A quick fish pie is a godsend for busy housewives! Cooking quick fish pies on kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream, puff pastry


A quick pie is a wonderful invention! You can spoil your family with fresh pastries, but do not spend a lot of time on it.

Most pies are made from the most primitive, cheap foods that can be found in any refrigerator. A popular filling option is fish. Most often it is canned food, which also saves time.

Quick Fish Pie - General Cooking Principles

Whip cakes are usually made from liquid dough. At the heart of the egg and some liquid product: kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream. You can mix several types. The dough is prepared in a few minutes, so you need to immediately turn on the oven, let it warm up. No less popular in home baking puff pastry, bought in a store. You can also make fish pies from it, a couple of interesting recipes are below.

Set the kneaded dough aside, make the filling. Commonly used are saury, mackerel, pink salmon and other similar fish in their juice or oil. But you can take boiled, stewed and even raw carcass, if any. In any case, pieces need to be cut or kneaded to make stuffing.

What is added to the fish:

• green onions, dill;

• boiled eggs;

• onion;

• cereals.

Assembling the cake is simple: half the dough is poured, then the filling and the remaining dough again. The top layer is neatly stretched with a spoon, you need to hide the entire filling. Pies are baked in a slow cooker or in a conventional gas or electric oven. Pies from puff pastry are collected in the same way, but from two layers rolled by a rolling pin. They are usually baked in the oven.

Quick fish pie with mayonnaise and sour cream (with canned goods)

The active preparation of this quick fish pie will not take more than 15 minutes. Next, trust in the oven or slow cooker, it can also be baked in it.


• 150 grams of mayonnaise;

• three large eggs;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 250 grams of flour;

• 7 g of baking powder;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 2 cans of saury in oil or in their own juice;

• 1 bunch of green onions;

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara.


1. Break three eggs into a bowl. It is convenient to knead the dough with a mixer, it will turn out very quickly. Add salt, sugar. You can knead without sugar, but it will give a beautiful color. Beat for a few seconds.

2. Spread sour cream with mayonnaise, whisk again.

3. Enter the flour. Pour the cultivator on top and stir well again. Set the dough aside.

4. Open canned food. Pour out all the liquid, knead the fish with a fork or with your hands in small pieces. Large spinal bones immediately recline. Cut green onions, mix with saury.

5. Pour half the dough into a greased form, pour out the fish filling, pour the second part of the dough on top.

6. Send to the oven, bake 230-35 minutes at 190 degrees.

7. Either we collect the pie immediately in a multi-cooker bowl, prepare fifty minutes in baking mode.

Quick Puff Pastry Fish Pie

Option for those housewives who do not even want to knead the dough. Why, if you can buy it in a store. In addition to canned food, boiled eggs are also added to the filling for a quick fish pie.


• 0.5 kg of dough;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 sec. l sesame seeds (optional);

• 2 cans of canned fish;

• 1 bunch of onions;

• 1 bunch of dill.


1. We take absolutely any puff pastry, even yeast, for this pie. We leave it on the table for 30 minutes, let it thaw.

2. Boil eggs if there are no boiled ones. Dice, add chopped greens and mashed canned fish to them. If there is not enough liquid, then you can leave it. Stir the filling, pepper to taste.

3. Cut the dough in half, as we need two layers. Lightly roll up the rolling pin. We put one part into the form, distribute the prepared stuffing.

4. We put the second layer on a cutting board. We make small cuts with a sharp knife to release steam. Then transfer this dough to the cake. The edges of the layers are firmly connected so that they do not stick out. For safety, you can first moisten them.

5. Send a layer cake with fish filling to bake. Cook until golden brown, warm the oven to 210-230 degrees.

Quick kefir dough fish pie

Another common batter recipe for quick fish pie. If there is no kefir or it is not enough, then safely add sour cream, yogurt or fermented baked milk, this does not spoil the dough.


• 0.5 liters of any kefir;

• 30 ml of oil;

• a pair of eggs;

• 360 grams of flour;

• salt, sugar and baking soda.


• 2 onion heads;

• 2 cans of canned fish;

• 1-2 tablespoons of oil;

• spices, herbs.


1. Pour 0.5 tsp into warm kefir. drinking soda, stir. Add as much salt, a spoonful of sugar and a couple of eggs. Beat until smooth.

2. Add the flour to the dough according to the recipe, stir again and pour in the vegetable oil. Set the mixed mass aside.

3. Cut the onions, send to the pan, fry in oil for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat. Knead the canned food, chop the greens for the filling, combine with the onion. Stir. If desired, put any spices, you can add a couple of boiled eggs.

