Hercules: the benefits of porridge for health and beauty. Hercules: harm, important contraindications for eating cereal


Hercules is a product familiar to everyone since childhood. Hearty, tasty cereals can be boiled in milk, water or just pour them with boiling water for 7-10 minutes.

For taste, various ingredients are added there - honey, nuts, grated apple (pear), cinnamon, jam. Hercules favorably affects the general condition of the body, porridge cleanses the face, evens out its tone.

It is useful to include cereals in your diet regularly, they are ideal for breakfast. Hercules, the use of which is beyond doubt, is a delicious porridge that gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

The rich composition of porridge, calorie content

For 100 grams of porridge cooked on water, 352 Kcal. In addition, cereals have a low glycemic index. A person who monitors his weight or wants to lose weight is strongly recommended to have Hercules flakes for breakfast.

The composition of porridge contains:

• choline;

• B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);

• vitamins PP, H, E;

• from trace elements - manganese, iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium and calcium, phosphorus.

Hercules flakes replenish the balance of nutrients and vitamins in the body, establishing its work as a result.

Hercules: Health Benefits

Hercules oatmeal is recommended to be cooked on water. It is believed that such porridge carries the maximum benefit for the human body. Of the additives to the dish, it is better to give preference to honey, nuts, dried fruits, grated apples. These ingredients will complement the list of "healthy vitamins" porridge.

1. Blocks the growth of cholesterol plaques, reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

2. Low glycemic index makes porridge ideal for those suffering from diabetes.

3. Allows you to normalize blood glucose and sugar levels.

4. Strengthens the immune system, as well as bones, teeth.

5. Hercules calms the nervous system, allows you to get rid of depression, stress.

6. Regular use of porridge will allow you to organize the work of the digestive tract, the dish is useful even for gastritis and gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer.

7. Hercules flakes are very easily absorbed by the body, do not cause an unpleasant sensation of heaviness in the stomach, give a feeling of satiety for a long time.

8. The antioxidants contained in the composition slow down the aging process.

9. Studies have shown that flakes of Hercules have a beneficial effect on brain activity, mental development. It is for this reason that porridge is so useful for children.

Hercules flakes, whose health benefits are multifaceted, must be included in the diet. Porridge effectively regulates carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, the flakes gently envelop the intestinal walls, remove accumulations of toxins, toxins, and solve the problem of constipation.

The composition of cereal contains a large amount of fiber. It allows you to normalize the metabolic processes taking place in the body, as a result an excellent foundation is formed to maintain a slender, toned figure.

Cooking Application

The unique benefits of oatmeal porridge, excellent taste of cereals - due to this they can be used to prepare a huge number of dishes. It can be both desserts and snacks. Hercules porridge will always remain a favorite breakfast not only for children but also for adults. It is hearty, tasty, there is the opportunity to add fruits, nuts (any ingredients, according to your taste preferences). Some women grind flakes, the resulting mass is used for breading fish, cutlets. Oatmeal cookies - who doesn't love him? You can cook such a treat at home, having a little free time.

Delicious Hercules flake cake without flour

If the classic porridge is already tired, you can diversify your menu a bit by preparing an unusual cake. For him, flour is absolutely not needed. The finished dish will appeal to adults and children. The cake is hearty, low-calorie, incredibly tasty.

1. Using a whisk, carefully beat two eggs. There is added 1 cup sugar (less possible), softened margarine (200 grams). The mass must be mixed so that it becomes homogeneous.

2. Now you can add the flakes of oatmeal, you need about 1.5-2 cups. The mass is supplemented with vanilla, lemon zest (all to taste). The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

3. The cake is laid out in a baking dish, sent to the oven for 15 minutes. The temperature should be 200 degrees.

4. When the cake is ready, it must be carefully cut into two parts (along, to get 2 cake). The middle is smeared with jam, condensed milk, nuts are added at will. After this, the cakes are collected, the cake must be allowed to soak for 2-3 hours.

Hercules: Beauty Benefits

It was proved that if you regularly use porridge oatmeal for breakfast, the skin becomes smooth, clean, and retains its firmness and elasticity over the years. For cosmetic purposes, flakes can be used to make effective face masks.

1. Mask "Softening". It is necessary to mix vegetable oil and oat flakes in the same proportion. The mask is applied to the face immediately. It is advisable to lie down, relax muscles during the procedure. The mask is aged on the dermis for about 15 minutes, then washed off with cold water.

2. For oily skin 1 tablespoon of birch sap should be added to the ingredients presented above. Nettle juice or strawberry leaves are also suitable. The mask is applied to the skin for 20 minutes 2 times a week. The result is impressive. The recipe normalizes the sebaceous glands.

3. Mask "Toning and Cleansing." 1 tablespoon of Hercules flakes must be poured with two tablespoons of boiling water. When the porridge swells a little, 2-3 drops of fresh lemon juice are added there. The ingredients are mixed, the mass is distributed over the face in an even layer for 20 minutes, washed off with cold water. The recipe allows you to maintain firmness, elasticity of the dermis. In addition, acne disappears, acne disappears. The mask perfectly tones, moisturizes. It is recommended for women with skin of any type 2-3 times a week.

Hercules: harm to health, contraindications

Hercules flakes can be harmful in rare cases. There are several nuances of eating porridge that you need to know in order to avoid unwanted unpleasant consequences.

1. You can’t eat porridge too often in large quantities, sometimes you need to take a break. The fact is that Hercules flakes contain phytic acid, which slows down the absorption of calcium by the body, which negatively affects the condition of hair, nails, and bones.

2. In the presence of individual intolerance to gluten, it is strictly forbidden to include Hercules in the diet.

3. You need to buy only a high-quality product, low-grade cereal contains a lot of starch, which provokes an increase in blood sugar levels.

Hercules will not cause harm if you use cereals in moderation.


Watch the video: Hercules - The Gospel Truth (June 2024).