Should I use face masks at 35? Composition, application rules and effects of face masks when you are 35


No matter how carefully the woman takes care of herself, signs of an impending catastrophe, called age, by the age of 35 are already noticeable. The first, still shallow wrinkles appear. Under the eyes and in the corners "crow's feet" are visible. And the skin tone, formerly peachy and velvety, is not the same.

What to do? It is necessary to radically change facial skin care and begin the change with masks.

Face masks at the age of 35: general recommendations

The aging process can be slowed down if you approach the problem correctly. Do not panic, you need to choose cosmetics and masks for your skin type. Therefore, it is not necessary to listen to a friend or acquaintance what miraculous means they have experienced on themselves. The skin of everyone is different and what is good for one lady will not fit another.

Note: Owners of oily skin complain of porosity, shine and cameones (black dots). But it is precisely such skin that begins to age later than others due to fat secretions. Expression wrinkles are not formed so quickly, the complexion is better preserved. Therefore, care for such skin should not be completely changed.

First of all, we turn to homemade face masks after 35 years. After all, it is natural remedies that are most effective in combating age. This is not only safe, as the ingredients are prepared on their own, but also useful. And the results will not be long in coming. Time can be delayed a little, but for this you will have to make a number of efforts.

The use of natural products in the form of masks is aimed at:

• restoration of elasticity: saturation of cells with moisture;

• removal of keratinized particles of the epidermis;

• equalization of skin tone, pure complexion;

• saturation of the epidermis with nutrient components;

• restoration of the ability of cells to regenerate;

• smoothing the first wrinkles.

Skin at this age begins to dry out and lose its elasticity, while oily skin becomes more porous, which is noticeable with the naked eye. These processes are associated with the fact that cells lose their ability to retain moisture. Collagen production is inhibited, a compound necessary for toning. At 35, a woman looks good, but she is already unlike a young lady.

Effective masking methods

Using face masks after 35 years, and at any age, a number of rules should be observed:

1. The skin before the procedure should be absolutely clean. Use your usual cleaning products, if heavily soiled, use a scrub.

Important! To facilitate cleaning of the upper layer, it is advisable to steam the dermis using inhalation over water or chamomile decoction. Then a scrub is applied, which can also be prepared independently: mix coffee grounds with sour cream and apply on the face with massage movements. Leave on for 25 minutes and rinse with warm water. Now the skin is ready to apply the mask.

2. Use only fresh products and remember that the mask is prepared one-time, it is not recommended to store and use it again.

3. It is better to use glassware or porcelain for mixing components. Measuring spoons are required: table and tea. For a more thorough mixing of the components, you can use a mixer.

4. The mask is applied with a brush or fingertips from bottom to top along the massage lines, without touching the area around the eyes and lips. Hair should be carefully removed under a headscarf or bandage.

5. It is advisable to take the procedure while lying down, in the most relaxed state. You should not cook, talk on the phone or vacuum the carpet at this time, i.e. combine business with pleasure.

6. The time is usually indicated in the recipe and averages from 10 to 30 minutes. The mixture is washed off exclusively with water. We use cool water for oily skin and warm for dry skin. For a more thorough removal of the components, use a soft sponge.

7. After the mask is washed off, use your regular cream so that there is no feeling of tightness on the face.

Important! When the mask is applied, facial wrinkles should be relaxed as much as possible. You should "turn off" facial expressions: you can not smile, frown, talk. All this reduces the effect - you do not smooth out wrinkles, but add new ones. Use masks twice a week.

With proper and regular use without prolonged interruptions, face masks will begin to work from the age of 35, and the result will be “on the face”.

Recipes of natural face masks after 35 years

The recipe for the discord. There are many kinds of masks that can be offered, but are they suitable for your skin?

Should pay attention to

• age

• skin features and sensitivity,

• type of skin.

Note: Since the composition of the masks is natural, the allergic effect is minimized. There are practically no side effects. But an allergy test still needs to be done. A small amount of the mixture should be applied to the area behind the ear and wait 5-10 minutes. If there are no unpleasant sensations, then feel free to proceed with the application of the prepared product.

A universal recipe for face masks after 35 years for the skin around the eyes

Take the egg yolk and rub it with 100ml cream, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp cognac. Do not hurt a few drops of lemon juice. The tool should be homogeneous, pasty. Gently apply the product around the eyes. Wash off with warm water, after half an hour. The epidermis around the eyes is quite tender, so we act carefully.

This nourishing mask has a triple effect: smoothes fine wrinkles, softens the skin and whitens. The crow's feet will become less noticeable, and the bruises under the eyes will gradually disappear.

