Cranberry juice - the benefits and harms of the drink. What useful properties and contraindications does cranberry juice have


The benefits of a delicious marsh berry - cranberries - have been known since ancient times. People in the morning instead of tea and coffee drank an invigorating, immuno-boosting drink "broth", which necessarily included cranberries. An invigorating juice was also prepared and drunk for bowel diseases, colds, infectious diseases, and anemia.

Today, more and more people are replacing natural medicinal gifts with medicines, forgetting about the beneficial properties of plants. Let's talk about the benefits and possible harms of a fragrant, tasty drink - cranberry juice.

Cranberry juice: useful properties

The drink is useful due to the fact that cranberries contain a huge amount of various trace elements:

• Natural sugar consisting of sucrose, glucose and fructose.

• Organic acids: citric, oxalic, glycolic, benzoic, malic, and quinic.

• Vitamin C, PP, E, H, K and Group B.

• Pectins, which contribute to the neutralization and absorption of heavy metals by the body.

• And also such elements as iodine, nickel, tin, manganese, molybdenum, copper, calcium, iron and others.

The indisputable benefit of the drink is its exceptional naturalness, in the absence of any preservatives or coloring substances. Daily use of at least 250 ml of fruit drink reduces the relapse of various diseases, charges the body with its beneficial properties, invigorates, improves mood, improves tone and helps in the fight against infections.

Cranberry juice: good

Cranberries among many other berries and medicinal herbs occupy one of the leading places, being an indispensable natural medicine, due to the high content of vitamin and mineral complex.

A drink is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as:

1. Viral infections. Cranberry fruit drinks have both anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. The drink neutralizes bacteria that provoke various diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as tonsillitis and otitis media.

2. Infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Due to the high level of minerals, the drink is a strong antioxidant that can slow the attachment of bacteria to the walls of internal organs, which prevents the development of infections of the urinary tract and bladder.

3. Gastritis and stomach ulcer. The bioactive compound that is part of the drink - betaine - effectively fights bacteria that lead to the destruction of the gastric mucosa. Use the drink only for the prevention of the disease.

4. Varicose veins, edema. The flavonoids present in the composition contribute to the absorption of vitamin C, strengthen the elasticity of blood capillaries.

5. Heart disease. The polyphenols included in the composition improve the functioning of the heart muscle, normalize cholesterol levels. The drink is an excellent tool for the preventive fight against the risk of stroke, coronary disease and atherosclerosis.

6. Rheumatism. Cranberry juice in its warm form has a positive effect both in the treatment of rheumatism and in the removal of salts from the body.

7. Gynecological diseases (pyelonephritis). Often, cranberry juice is prescribed for use along with antibiotics and sulfa drugs, thanks to the guipure acid, which is part of the drink, which enhances the effect of drugs on pathogenic microorganisms.

8. Diseases of the liver. Prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, which is part of the berries and, accordingly, the drink betaine.

9. Gastrointestinal diseases. The drink is recommended for use in order to prevent gastritis, with inflammatory processes of the pancreas, with low acidity of the stomach, with diarrhea, due to the pancreatic and gastric juice intensified after taking the body.

10. Diseases of the oral cavity. The substances included in the drink reduce the reproduction rate of bacteria and germs, thereby preventing gum inflammation and tooth decay.

11. Hormonal failure, obesity. Potassium is responsible for the work of hormonal glands, the content of which in the cranberry juice is sufficient to prevent such diseases. Also, the use of the drink is recommended for complex treatment.

The drink is able to fight insomnia, lack of appetite, headaches. It has a thirsty, refreshing effect, increasing mental and physical activity, toning the body as a whole, activating the work of the immune background.

Cranberry juice: harm and contraindications

Despite the exceptional prophylactic and therapeutic properties of the drink, its undeniable benefits for the body, the use of fruit drinks can also harm the body.

• Cranberry juice can be harmful to people with diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. The drink is good in the prevention of these diseases, but with the current disease, drinking the drink can provoke irritation of the duodenal mucosa and stomach, which can lead to poor health.

• Cranberry juice and people with low blood pressure are contraindicated. The elements that make up the drink lower blood pressure, which can lead to a crisis in case of illness. Therefore, in this case, you should drink a cranberry drink with extreme caution and, be sure to consult with your doctor.

• It is worth being careful in use and for allergy sufferers. The drink in some cases can cause an allergic reaction to the constituent substances.

• People taking blood thinners. Flavonoids, which are part of fruit drinks, are able to slow down metabolic processes, thereby reducing blood coagulation. The use of a drink in the treatment of such a disease can weaken the effect of the drugs used.

• Suffering from diabetes in the case of not self-made, but the acquisition of fruit drinks. The beverage sold in stores contains various sweetening, coloring agents.

• When drinking a drink in large volumes (from two liters per day), there is often a malfunction of the digestive organs, which can subsequently lead to diarrhea.

How to make healthy cranberry juice at home

Since all the listed beneficial properties of cranberry juice are relevant only for a self-made drink, refrain from buying a useless finished product. Moreover, making cranberry juice at home is easy:

1. Carefully sort and rinse 150 grams of fresh or previously thawed cranberries, mash it in a non-oxidizing pan with a wooden crush.

2. Pour the berry puree into twice the folded cheesecloth, squeeze the juice into a glass jar.

3. Pour cranberry cake with half a liter of cold water, bring to a boil, strain.

4. Put sugar in hot infusion to taste. Cool.

5. Mix previously squeezed juice and the cooled broth.

The daily use of cranberry juice during the period of illness brings the body invaluable benefits, strengthening immunity and preventing the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Remember: the use of natural medicines is possible only after consulting a specialist. Treat yourself deliciously.
