Christmas toy "Piglet" - a symbol of the year with your own hands. Simple and intuitive master class with photos


The upcoming year on the Eastern calendar is the year of the yellow pig. Therefore, Christmas toys in the form of pigs and piglets are useful for decorating the Christmas tree. Original Christmas-tree decorations can be made of felt.

- felt bright pink in white polka dots;

- light pink felt;

- a small pink button with two holes;

- yellow tape;

- holofiber;

- one yellow bead and two black;

- threads of pink, yellow and black;

- needle and scissors.

The pattern of this Christmas tree toy consists of four parts:

- torso;

- paws;

- ear;

- tail.

We draw all these parts of the pattern on paper and cut it out.

On a bright pink felt we put a detail of the trunk and legs. Circle each part with a ballpoint pen and cut it out. We will need two parts of the trunk and legs.

Details for the ears of the piglet will be cut from felt in two colors. We cut out two ear parts from bright pink felt and two more from light pink felt.

We cut one part of the tail out of bright pink felt.

We begin to sew a Christmas toy. First, we attach the details of the legs to the torso details and sew them along the edge with a buttonhole stitch as shown in the photo.

Let's combine the body parts so that the sewn parts of the paws are inside. Sew details of paws in the abdomen.

Now we will sew the details of the torso in the neck and back, but we will not sew up the nose and leave an unstitched section on the back.

Sew the nose along the edge and pull the thread so that it fits.

Fill the pig’s figure with holofiber through the hole in the back. First you need to fill the legs, then the nose, and then the body of the pig.

Take a piece of yellow ribbon and tie its ends with a knot. This will be a loop for which we can hang a toy on a fir branch. We put a loop in the hole on the back of the pig. Sew a hole while sewing together a loop of tape.

Take another piece of the yellow ribbon and tie a bow out of it. The ends of the tape are set on fire with a lighter so that they do not fray.

We sew a bow to the eyelet with yellow threads, and sew a yellow bead to the knot of the bow.

Sew a pink button to the nose of the piglet - this will be a patch.

Now let's make the pig’s ears. For each eyelet we take one light pink and one bright pink detail and sew them along the edge with a buttonhole stitch.

Sew the base of each eye with pink threads and pull it a little so that the ears become voluminous.

Sew the ears to the figure of the piglet, placing them symmetrically.

Take the part of the tail and tie a knot in the middle.

Sew the tail to the body of the pig.

Christmas toy made of felt is ready. This little piglet can be settled on a Christmas tree, or can be presented to someone as a small souvenir.


Watch the video: Balthazar's Speech - The Christmas Toy - The Jim Henson Company (June 2024).