Masks for rejuvenation and skin elasticity

It is simple enough to prepare and maintains the elasticity of the dermis. More suitable for oily skin. We act like this:

• add a few drops of lemon juice to whipped egg white,

• gently, along the massage lines, distribute the composition,

• hold until dry (until feeling tight),

• wash off with cool water.

And for people with dry, “parchment” skin, another recipe is recommended:

• mix the yolk with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil

• add vitamins A and E per capsule (sold at the pharmacy),

• we introduce 2-3 drops of lemon juice in the presence of pigmentation,

• apply the resulting mixture with your fingertips,

• duration of the procedure - 10-15 minutes,

• wash off, alternating warm and cold water.

Important! Since lemon juice dries the skin, it should be used carefully for dry cover. And do not forget to apply the cream after the procedure so that there is no effect of tightness. Dry epidermis requires a more gentle approach.

A rejuvenating face mask from 35 years old based on milk has a wonderful effect, which has a lifting effect:

• combine the yolk with milk, add flour to a pasty consistency,

• the doughy mass is distributed on the surface,

• let dry and rinse off with slightly acidified water,

• apply cream your daily cream.

Another effective oatmeal recipe that helps rejuvenate and refresh your appearance:

• add oatmeal to whipped protein,

• with the help of honey we bring to a creamy state,

• we distribute on massage lines,

• let it dry (until you feel tight skin),

• wash off with cool water using a sponge.

Note: Oatmeal does not need to be found in the store. It is enough to grind Hercules flakes with a coffee grinder. Other types of flour are also being prepared (for example, rice).

Herbal face masks from 35 years

Herbs are rich in various components that will help the skin recover, and you - look fresh and young. Therefore, herbs have been used for centuries as cosmetics. The recipes offered here are also aimed at rejuvenating the skin.

Recipe 1. Grind fresh parsley to gruel and add linseed oil (instead of butter, you can use cream or sour cream). Liquid consistency will cause the mask to drain from the face. Apply along the massage lines, hold for 20 minutes, remove the composition with a cotton pad and wash.

Recipe 2. We grind herbs: aloe, St. John's wort, linden and chamomile flowers in equal proportions. The mixture will be thick, so a little water should be added. Apply to the face after the mask has infused for half an hour. Cover with wet gauze on top to dry more slowly. After 15 minutes, wash. Firmness and a healthy complexion are guaranteed.

Fruit and vegetable masks: vitamin smoothie

Vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and important elements for health. And if all these useful components fall not only in food, but also on the skin, then the effect will be noticeable after the first procedures. Therefore, many people of the fair sex prefer masks based on fruits and vegetables.

Important! For masks, only ripe and fresh fruits are needed. Before cooking, they should be washed well and rinsed with boiling water. You can soak in water for half an hour if the fruits are harsh. The prepared mask is used immediately, since many substances are oxidized in air. A serving is prepared for one use.

For rejuvenation, simple, inexpensive and useful face masks from 35 years old are suitable.

Apple and carrot: grate carrots and apples in equal parts on a fine grater. Carefully mixed gruel is applied to the face. Wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes. The epidermis becomes more elastic, and the complexion acquires a delicate shade.

Persimmon in sour cream: grind in a bowl the pulp of one persimmon fruit, adding 1 tbsp each. sour cream and 1 tablespoon olive oil. To thicken the mixture, we introduce starch. Apply for half an hour, then carry out a contrast wash. This mask is refreshing and has a rejuvenating effect.

Grape: On a gauze napkin folded in several layers, apply grape juice. Lubricate the face and hold for half an hour. We wash our face and apply our daily cream.

Banana: Mix 1 tbsp. banana puree and 1 tablespoon mashed apples, grind with yolk. Enter 1 tbsp. olive oil and oatmeal to thicken the mixture. A homogeneous mixture is applied to the face and decollete for half an hour. We wash off and enjoy our reflection in the mirror.

Note: You can change the ingredients. For example, inject honey or lemon juice depending on the type of skin and the desired result. Honey is needed for nutrition and as a dietary supplement, and lemon juice is needed to even out skin tones that are prone to pigmentation. Combining products in face masks from the age of 35 is normal, because you are choosing the product for your skin.

Years pass and you notice not only facial wrinkles. The whole body is aging. Unfortunately, to stop this process is not in our power. We can only slow down the course of time using modern cosmetics or time-tested recipes for masks made from natural substances. It’s worth a little effort and the “trip” to the mirror will not upset us so much ...
