How to conquer a man, knowing his zodiac sign


Each representative of the fair sex wants to become happy, find a soul mate, harmoniously arrange her life. But far from always relations with the opposite sex develop as easily as we would like. Women often ask how to conquer a beloved man, how to make him faithful and selflessly loved?

In these and many other cases, astrology comes to the aid of women, which stores the answers to many questions. Understanding astrology, knowing about the features that the zodiac signs possess, you can win the heart of even the most capricious and demanding man. Therefore, if the arrows of Amur pierced the female heart, the lady, first of all, should find out what kind of zodiac sign her lover is.

How to conquer Aries

The process of conquering Aries, as a rule, gives women a lot of pleasure.

Male One is distinguished by the fact that they have a sense of youthfulness for life.

For this reason, a lady should be next to them with the same attitude, love of life and the energy characteristic of young people. Aries are very impressive, especially to the female beauty. Astrologers do not advise a woman to show a ram how she tidies herself up (does her hair, dyes, etc.). Aries will appreciate and admire the already created image, and the process of its creation will push him away. Aries are also owners. To conquer the ram, it is recommended to show him that he is the one and only. Aries should feel that he is in control of the situation, that he is the only god, king and ruler of everything and everything.

Secrets of conquering Taurus

Taurus must see and feel that the partner shares his interests and tastes with him, that she and the woman are on the same wavelength.

Spiritual unity, the opportunity to talk with a woman at any moment, a sense of calmness next to her are the most important requirements of Taurus.

Therefore, a woman is recommended to be interested in the life of a calf, to share his views and interests with him and to do it sincerely. After all, Taurus immediately feels falsehood and moves away. Spending a lot of time with the calf is extremely important for its conquest. A woman must show that she knows the male calf well and is his spiritual copy. If Taurus, for example, loves horseback riding every weekend, then a woman should also learn to ride horses.

How to attract and hook Gemini

First of all, a woman needs to take care of herself, keep an eye on her figure, be neat and attractive.

The twins are great aesthetes, and the appearance of a woman is extremely important to them. But a good appearance, however, is not the most important condition for the conquest of men of a given zodiac sign.

A woman should have a rich inner content, having a bright appearance. Gemini admire the ladies who have a strong, strong-willed character, can express and prove their point of view, those with whom you can always stay in a pleasant mental stress. A boring housewife spending all day watching TV shows clearly has no chance of winning the Gemini. It is important for a twin to show that a woman can be the soul of a company, get along well and communicate with his friends, quickly make new friends and maintain the interest of others. At the same time, it is important for her to remember that a woman is still a gentle creature, which sometimes can allow herself to be capricious, to be sensitive and touching.

How to Conquer a Cancer Man

Cancers are the opposite of twins. Women can conquer them by showing themselves to be wonderful housewives, wonderful cooks, good keepers of the hearth.

It is worth pampering Cancer with delicious home-made food, organizing its life or making it more comfortable and homely at work.

Then Cancer will be subdued. After all, it is important for him to know that with a woman he will feel comfortable and calm, he values ​​harmony in the house and housekeeping above all else.

How to conquer Leo

Lions love ears, so you can conquer them without much difficulty with the help of a sweet, beautiful speech. A woman should be able to communicate correctly with Leo: to make him feel that he is the most beautiful, amazing and unique in her life. It is important to emphasize the dignity of a lion in dealing with him.

Lions are also not indifferent to female whispers, diminutive words, quivering touches.

If a woman bends down and quietly whispers in Leo’s ear something pleasant or exciting, Leo will lie at her feet.

How to hook the Virgin

In no case should a Virgo guess that they are trying to conquer him. The woman next to him should be modest, obedient, quiet, at the same time understanding, empathizing, able to give freedom when the maiden needs it.

Do not share the stories of your past adventures with the Virgo man.

Let him believe that before him nothing has ever existed.

How to fall in love with a Libra man

Libra, unlike Lviv, is loved by eyes, therefore, it will be easiest to conquer them to beauties, to whom they are not indifferent. Libra is a very attentive and observant creature. They will certainly appreciate everything in the woman's appearance, starting with the condition of the hair and hairstyle, ending with the shape of the nails. They have a delicate taste.

Libra should see a well-groomed woman next to her, who knows how to dress well and looks stunning in any situation.

They should not be shown in shapeless pants and with a ponytail on their heads. Even Libra’s home must be admired in appearance. No extra weight, old, grandmother's underpants and dresses. Only everything is fashionable, stylish and well-chosen. Libra also likes women's perfumes. They prefer to feel floral aromas on the lady.

Scorpion Weaknesses

Perhaps everyone knows about the weak point of all Scorpions - excessive sensuality and the need for carnal pleasures.

Scorpios go crazy with self-confident, risky women who know how and love to enjoy with a man.

To conquer the sophisticated scorpion, you should know at least a few erotic games, do not be shy about your body and love to give pleasure to a man.

How to seduce Sagittarius

Sagittarius - a man has a great sense of humor. Therefore, he will certainly appreciate the woman who will admire his sense of humor and joke with him.

Sagittarius approaches humor to everything, they love ladies with non-standard thinking, those who know how to turn bad weather into a holiday.

A light, agile, cheerful and energetic woman is the best gift for an archer.

How to attract Capricorn's attention

To fill the capricorn’s thoughts, one must respect his personal space, understand that he is a free person and give him the opportunity to remain alone with him.

Capricorn loves that woman who subtly feels his mood and knows how to adapt to him.

Such a woman is nearby at the right time and self-relieves when she feels the partner's need for loneliness. The Capricorn woman should also be a self-sufficient person, often an introvert.

How to defeat Aquarius

Aquarius, like fire, is afraid of courageous, strong women, accustomed to solve all problems on their own. To conquer the representative of this sign, you must allow him to be strong, the main thing.

A woman must come to terms with the fact that for Aquarius she is always a weaker sex.

Tenderness, sensitivity, kindness, complaisance, vulnerability - all these features like Aquarius. They are pleased when a woman asks them for help, when she asks for advice, is interested in their opinions. They run away from those who make their own decisions, take on all responsibility in the relationship.

How to conquer a man-fish

Pisces, by contrast, love proactive, courageous, decisive women who are not afraid to look a problem in the eye and solve it. Fish appreciates women's independence and resourcefulness in everyday affairs.

For Pisces, an ideal relationship is when both partners are equal.

If a woman, in addition to all of the above qualities, also has charm and external data, she will forever firmly settle in his heart.

It’s not so difficult to win a man’s heart, knowing a man’s weaknesses. And wise astrology will always prompt weaknesses, which will direct a woman on the right path to winning the attention of her beloved man.


Watch the video: What Is Your True Zodiac Sign? Incredible Truth about Our Birth Dates! (July 2024).