The tradition of celebrating Christmas - in detail. When is Christmas celebrated in different countries of the world and how is Christmas?


Christmas is one of the greatest and most significant twelve holidays for Christians of the whole world, which has many traditions.

They prepare for it in advance and very thoroughly. Decorate at home and prepare a rich table, while respecting the traditions. Which are passed down from generation to generation.

When is Christmas celebrated

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on the night of January 6-7. Catholics celebrate in the old style - December 25th.

Christmas is preceded by a fast that lasts six weeks, and ends on January 7th.

The solemn service begins at midnight.

Before the revolution, the Christmas holidays were accompanied by many traditions and folk rites. Unfortunately, after this holiday was banned, many traditions were irretrievably lost.

Christmas is a quiet, bright family holiday. After all, the very event of the birth of Christ took place quietly and inconspicuously. Joseph and Mary, not finding a place in the hotel, were forced to stay in a cave where they kept cattle. It was in her that the Savior was born.

The first, about this joyful event, the angels told simple shepherds. A bright star was lit in the sky, and it showed the way to the voices that brought gifts to the Savior.

In the temples build nativity scenes. This is a fixed structure made of cardboard and fir branches, depicting the cave in which Jesus Christ was born. Inside the improvised cave are placed figures of the Holy Family, angels, lambs, magicians, etc., in a word of all participants in those events.

The period from Christmas to Baptism is called Christmas time. These days, it is customary to do good deeds and go to visit relatives and friends with congratulations.

Christmas tradition

We owe many wonderful traditions to Christmas. The most popular holiday symbol is a Christmas tree decorated with toys. At first it was fir branches woven into a wreath, which was decorated with flowers, fruits and sweets. By the way, not everyone knows that the star that is being set to the top is the same star of Bethlehem that pointed the way to the Magi, and not a symbol of the Communist Party.

On the evening of the sixth, Christmas Eve begins. The name comes from the dish that the traditional spruce on this day is juicy. All family members sat at the table after the appearance of the first star, before that eating food was prohibited. The table was covered with lean dishes, and at the head was always juicy - boiled wheat with honey.

One of the main and most vivid traditions of Christmas is caroling. Previously, this tradition was pagan: the carol was a symbol of worship of the Sun. Gradually, almost all pagan symbols were supplanted under the influence of Christianity.

Situated people gather in company and go home in the evening before Christmas, announcing the good news that the Savior was born and wish the owners health and well-being. In gratitude for the good news, they throw sweets, a loaf, sausage or some money in a bag.

On the evening of the sixth of January, the godchildren bring kuti to their godfathers and sing songs about the Nativity of Christ. Godparents give them gifts for this.

So, traditionally celebrate Christmas in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Another tradition that exists in all countries is to give gifts to relatives, friends and those who need attention and care. This tradition originates from the gifts that the magi presented to Christ.

Christmas table - traditional dishes

Christmas is preceded by a six-week fast. Therefore, the owners prepared a lot of delicious dishes for Christmas. The evening of January sixth is called Christmas Eve. On this day it is not customary to eat food until the first star, and even those Christians who did not observe fasting try to adhere to this rule.

After a general prayer, all family members sat down at the table and ate the so-called "hungry kuti" - millet porridge, which was prepared on water and flavored with honey and dried fruits.

Main dishes were served only after service. By tradition, the table should have 13 different dishes. These are baked pigs, meat in pots, snacks, salads, pies, etc. In addition, a traditional “rich kutya” is served at the table, which is prepared with honey, nuts, cream and dried fruits.

The traditional drink on the Christmas table is a broth made from berries and dried fruits.

In the old days, there was a tradition of opening wide doors and calling to the table any passerby, even if he is a beggar. It was believed that in the image of any person Christ himself could come.

In what countries of the world and how is Christmas celebrated


The French were the first to replace apples on the tree with glass balls. In this country, boots or boots are placed near the Christmas tree, where gifts for children are placed.

By the way, for the French, a tree is not an obligatory attribute of the holiday; many people prefer to decorate the house with flowers.

At the beginning of December, Christmas markets open around the country where you can buy everything you need to celebrate Christmas.

The traditional dishes on the Christmas table in France are roast goose and log-shaped cake, served at the end of the meal.


In this country, in addition to the usual Christmas tree, they also put a tree on the street. Hanging bird feeders on it and pour seeds and crumbs under the tree.


Christmas in Sweden, as in any Catholic country, is celebrated from December 24 to 25. Here it is customary to celebrate only with your family. Friends, even the closest, are not invited to the holiday.

A traditional Swedish dish for Christmas is pork ham, but turkey is more often cooked. Be sure to have herring, potatoes and salmon on the table.

Christmas trees are not decorated with tinsel, here it is considered bad form. Plain bulbs and very few toys are used as decoration.


The Germans begin to prepare for Christmas at the end of November. Every family has a tradition of weaving a wreath with four candles. Every Sunday of the following month, one candle is lit on a wreath. By Christmas, all four candles should be lit on it.

Before Christmas, baking: stollen and gingerbread. Stollen - oblong sweet bread with nuts, spices and raisins, which symbolizes the swaddled Christ.


Christmas in this country is celebrated in a new style - January 7th. Celebrate it for more than a month with his family. By tradition, the father of the family has to cut an oak branch for the hearth.


Since the beginning of the 20th century, the British have been celebrating Christmas as a purely family holiday. Only a few traditions have survived to this day. One of them: exchange gifts that are put in a Christmas sock.

The traditional Christmas dishes are plum pudding and stuffed turkey. There is a tradition of hiding small silver coins "for good luck" in a pudding.


On December 25, almost all Italians gather in the church at midnight service.

Churches and houses set up Christmas nativity scenes. In addition, the inhabitants of this country dress up a Christmas tree and decorate their homes with flowers.

On Christmas Eve, fish or vegetable dishes are served on the table. A rich table is set for Christmas. Mandatory dishes are dumplings in broth, boiled meat, lentils, chocolate and cake with dried fruits, sprinkled with powdered sugar.


They celebrate Christmas in this country on December 25th. In Greece, this is a national holiday. In the morning in the temples they serve the matins and liturgy. After the service, everyone returns home and sits down at the table.

Bake the traditional "Christ's bread", which is decorated on top with a cross and nuts. In addition to the main treat, on the table must necessarily be dried fruits, honey, Christmas cookies, dried fruits and pomegranates.


Two weeks before Christmas, the holiday is celebrated with colleagues and friends who are presented with the so-called "Christmas baskets". They put products for the holiday, ranging from champagne to cheeses, sweets or ham.

Entrance doors are decorated with Christmas wreaths.

In any country, Christmas is a time when it is possible to give a little warmth and care to the weak, orphans, lonely old people and those who are in prison.

After all, Christmas is a reminder to all of us that love and goodness live in the soul of every person.


Watch the video: Christmas Celebrations in Different Countries. Christmas Videos from Mocomi Kids (June 2024).