Female opinion: Russia itself must take care of its orphans


The Russian community is actively discussing a bill that would prohibit American citizens from adopting Russian children. After several cases of the death of babies due to the fault of foster parents, many Russians support this initiative. Their opponents believe that these exceptions are not the rule, and thousands of other children found a happy family, and some were able to recover from serious illnesses. Women by nature are more sensitive to children, so the portal “Women's Opinion” decided to ask their visitors what they think about this.

It turned out that most Russian women support the ban. 51.1% of respondents support the initiative of the authorities and believe that Russians are not only able to take care of their orphans themselves, but should do this and not shift responsibility to other countries. A previous survey conducted by the portal showed that 12% of Russian families intend to take a child left without parents into the family in the near future.

41.5% are ready to allow adoption to citizens of any country, regardless of nationality. They are not confused by the sad statistics of child deaths:
“I doubt that all Americans are maniacs, only dreaming of how to kill a child from Russia, they say.”

They are convinced that all this is a political game, because of which many kids are doomed to spend their childhood in an orphanage: in a short time the state is unlikely to significantly change the law so that adoption receives more material and social support. At the same time, the government is already busy developing a strategy aimed at eliminating child homelessness as a manifestation and taking into account the situation, this really needs to be done quickly.

There are those who do not care about this issue at all - 7.4%. These are mainly young girls whose interests are not yet related to motherhood.

Thus, the words of Vladimir Putin that the majority of Russians are against the adoption of children by foreigners in general and by Americans, in particular, are similar to the truth. However, the state should not remain aloof from this process, but rather should lead it effectively so that potential adoptive parents have more incentives and confidence in the future.

The survey involved 5130 women from 176 cities of Russia. The age of respondents is from 20 to 45 years.
