Pregnant bride: what to consider when preparing for the wedding


Marriage is an exciting and responsible step, the preparation of which must be approached responsibly. Many believe that pregnancy is a serious reason to postpone the wedding until the moment the baby is born.

But the wedding organizers claim that the bride’s position will not affect the wedding celebration and will not prevent a woman from enjoying an important moment in her life. However, pregnancy will require the bride to take a special approach to preparing the wedding, so that during the holiday she will feel comfortable and relaxed.

Can I get married in position?

About 30 years ago, in our country, pregnant women tried to get married as quickly as possible so that no one noticed the stomach. Such a rush is connected with the opinion of society, since at that time marriage in a position was considered indecent.

At the moment, people have begun to relate to this moment easier and in some situations even understandingly. After all, now brides have even come up with special wedding dresses for pregnant women.

At the same time, many girls do not cease to follow old traditions. For example, women in position do not choose a snow-white dress designed for innocent girls, but dresses in beige, blue or pink. Also one of the famous signs is tying the abdomen with a red satin ribbon. This ritual helps to protect the baby from the evil eye.

Can I get married?

If the young couple are Christians, then their desire to get married is justified. So the newlyweds will be able to provide their children with God's blessing. There are various opinions regarding the pregnant bride. Some argue that such a woman committed fornication, therefore, she is strictly forbidden to get married. Others, on the contrary, hold a more loyal point of view, believing that everyone deserves a church blessing.

The young couple will receive the exact answer only in the church. Many priests support the desire of the newlyweds, therefore they do not prohibit getting married in the situation. The process lasts about an hour, during which the couple should stand. The bride is not immune from a sharp deterioration in health, so be sure to have water and a bench nearby.

What month of pregnancy do you have a wedding?

Specialists note that the second trimester is the best time for celebration. This is due to the fact that in the first months of pregnancy severe toxicosis, dizziness, or even fainting are possible.

In the last trimester, a woman increases fatigue and drowsiness. At the same time, a large belly complicates the choice of a wedding dress and the celebration itself.

Stages of preparing for the wedding

In order to create a truly unforgettable and unique holiday, the bride will need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Assessment of your health. It is from this point that it is worth starting the organization. A woman must decide for herself whether she can cope with the preparation and not harm the baby. The bride should prepare mentally and not pay attention to the opinions of others who may condemn her.
  2. Choosing a venue and menu. For the celebration, a young couple can choose any venue, however, the menu must be carefully worked out. Wedding organizers recommend making a separate diet so as not to deprive guests. The bride’s menu should not include dishes whose taste and smell will cause her discomfort. In addition to the delicacies, you will also need to prepare chopped lemon. If you feel unwell, he will relieve nausea.
  3. Wedding Dress. For pregnant women there is little choice, however, you can always choose a more attractive option. The style and design of the dress depends on the gestational age. The most universal option is considered to be an empire style outfit, in which there is a high waist and a long skirt.
  4. Footwear. This item deserves special attention. First of all, the bride should think about comfort, and not about the beauty of wedding shoes. Therefore, you should forget about high heels. Before the event it is recommended to walk in shoes for several days so that it takes the form of a foot.
  5. Buying a copy of an engagement ring. During pregnancy, most women have swollen fingers. Therefore, there is a need to purchase two wedding rings of different sizes. One bride will wear before delivery, and the other after.
  6. Bouquet. Often, flowers can provoke an allergy in pregnant women or they are not comfortable with the smell. Only those plants that do not cause a strong sense of disgust should be added to the composition.
  7. Banquet program. This part of the preparation is best left to the organizer. The specialist will choose a good toastmaster who will independently draw up a program, taking into account the position of the bride.
  8. Wedding walk. Photoshoot of the newlyweds should not be too long and tiring. Organizers recommend that you take a short photo-taking route in advance to reduce travel time. To create beautiful pictures, it is best to choose enclosed spaces where it is warm and cozy. Great for: museums, villas, photo studios and greenhouses.

Bachelorette party recommendations

Many pregnant brides refuse to hold a bachelorette party, referring to their position. However, you should not deprive yourself of such a fun event in the circle of close friends. With proper organization, the party will not harm the future mother and her baby in any way, while giving unforgettable vivid memories.

The bride’s house will be an ideal venue for a bachelorette party, where she will feel comfortable.

If you wish, you can spend the holiday in a cafe or cottage, a woman should take care of the menu, the location of tables and the program of the event.

In the summer, you can spend a fun picnic in nature or go to the spa. The bride should remember that the sauna is contraindicated for her, so she should pay attention exclusively to safe procedures.


Watch the video: WEDDING Q&A. Advice for Brides, Planning, Budgeting & All About our Big Day! (June 2024).