Who and how protects our children


The thunderstorm of our childhood - school attendant woman Masha (Clara, Zhanna, Sveta ...) now cannot scare even sophisticated modern children, not to mention the potential criminals penetrating schools. But, by the way, in many kindergartens and schools, the peace of babies is still protected by these “God's dandelions”. Let's see if Baba Masha will protect our children.

The topic of strengthening school security became relevant after a series of terrible crimes, mostly occurred in the United States: when real and former schoolchildren came to their schools and organized a mass execution. Although there is no, in our country it was necessary to replace the waiter with a professional security guard in the heyday of the 90s, when the echoes of banditry and drug trafficking began to reach some schools. However, we have what we have.

Be that as it may, the whole world drew its own conclusions and introduced measures (sometimes very interesting ones) to strengthen the protection of children.

"Comrade Lieutenant, carry the pot"

Israel is a country surrounded by war. Despite modern measures to protect the borders, Israelis are constantly under threat of armed attack or terrorism. The authorities of Israel were able to cope with their favorite “entertainment” of scum terrorists by seizing and mining schools in a few years.

In 2001, an order was issued allowing teachers of all schools and kindergartens to come to work with weapons. Naturally, this concerned people who had the right to wear it. However, we recall universal military service in this country and we understand that the order concerned virtually all teachers.

To work in the manger began to attract girls who have passed military service in the army. Parents' committees were allowed to strengthen the protection of educational institutions by volunteer armed units. In the classroom in the gardens and schools began to teach the rules of behavior in a variety of extreme situations. In addition, compulsory military exercises were included in the general education course. Children there are taught the rules of self-preservation.

Now the schools and nurseries of Israel have ceased to be hotbeds of danger - even if they wish, the terrorist will not be able to penetrate the object, since the good Marya Ivanovna (in the past, the special forces lieutenant) will “lay” him even on the approaches to the school.

"Armored car ordered?"

The other day, the US Army presented a real armored car to a school in San Diego. This is how the Ministry of Defense program is implementing to reduce large stocks of equipment. A fully functioning and very powerful armored car will increase school safety in several directions: they are going to use it as a medical vehicle (first aid kit on wheels), like a ram in the event of a school grab, as a rescue vehicle in the event of natural disasters.

The armored car was transferred to the balance of the local police. The government paid for the 750,000th cost of an army vehicle: only 5,000 for the delivery of an armored car were paid by the Okrug authorities. Now, within the framework of the state program, drugs for 30 thousand dollars have been loaded into it. The practice of protecting schools with armored vehicles is going to be implemented further. The first cars will receive schools located in the most dangerous regions of the country.

"Terrorist? Show your passport and go!"

In our country, the protection of children's institutions became concerned after a high-profile crime that occurred in the United States in early 2014: when a teenager shot dozens of students and friends right at school. The state has adopted recommendatory measures to strengthen the protection of schools and kindergartens with the help of representatives of professional security companies and surveillance cameras.

What comes out of this, you can find out by talking with parents.

“In our school, they really made an agreement with the guards,” says mom Irina from Moscow. “But the whole procedure of passing and screening adults was reduced to showing a passport. Simply put, showed the passport, and come in with any intentions. I once forgot the document and were not allowed to see my son. When I offered to inspect my things and make sure that I was not a maniac , they said - is not included in the authority. "

Mixed up the school with the zone

Another such guard - this time from the St. Petersburg school - arranged for the mother of one of the students a “curfew”. According to her, she accompanied her son with heavy things up to class. When I came back, the bell rang.

At the exit, she was met by a security guard with a “characteristic skinhead’s appearance” and said that she did not have time to go out, and now she should be in the hall about four o'clock — until a big break when the doors would be allowed to open again. No persuasions and exhortations did not help - the brave advocate for children from their own mothers was adamant.

Cameras installed, but not included

The situations described occurred in schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg — cities where the standard of living of parents allows them to hire and maintain security guards. Unclear? Let us explain: concerns about financing security measures were laid on the schools themselves.

Having counted the meager budgets, school principals with a sigh shifted this responsibility to the parent committees. That is: want safety for children? Pay!

Naturally, not in all regions parents can allocate funds from the family budget for "security" contributions. What is being done on their modest donations is more like a farce: for example, the director of one of the regional schools cheerfully reported to journalists about video surveillance cameras installed on all floors. And parents sadly noted that the cameras had been installed, but they hadn’t connected - there are no funds.

Baba Masha Foreva?

Where parents can not pay for protection, the rest of the children are “protected” by technical staff of schools and kindergartens, as well as full-time retired security guards. Simply put - people without the skills of such work. What will they do if an armed maniac rushes into kindergarten or school? Is that jump out at the ready with a mop.

One thing gives hope - over time, this new initiative will develop in the right direction - and young, professional security guards will appear in all children's institutions. It is unlikely that our safe country needs to strengthen their weapons and armored vehicles, but elementary special skills of guards will save children from many unpleasant situations.
