What is the dream of the child in his arms: his own or a stranger? Basic Interpretations - What is the dream of the child in the arms of a girl or a married wife


Children are the most beautiful thing that can be in the life of every family. What is the dream of the child in her arms? What is the interpretation of such a dream? It’s worth sorting out.

What a child dreams about in his arms - the main interpretation

The child in her arms in a dream is a symbol of hopes and dreams. A symbol of hatred ideas that are destined to be realized. But it is necessary to completely interpret the dream, to cover all its details in order to get a full and reliable picture of what is happening.

· Did you have a child in your arms in a dream;

· Was it your child;

· How the child behaved and felt;

· How did you feel.

· Have you spoken to your child?

If you see how in a dream your child who has matured for a long time comes to your hand, you still remember him as a little and really want to return those times. You do not have enough children's laughter at home, not enough care and affection. The dream book advises you to devote more time to your family, often try to keep in touch with them.

A dream in which you repeatedly raise and lower the child in your arms indicates that you have to work hard on yourself. You will doubt for a long time what you really want. The dream book advises to compare your desires and opportunities and not contradict them. If you have been wanting to travel abroad for a long time - weigh your opportunities and if they are not enough - you should definitely improve your financial situation, and only then be upset that you did not have a trip.

The dream in which you get up at night and take the child from the cradle into your hands indicates that someone close will really need your care. Try not to deprive the attention of family people, not to refuse them, hoping that they themselves will cope. If you don’t give them support and help now, it will undermine their trust in you for a long time.

If in a dream you have several children in your arms - you will be puzzled by the choice of several options. Both of them will be good and will give you everything that you have long dreamed of. But you need to listen to your inner voice, making a choice of two options. Perhaps he will tell you much more useful than you think.

If you dream that you have a sick child in your arms, such a dream means that you are in trouble from where you do not expect them at all. It can be both an absurd combination of circumstances, and thoughtful intrigues of enemies.

It is important for you in the near future to monitor your health and emotional background. Try not to overwork, do not work too much. If possible, try to limit your social circle, even if you feel bad and hard - do not tell strangers about it.

What is the dream of a child in her arms if he has a high fever? Such a dream promises you a period of suffering and disappointment. You may begin internal torment, internal anxiety. You can try to fall asleep for a long time, and it won’t work out for you, you can try to find an opportunity for rest for a long time - and it won’t work out for you either.

If in a dream on your hands there will be a baby whom you are feeding - such a dream means that all difficulties and problems will arise in your life due to self-pity. Try to overcome this feeling in yourself and never return to it. If you have a difficult day, difficult work, difficult relationships - allow yourself to rest and then boldly go on through life.

If you dream that you not only hold the child in your arms, but also talk a lot with him - such a dream means that you will need good advice, moral support. Do not exaggerate your importance of other people in your life, you yourself can figure out all your life situations. It is important for you now to find out for yourself what kind of advice, what kind of help you will need from those around you.

If in a dream you held a child in your arms and dropped it sharply - remember, for what reason:

· If something scared you - you are afraid to build healthy relationships, a new business;

· If someone pushed you, your happiness will be hindered;

· If you stumble - you are unsure of yourself;

· If you were knocked down by the wind - your troubles are a coincidence.

The dream in which you throw the child over your head - says that your dreams and ideas are too unrealistic to be embodied in real life. It is worth choosing something more accessible and closer to reality.

If you throw the child over your head and do not catch it, but drop it, you will be disappointed in yourself and your dreams. You will cease to build healthy relationships, you will become more and more disappointed in your colleagues and your prospects. The dream book warns you against such thoughts. In fact, you have a huge amount of possibilities. You just have not learned to consider them.

What is the dream of the child in his arms according to Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the child in his arms dreams as a symbol of the fullness of his personal life. This is a symbol of the realization of dreams and ideas. What is the dream of a child in her arms to a single woman? Such a dream is dreamed as a symbol of harmony with oneself, as a symbol of new truly happy relationships.

If the child in his arms screams loudly, twists out - such a dream means that the woman herself will ruin the relationship, look for flaws in them, look for reasons for loneliness in them. The dream interpretation indicates that the problem here is not in the relationship, but in the woman herself.

The dream in which you hold a dead child in your arms speaks of your failure in love. You will not only be lonely for a long time, you will be truly alone for a long time. This is a period of life that is worth going through, it is worth accepting and never returning to it.

The dream in which you circle the child in your arms speaks of your dizzying success in men, but you cannot use it fully, you will not find the motivation in yourself to build strong relationships with one man.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a baby in her arms, she will have good health, her baby will also be born healthy and will delight parents with good behavior and remarkable developmental successes.

What is the dream of the child in his arms in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that the dream in which you hold your mother in your arms when she was a child promises you a difficult relationship with her. It too influences your perception of reality. Her opinion affects the decisions that you make in life.

If in a dream you keep yourself small in your arms - you are afraid to open up. You have a fear of mistrust, rejection of yourself. You work hard to improve your life, but it doesn’t work out well for you. The dream book advises you to let go of the past and live on.

If in a dream you are rocking a child - in reality you will try to hush up the conflict, peacefully resolve the controversial situation, and avoid a quarrel. Try your best to achieve these goals. Try not to miss the opportunity to overcome your negative human qualities, which led you to such situations.

What is the dream of the child in his arms on other dream books

In the dream book of Nostradamus it is said that if you had a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try your best to sort out the problems that you have recently had. If this is an adult child - you will struggle with the problems of the long past.

If the child hugs your neck - heavy memories will strangle you, which you will try to get rid of in every way. The dream in which you hold a dirty child in your arms speaks of the incorrectness of your life. You will endanger yourself with your behavior. You will call yourself sins.

In Vanga’s dream book it is said that if you have a child in your arms whom you are trying to calm, you will receive unexpected news that will not surprise you very pleasantly. Try to be even and not biased.

The Longo's dream book says that a baby in your arms promises you fraud and an unfavorable combination of circumstances. If you see someone picking up a child from your hands, such a dream means that you can solve some of your problems thanks to someone else's help.

No matter how you dream at first glance. It is important to remember your emotions during and after it. If after sleep you feel mental discomfort - something in your life has been going wrong for a long time. You have long felt that some events in your life have arisen for a reason. Dreams will help you figure this out.


Watch the video: Let's Talk About: Dreams - Babies (June 2024).