What helps Polysorb? How to relieve a hangover with polysorb, cure acne and eczema


Polysorb (Silicon Colloidal Dioxide) is a Russian-made drug. This is fumed silica in the form of a loose white powder without a pronounced odor, very light, from which, when mixed with water, a translucent mixture is obtained.

It is used in medicine: orally, as an enterosorbent for poisoning and externally, in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory processes in soft tissues (wounds of various origins, postoperative sutures, abscesses, mastitis). In addition, Polysorb helps to improve the intestinal microflora, so it is used as a safe dietary supplement for diet and body detoxification.

How does Polysorb work

When dissolved in water, Polysorb forms hydroxyl groups with a complex spatial structure, which allows you to sorb (absorb) molecules of toxins, harmful emissions, allergens, various microorganisms on the surface of particles, where silicon oxide is associated with OH functional groups.

In an aqueous solution there are many such particles, and therefore their total sorption (absorption) ability is increased relative to similar preparations. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, Polysorb absorbs and removes toxic substances resulting from organic processes or from hazardous foods. In this case, intestinal motility is not disturbed and the normal composition of the microflora is maintained.

This mechanism is implemented due to the fact that pathogenic elements are poorly retained on the mucous membrane, because this is part of the body’s defensive strategy. All mucous membranes carry out a barrier function and delay the spread of harmful substances and bacteria. And the elements necessary for proper digestion and metabolism are much more tightly held between the intestinal villi, therefore it is more difficult to excrete.

The drug does not break down, is not absorbed by the walls of the intestine, does not enter the circulatory system and is rapidly excreted from the body as a result of the digestive process.

When does Polysorb help

Polysorb is effective for poisoning with such substances:

• food and drink of inadequate quality or containing toxic additives;

• medicines that are not absorbed by the body or are used with an overdose;

• pathogenic bacteria that cause intestinal dysbiosis and lead to digestive upset;

• chemicals, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals with which a person was in contact at work or at home;

• poisonous or toxic drugs;

• allergens of various types (food, vegetable and others).

Further, silicon dioxide neutralizes the pathogenic metabolic processes caused by various diseases, in which an excess of bilirubin (bile pigment), urea (nitrogen compound), cholesterol and fat accumulations are formed. The drug is effective in withdrawal symptoms (hangover) and helps to quickly remove alcohol residues.

It is prescribed or used independently in such cases:

• dysbiosis, diarrhea, digestive upset during travel and regime change;

• intestinal infections caused by pathogenic microbes;

• food poisoning, including caused by the use of excessive amounts of alcohol;

• intoxication with chemicals, toxic compounds;

• viral hepatitis and other liver diseases, renal failure;

• manifestations of allergies.

To prevent intoxication and poisoning, Polysorb is recommended to residents of areas with an unfavorable environmental situation or to those who are engaged in hazardous work.

To improve the microflora and cleanse the body, Polysorb is taken during diet and weight loss. During this period, the body is particularly susceptible to ingestion of decay products and pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug is produced in tablet and powder form, in the treatment of purulent-inflammatory areas on the body, the powder version is mainly used.

Dosage and Administration

Polysorb is taken orally in the form of an aqueous solution, carefully mixing the required amount of powder in water with a volume of 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup. It is better to cook a fresh batch with each use and not to store the diluted preparation even in the refrigerator, since in this condition the body is especially exposed to harmful elements.

The drug is taken orally 3-4 times a day, on an empty stomach or 1.5-2 hours before a meal. To achieve a therapeutic effect, such a dosage is used (taking into account the fact that in one tablespoon with “top” there are about 3 grams of the drug): for children and adults - 0.1-0.2 g / kg of weight, the maximum daily amount should not exceed 20 g

The average course of treatment lasts 3-5 days; in the treatment of allergies and prolonged intoxication - up to 14 days. After two weeks, you can repeat the course use of the drug.

In the treatment of skin inflammations and wounded areas, Polysorb helps in removing the uterus, stops soft tissue necrosis, and reduces swelling. The drug is used to treat a damaged surface by applying in powder form under a bandage with a water-soluble ointment. Combined treatment with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine is allowed.

The use of Polysorb is widely used in the treatment of various dermatoses, psoriasis, eczema, acne, the drug is used both internally and externally. It is well known that the skin reflects the state of internal organs and systems. Therefore, inflammation, peeling of the skin should be treated as part of a comprehensive therapy aimed at the overall improvement of the body, digestive, circulatory, and immune systems.

In the treatment of acne and other rashes, you can prepare such a mask: Dilute the preparation in warm boiled water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and apply on face. Soak for 10-15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water, for half an hour after that you do not need to use cosmetics. The procedure is carried out constantly twice a week or in an intensive course of 7 days, then a weekly break.

Possible contraindications

Polysorb has no age restrictions for use. It is allowed during pregnancy and lactation, does not cause negative consequences in the development of the fetus.

You should carefully take the drug during therapy with other medicines, since it reduces the therapeutic effect of other drugs. To avoid this, it is recommended to separate the reception of various funds with an interval of at least 2 hours.

With prolonged use (more than two weeks), impaired absorption of vitamins and calcium is possible, therefore multivitamin complexes and calcium preparations should be taken for prophylactic purposes. In addition, you can take a break and limit the use of silicon dioxide.

Possible manifestation of side effects: constipation, dyspepsia (digestive upset), individual intolerance. To eliminate constipation, significantly increase fluid intake or add components such as microcrystalline cellulose.

The drug is contraindicated in gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer (especially during exacerbation). An overdose is almost impossible, if an allergic reaction occurs, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.


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