Esophagitis: fast-acting folk remedies for the treatment of the esophagus. Diet is the best cure for esophagitis


Digestive system diseases, in addition to causing serious damage to the body, also significantly affect everyday life.

You can say this about esophagitis, which infects the mucous membrane of the esophagus.

It is not surprising that over the centuries in folk medicine, many recipes have been created and tested for its treatment, which will be discussed later.

It is useful to know that most often we are talking about reflux esophagitis, in which the contents of the stomach (including irritating hydrochloric acid) are thrown into the esophagus.

Other forms of the disease are also found:

• Infectious esophagitis - caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria;

• corrosive esophagitis - the cause of which is a burn with alkalis, acids or alcohol-containing liquids;

• traumatic esophagitis - provoked, for example, by swallowed fish bone.

Despite the various etiologies, many folk remedies for esophagitis are universally applicable to all its forms - after all, the same reduction in the inflammatory process and regeneration, the mucous membranes of the body are necessary in any case.

Moreover - most home medicines have diverse useful properties - they anesthetize, disinfect, and regenerate. So you can choose them both by a set of qualities, and by those that are most valuable at the moment.

The main remedies for reflux esophagitis

Dandelion cocktail


• 2 cups of washed dandelion flowers (only yellow petals, no greens!) Pour 0.5 cups of sugar;

• mash with a pestle until juice is released;

• put in the refrigerator for 6 hours (here you can keep the product for 48 hours);

• take 2 times a day, diluting 1 tbsp. l juice in 200 ml of room water and one of the servings should be in the early morning, on an empty stomach.

Celery is capable of lowering the acidity of the stomach (and this is one of the main reasons) for this problem, but in order to enhance its effect, it must be its special form - stalks ground in mashed potatoes, 1 tsp. which is supposed to be diluted in 0.5 cup of water and taken before meals (before each meal for a day).

A long positive effect is distinguished by a rosehip and milk drink, moreover, it is better than high fat content. To prepare it, you need to heat 500 ml of milk in a saucepan on a stove, bring it to a boil and pour 1 tbsp. l dried berries. Stir, count 3-5 minutes of boiling over moderate heat and remove for 5 hours. It should be taken during the day, for 2-3 doses, and it is better to leave it once at night.

Bactericidal agents

Chamomile juice


• two handfuls of fresh chamomile flowers (from which pollen was shaken off and washed), pour 2 tbsp. l granulated sugar and mash, crush with a pestle;

• set aside for 4 hours in the refrigerator, for better allocation of juice;

• take 3 times a day, breeding 1 tsp. liquid in 150 ml of warm water.

Herbal tea


• take in equal proportions dry plants - mint, plantain, chamomile, lemon balm, motherwort;

• fill the raw materials with water (at the rate of 5 tbsp. L. Per 750 ml), boil for 4 minutes;

• Set aside to insist and cool gently for 40 minutes;

• before use, 2-3 times a day in an amount of 150 ml - warm to a pleasant temperature.

Propolis, like most beekeeping products, has a wide range of antiseptic properties, even at a minimum concentration, in connection with which it is possible to "extinguish" the activity of pathogenic microorganisms with the help of alcohol tincture.

For its preparation, 15 g of propolis chilled in advance is finely rubbed and, pouring water, let the crumb stand, throw out the litter that has surfaced upstairs.

Then, discarding the precipitate on a sieve and drying it in air, propolis is poured into 150 ml of vodka and placed on a stove. When propolis melts in a drink until smooth, it is filtered and poured into a container. They clean it in a dark, cold place and take it literally from the same day. For efficiency, it is enough to dilute 12-16 drops in half a glass of water or milk once a day.

Healing folk remedies for esophagitis

Quite quickly the effectiveness of jelly from flax is manifested. For him, 4-5 tsp. flax seeds should be poured into 0.5 liters of warm water (from the teapot) and left for 10-12 hours (you can just overnight). Then everything needs to be placed on the stove and, creating the mildest heating (usually a water bath), withstand 30 minutes. After cooling the drink a little, it is filtered and consumed half a glass every 6 hours.

Spiced tea


• take marigold, oregano and anise fruits equally;

• measure 2 tbsp. l mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water;

• remove insist on 2 hours;

• strain and divide into 4 doses at intervals of no more than 60 minutes.

And here it is important to note that taking one or more folk remedies for esophagitis must be regular, and interrupting the treatment program can actually nullify the results.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Dill tincture


• grind 2 tsp. grains of dill;

• pour seeds with 250 ml of boiling water;

• set aside for 2 minutes;

• strain the drink and take up to 4 times a day, 50-75 ml each, after which, after 30-60 minutes, have a snack.

Potato juice


• thoroughly washed potatoes, without peeling, grate on a fine grater;

• squeeze juice through cheesecloth or sieve;

• take 3 times a day, each time a fresh serving;

• after "medication" for 40 minutes do not eat or drink.

Sea buckthorn oil


• mash fresh berries in mashed potatoes;

• olive oil (not refined), heat to 50 ° C and fill in sea buckthorn so that the fruits are a little hidden under it;

• clean for 14 days in a dark place;

• shake once every 2-3 days;

• strain the finished oil and refrigerate.

You can prepare a sea buckthorn folk remedy for esophagitis and a more complicated (but containing more biologically active substances) recipe:

• squeeze juice from fresh berries and pour it into several low containers;

• Allocate a shelf for them for a while;

• dry sea-buckthorn cake in the oven, in low heat;

• collect from the juice in a separate dish the top, shiny with an oily film, a layer;

• grind the finished meal to powder and mix with the collected juice;

• warm sunflower or olive oil to 50 ° C and fill them with sea buckthorn and top;

• remove for 8 days in a dark place (do not shake during this time);

• strain and take to the refrigerator.

The value of nutrition with esophagitis

Dietary nutrition in many cases not only accelerates recovery, but is also a prerequisite for it, plus it eases the patient's condition.

Esophagitis is no exception. Moreover, experts are often limited to general instructions, rather than strict limits. So, with this ailment it is useful to use:

• natural ice cream;

• fermented milk;

• warm mineral water without gas;

• exotic fruits - bananas, pineapple, papaya;

And so as not to get worse, you need to shorten the menu:

• black coffee (but you can like latte);

• strong black tea (should be replaced with green, herbal);

• very spicy, spicy food;

• dishes thoroughly fried in oil;

• citrus fruits, cranberries;

• popcorn;

• carbonated drinks;

• fresh tomatoes.

It is recommended to give preference to boiled, stewed, baked dishes (but not to a rough crust), cereals, pasta (lasagna and the like), mashed soups.

Meals should be organized 5-6 times a day, serving everything warm, chewing thoroughly, having dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Oat jelly is recognized as one of the most useful dishes as a folk remedy for esophagitis. Cooked, for example, from cereal.


• pour 2.5-3 cups of boiled water into a container, add 1 cup of oatmeal and a crust of bread, cover with a lid;

• after 24 hours, wipe the jelly mass through a sieve and strain;

• put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil, wait 4 minutes;

• consume as much as you like while warming, supplementing with pieces of fruit and honey as you wish.

It should be noted that even if folk remedies for esophagitis bring relief, it is unacceptable to be content with self-medication - beyond the control of specialists, this type of disease can lead to the most serious and sad consequences at any time.

Moreover, it is recommended to apply centuries-old experience to oneself only with the approval of the attending physician and this is quite realistic - modern science recognizes many worthy recipes as quite worthy options.


Watch the video: Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD-Mayo Clinic (July 2024).