Exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor: technique, especially training. To whom do gynecologists especially recommend strengthening the internal muscles of the pelvis?


The pelvic floor (perineum) is the fascial muscle plate that closes the exit from the pelvis. In other words, the perineum is a kind of internal muscular framework for female organs.

The muscles of the pelvic floor consist of three layers: the lower layer (in the tendon of the perineum), the middle layer (in the anterior half of the pelvis), and the upper layer (anal muscles).

The pelvic floor muscles do not need hard training, such as the muscles of the back, legs or pectoral muscles. However, it is still useful to perform several strengthening exercises, since they only seem insignificant at first glance, in fact, their good condition can prevent the occurrence of certain diseases.

According to historical facts, women of the countries of the Ancient East and Egypt resorted to training the muscles of the pelvic floor. First of all, we are talking about priestesses of love and geisha.

In the first half of the 20th century, American doctors developed a set of exercises, and also presented a perineometer - a simulator, with which the strength of the muscles of the pelvic floor was measured. The author of that complex was the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel, whose name was used to name the set of exercises that is still relevant today.

Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor is recommended:

1. Girls who are planning a pregnancy, because strong pelvic floor muscles will reduce the likelihood of lowering the pelvic organs after giving birth.

2. Pregnant women, because trained pelvic floor muscles become more elastic, facilitating the process of childbirth.

3. Women in the postpartum period when the pelvic floor muscles are stretched. The systematic execution of a set of exercises in a short time will lead them to a normal state.

4. Women over 30 years old. It is after 30 years that the likelihood of dropping of the pelvic organs increases, and therefore it is necessary to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor to prevent possible disorders.

5. Women with an increased likelihood of developing incontinence, as well as with this problem. Regular exercise prevents, reduces and completely eliminates the manifestations of this problem.

In other words, the muscles of the pelvic floor should be in good shape in women of all ages.

As with any other muscle training, there are also a number of contraindications (limitations) for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, so consult your doctor before training your pelvic floor muscles.

The specificity of the muscles of the pelvic floor is such that their work is visually almost invisible, so you should understand that it is necessary to train those muscles that hold the stream of urine when urinating.

You can train the pelvic floor muscles using the Kegel complex in any position and in any physical condition, because outwardly, it is imperceptible that a woman is training these muscles right here and now. The only condition is an empty bladder and intestines.

The Kegel complex is divided into 3 types of actions of the muscles of the pelvic floor (compression, contraction and pushing), which must be alternated during training.

Exercise 1

Tighten by compressing the perineal muscle for 3-10 seconds, then relax them for the same 3-10 seconds. The exercise is performed in 10-15 repetitions. Over time, the compression and relaxation times can be increased to 1-1.5 minutes.

Exercise 2

Shorten and relax the muscles of the pelvic floor as quickly as possible for 5-7 seconds, then rest for 5-7 seconds and perform the following approach. You must perform a minimum of 3-5 approaches.

Exercise 3

The essence of the exercise is the alternating tension of the muscles of the vagina and anus (from 5 to 20 seconds, depending on the sensations). You must complete 10 approaches. Subsequently, the number of approaches can be increased.

Exercise 4

This exercise is to keep the muscles in a state of moderate tension (as in childbirth) for a period of time from 5 to 10 seconds. A minimum of 5 repetitions must be completed.

When performing each of the above exercises, it is important to maintain even breathing.

From the usual trainings of different muscle groups, pelvic floor muscle training is distinguished not only by the specifics of the "invisible" exercise, but also by the frequency of their exercise. They need to be trained 4-5 times a day. The number of repetitions as the muscles are trained increases. The same applies to muscle tension time. It also needs to be increased. It is important to increase the number of repetitions and the time under load gradually, because sharp jumps will not bring any benefit, but they may well aggravate the existing problems. In the first days of classes, it may be difficult and unusual to focus on the pelvic floor muscles. This is normal because the body will receive a new, completely unfamiliar load and will gradually adapt to it. When the body gets used to the load and the pelvic floor muscles become tense when doing the exercises, the number of repetitions, approaches and load time can be gradually increased.

Regular, daily training will lead to tangible results in the first 1-2 months of training.

In addition to the exercises listed above, there are special simulators. These are cone-shaped plastic exercise machines of different weights, which a woman, having entered into the vagina, holds by the strength of the muscles of the perineum.

A good result and the prevention of negative consequences depend on several important factors.

During training, it is necessary to breathe slowly and deeply, pregnant women should pay special attention to this moment.

The load should lie focused on the muscles of the perineum, without using buttocks, hips and abs as auxiliary muscles.

As with any other workout, regularity is important. Any athlete knows that for the development of muscles it is necessary to give them a load at regular intervals. Pelvic floor muscles are no exception. Just the frequency of the exercises in this case is much more often.

Another parallel with training in the gym is such a factor as overtraining. It is necessary to give the muscles a reasonable load, because Excessively high intensity and volume of training can adversely affect muscle function.

If a large amount of load is still not enough, you should buy a simulator. It will help not only increase the load, but also add variety to training, which, of course, will positively affect the strengthening and development of muscles. Before purchasing a simulator, it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify possible contraindications to the use of the simulator, as well as to obtain recommendations on its selection and use.

Well-developed pelvic floor muscles allow you not to worry about supporting the pelvic organs, as well as the violation of their functions. Also, regular training of these muscles favorably affects the process of childbirth.

Kegel exercises are a great way to tone your pelvic floor muscles and give them greater elasticity and strength. The regular implementation of a simple set of exercises will soon lead to an improvement in the condition of the muscles of the pelvic floor, which will certainly add confidence to women experiencing any problems with the pelvic organs.

Despite the apparent simplicity and complete safety of the exercises, it is still recommended that you consult with your doctor before starting training to avoid possible complications.


Watch the video: Physical Therapist Pelvic Floor Exercises for Beginners (June 2024).