4. Pour ½ part of kefir dough into a mold or into a multicooker cup. Now comes the minced fish, again we water it all with dough.

5. We bake in the oven at 200 degrees 35-40 minutes or a full cycle in a slow cooker, on average, it lasts 50 minutes.

Quick fish pie with cabbage (puff pastry)

A variant of a very juicy and aromatic filling for a quick fish pie. It uses fresh cabbage, but you can take pickled vegetable in a similar way, it also turns out fine.


• 0.5 kg of dough;

• 0.4 kg of cabbage;

• 1 can of fish;

• 1 spoon of tomato;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 onion;

• spices.


1. We start with the preparation of cabbage, while the dough is left aside, the path thaws

2. Chop cabbage and onions, send everything immediately to the pan, fry until tender. Season with spices. For brightness, put tomato, ketchup or any other similar sauce at the end. Remove from heat.

3. Knead a jar of fish, add to the cabbage.

4. Divide the dough, but not in half. Let one part be a little larger, roll it up with a rolling pin, transfer it to a shape, make small sides.

5. Spread the cooled filling, level the layer. We cover with a second layer of dough, which is also a little.

6. At the top we make a few holes.

7. We bake a pie at 220 degrees, as puff pastry does not like low temperatures. We are guided by a golden crust from above.

Quick fish pie (with fresh fish)

To prepare the filling, you will need the fillet of any sea or river fish, there is not much difference. Kefir dough with margarine.


• 250 ml of kefir;

• 70 g margarine;

• 2 eggs;

• 2/3 tsp soda;

• salt, flour.


• 400 g of fish fillet;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 2 bunches of green onions;

• pepper, salt or soy sauce.


1. Thaw fish, if frozen, thaw. Then rinse, dry and cut into small pieces. You can make cubes or straws. Sprinkle with lemon juice, salt or season with soy sauce, pepper and mix. Let it marinate a little.

2. Knead the dough. Just connect everything except flour, whip with a mixer. Pour the melted margarine, pour the flour. About three glasses should go, but it all depends on the density of kefir and the size of the eggs. We make the same dough as for fritters.

3. Cut the greens, add to the fish marinated in lemon, mix.

4. Spread half the dough, stretch with a spoon, now distribute the filling evenly.

5. Cover the fresh fish and greens with the rest of the dough.

6. Send the form to the oven. We cook fish pie pi 180 degrees for about 40-45 minutes, focus on the filling.

Quick fish pie with potatoes and canned pink salmon

To prepare this pie, you need canned pink salmon, as well as one raw potato. Pre-boil the tuber is not necessary. But if you have boiled potatoes at home, then you can take it.


• 250 g of kefir;

• 1 1/3 cup white flour;

• egg;

• salt, soda;

• 4 tablespoons of oil.

For filling:

• 1 can of pink salmon;

• 1 potato;

• 1 large onion;

• 1 tablespoon of oil, spices.


1. From the egg, 0.5 tsp. salt and such an amount of soda, kefir and flour, knead the dough. At the end, pour in vegetable oil, beat well.

2. Cut the onion head, fry in oil until transparent.

3. Peel the potato, cut into thin strips, so that it has time to bake in the pie.

4. Open the pink salmon, take the fish apart into small pieces.

5. Pour part of the dough, level with a spoon. We spread the potatoes, pink salmon on top of it and sprinkle with sautéed onions on top.

6. Now gently pour the remaining dough. Take a spoon or spatula, stretch over the filling.

7. Such a cake is baked in the oven for 40 minutes at an average temperature of 180.

8. You can cook a pie with pink salmon in a slow cooker, it will take 60 minutes in baking mode.

Quick Fish Pie - Tips & Tricks

• Sugar gives the cake a beautiful color and a golden brown, but it should not be too much in the dough.

• If there are few fish for filling, you can add something to something else: stewed cabbage, rice, greens, boiled potatoes, eggs.

• The cake does not want to be taken out of the mold? Leave him alone. After 15-20 minutes the bottom will become damp, it will lag behind. You can resort to tricks - put the form in a bowl of water or on a wet towel.

• It is not necessary to pour from canned fish into the filling. If rice or eggs are used in the meat, they absorb some of the liquid. The cake will be tastier.

• There will be no cracks on the surface, the lid will remain flat if a hole is made for steam to escape. This technique is suitable for thick types of dough.


Watch the video: 20 Foods to Eat And Avoid on an Empty Stomach (June 2024).