter of boiling water. Put the whole mass for an hour in a warm place. After the flowers are squeezed out and pour the infusion into a glass container with a cork. You can store the product for no more than two days. Wipe your eyes twice a day with a solution.

6. A short break. A break may help to eliminate fatigue. You need to relax and close your eyes for a couple of minutes. Or it is possible to shift your eyes to foreign objects. It is possible to do a simple exercise: put the back of the hand to the closed eyes without pressure. After the palm, remove and open your eyes. Repeat manipulations at least 10 times.

7. Blinking. This method can be used in any environment. It is necessary to blink frequently and intensively.

It should be noted that after applying compresses and lotions, you need to lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream.

Visual fatigue is extremely dangerous for health, as it can provoke many diseases. If she appears to be a constant phenomenon, then it is imperative to visit an ophthalmologist. It is very important to pay attention to your diet.


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