Why the sky is dreaming: clear and sunny, with clouds and rain. The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the dream of heaven


In a dream you can find yourself in any, even the most extraordinary place, to commit the most unusual acts. Be sure that this will happen in reality. Why is the sky dreaming? How to understand such a dream?

Why the sky is dreaming - the main interpretation

If in a dream you fly paper airplanes into the sky - you are very attached to your childhood emotions, feelings and experiences. Perhaps you have experienced some kind of stress, and it does not allow you to live calmly and engage in your own health, your own development. But for a complete interpretation of sleep, pay attention to all its details. Perhaps you have lost sight of something and you should think about it:

• What was the sky like in your dream;

• Have you looked at him, or just dreamed about him;

• Have you flown in the sky;

• Who else appeared in your dream;

• What feelings did you experience in your sleep?

If you dream that in a dream you flew in the sky, felt all the charm of hovering, it means that you will experience lightness and ease in reality and no one can limit you in freedom. You will be completely left to your own devices and will not need anything. Try to maintain this state for a long time so that you can get the necessary life results.

If in a dream you look out of the window at the sky and you are so sad and sad that you even want to cry - in reality something will upset you and you won’t be able to restrain your tears, restrain your disappointments, you will not be able to even your inner state, you will always want to to talk to someone, to cry. But this does not mean at all that everything is so bad in your life and you urgently need help. Try to restrain your emotions and not give out slack. You cannot do this now. Wait until your internal state improves, while you can react to everything that happens in life with ease and enthusiasm.

If you dream of a sky completely covered with clouds and you are sad about it, you are cold and you really want the sun - such a dream means that you have to wait some time and everything will work out. Perhaps you most recently quarreled with a loved one, and he was very offended by you, now you have a negative in your soul and eyes. You need to forgive a loved one and treat him with understanding, help him survive a difficult period and not punish him for his bad mood, not be offended by him, try to keep at least a meager, but peace.

To look at the sky at a scattering of stars - to dreams that may well come true. The main thing is not to lose hope and to encourage yourself for every positive result. Perhaps in a dream you made wishes by looking at the stars - it is important to remember what you were dreaming about at that moment. If these dreams are important for you and in reality, then the dream book thus prompts you that it is time to realize everything, there is no way to postpone decisions for later. Now you need to act as quickly as possible.

If in a dream you looked at the stars in the sky with a loved one, then in reality you will get closer to him and be faithful to each other. There will be a wave of warmth and understanding between you. You will be able to communicate in all senses. Get a return on your soulmate.

To see a lightning in a dream in the sky - to unexpected events, to complex conversations. Perhaps something will even upset you very much, and you will want to return everything to normal. Be especially attentive at work, try to fulfill all the instructions and all the wishes of your leader in the near future, otherwise you will have a scandal and big problems.

If in a dream you see a rainbow shining in the sky - be sure that your lingering black stripe is already approaching its logical conclusion. The holiday is waiting for you, and you can’t even foresee how positive the next changes in life will be. You will just be drowning in positive and joy. It will seem to you that someone has given you a new life.

The dream in which you see how you fly in a balloon into the sky promises you career advancement and advancement in personal affairs. Try not to be upset if at first it seems to you that joyful prospects in your case are impossible. Most likely, you just wind yourself up a lot and do not believe in your own capabilities.

If in a dream you see how a balloon begins to rapidly decrease in height and crashes to the ground - your plans will collapse, you will not be able to defend your own point of view. It is important in the near future to concentrate on getting what you want, on success that will irreversibly come to you. But he will come through certain difficulties and problems.

If in a dream you see how someone is trying to throw you into the sky - get ready for the fact that your loved ones will prepare a real surprise. Perhaps you have long dreamed of traveling and now is the time to translate this idea into reality. Perhaps you have long wanted to buy something, or make contact with someone - soon your desire will be realized.

If in a dream you see a plane flying in the sky - do not envy anyone, try to predict and adjust all life events to suit yourself. Never stop halfway and learn from others to achieve goals. You are more inclined to dream than to realize your plan.

Why dream of the sky in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that heaven dreams when you yourself make up certain relationships and cannot get them in any way, because you are not ready for them morally and spiritually. So the dream book is trying to warn you about the possibility of falling into a trap. You can immerse yourself in dreams so much that you miss the real opportunity to build a stable and happy relationship.

If in a dream you bounce to heaven, you have set yourself quite difficult tasks. You just really want to get the intended result. Try not to panic unless you get everything right away. Your goals are correctly formed, make a little effort to achieve them.

Dreaming of snow falling from the sky is a minor delay in solving important issues. Do not think that after such a dream you will not succeed. Just be prepared for minor obstacles in your way.

What is the dream of Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that the sky dreams when you begin to live in the euphoria of falling in love. When you really want tender feelings, and you just don’t know where to put yourself from their overabundance. Perhaps you recently tried to control emotions and this led to the fact that your partner did not understand why you are so upset and angry, but do not show the mind.

If in a dream you throw something into the sky - you really want an easy relationship based on mutual help and love. You just want to be a happy woman and become carefree. The one that at any given time can afford at least a little, but happiness.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a sky covered in black clouds, something will darken her life and will not allow her to enjoy the joy of motherhood. But these problems will not be long. Soon they will end, and a woman will be able to reveal her inner strength in full.

If you dream that one star shone in the sky - you should expect the emergence of new relationships, replenishment in the family. You will be extremely happy precisely because the joy of a new phase of life will come upon you, which will be filled with love.

What is the dream of the sky in other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that heaven is dreaming when you are trying to see something very important in your life. You can try to make out those little things that you did not have enough to make an important decision. If you dream that you are flying in the sky on a rocket - get ready for the holidays, for fun events that will give you many unforgettable moments.

If you dream of an eclipse that you observe in the sky, you will forget about a very important matter for a while and will be carried away by petty tasks that would not be worth spending a day. You will be let down by your own desires, you will not be able to resist the temptation and begin to spray your efforts into completely unnecessary things.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the sky dreams when you dream of something unforgettable and new. You can dream of meeting new people close to you. But, it is important not to live in dreams and receive a lot of positive emotions from real events. If in a dream you see a bird in the sky - wait for the good news that will allow you to again believe in your own strengths, get the necessary knowledge, skills.


Watch the video: Top 60 Dreams And Meanings (June 2024).