Hulahup for weight loss: the use of a sports simulator. Hula hoop exercises for weight loss: how to


Hulahup is a simple but effective exercise machine that you can use for weight loss at home.

It looks like a hoop, familiar to everyone since childhood.

The only difference is that the hula hoop for weight loss is equipped with special balls, sometimes there are additional weighting agents.

The simulator allows you to get rid of extra pounds, to form a beautiful waist, to forget about what cellulite is.

Benefits of Using Hula Hoop for Weight Loss

Most often, such a hoop is associated with a game from distant childhood or with rhythmic gymnastics.

However, few people know that the ancient Greeks have long used a hulahup-like shell in order to keep fit.

In pursuit of the loss of extra pounds, a person visits gyms, torments his body with starvation and exhausting diets. There is a result, but it does not last long. Hulahup for weight loss is much more effective. Exercising with it is a lot of fun. The hoop has a massage effect thanks to the equipped balls. In addition, training does not take much effort. Such weight loss is much nicer than any diet.

Other benefits of using hula hoop for weight loss

1. Exercise is useful for people of all ages, train blood vessels and heart muscle.

2. Built-in balls massage the area of ​​the hips, waist, as well as internal organs, which is no less important.

3. Coordination in space is improving, a person is learning to control his body.

4. It is correct to twist the hoop only with a straight back, therefore, as a result, the muscles responsible for posture are strengthened.

5. Exercise favorably affects the spine, flexibility of the back.

Hulahup exercises allow not only to get rid of excess weight and give the figure the desired shape, they favorably affect the general state of health.

Varieties of sports equipment, which one to choose for training

The question of choosing a hoop for practicing at home needs to be approached very carefully. Hula hoops are different - they differ in mass, diameter, purpose.

1. Plain metal or plastic hoop, familiar to a person from childhood. For a beginner, this is ideal. Classes with a projectile will help to develop a habit, because twisting it is incredibly easy. In addition, the hoop does not leave bruises after itself, which sometimes can happen after using the hula hoop. Engaged in such a projectile is recommended for the first 2-3 weeks. The body must get used to the loads, then the task becomes more complicated.

2. A shell with weighting agents. It looks like an ordinary hoop, but it has built-in metal elements that increase mass. Twisting such a projectile is a little more difficult, more efforts have to be made, but the result is changing. The load on the muscles increases, which speeds up the process of fat burning. If there is no desire to spend money, you can pour sand into your usual hoop so that the total mass of the shell does not exceed 2.5 kg.

3. Collapsible hula hoop. It is convenient in that it allows you to do not only at home, but also in warm money on the street. Such a hoop is easily disassembled, it will not be difficult to transport. Multi-colored plastic segments are equipped with special balls that give a massage effect and fight cellulite.

Which weight loss hula hoop to choose? If a person decided to train regularly to keep himself in good shape, one should not immediately pose a difficult task. It is worth doing first with a regular hoop, then with a shell with a weighting agent. Only a month later, when the body gets used to new loads, is it possible to purchase a hula hoop with massage balls. This approach will avoid bruising on the body and excessive fatigue.

How to choose a hula hoop for weight loss

In order for the classes to bring not only results, but also joy, the projectile must be chosen for this so that it fits the individual characteristics of the body structure.

It is not difficult to determine the diameter, for this you need to put a hoop next to you. It would be ideal if in this state the upper rib of the projectile reaches the lower ribs. If the diameter of the hula hoop turns out to be larger or smaller, it will become inconvenient to twist it, which will negatively affect the training.

Having decided on the diameter, you need to go to the weight. A model that is too lightweight for training will not work, the effectiveness of classes will decrease to zero. You need to position the hula hoop in the waist area, slightly raise the leg bent at the knee and try to rotate the hoop. If he falls, then too heavy. It is very important here to observe your feelings. It should be comfortable to rotate the hoop, but at the same time, a person should make certain efforts and feel how the muscles work.

Training different parts of the body

Hulahup for weight loss allows you to normalize not only the waist, but also other parts of the body. Simple exercises at home will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency and see the result in the first month of classes.

1. Waist. You need to stand up straight, bend your legs a little in the knees so that the feet are not close, but one comes forward. The hoop is in contact with the back, then it is given a push and the rotation begins. Twist the hula hoop preferably 15-20 minutes, so that the muscles begin to work.

2. The hoop can also be used to maintain muscle tone in the arms. To do this, the arm extends to the side, a hula hoop is put on it and rotation begins. Such training is given 10-15 minutes a day.

3. The legs. The exercise is similar to the previous one. For a first time, it will be difficult for a beginner to maintain balance with a hoop on his leg, but try to withstand 2-3 minutes. To make it easier, hands are spread apart.

4. Hips. In the starting position (as in exercise 1), the hoop is located on the thigh line. Twisting hula hoop takes 20-25 minutes daily. It will help not only remove excess fat from the problem area, but also get rid of cellulite.

Hulahup for weight loss gives an effective result. It is advisable to work out all parts of the body during training. The total duration of classes for a beginner is 30 minutes, then more. Regular training with a hoop will help to reduce the waist by 4 cm and lose 3-4 kg in 1-1.5 months.

Hulahup for weight loss: rules and recommendations for conducting classes

To achieve the best result from training, you need to follow the basic rules. Hulahup for weight loss may be a simple simulator, but some recommendations are still important to consider.

1. It is necessary to deal with on an empty stomach, or after 2-3 hours after eating. The optimal time for training is in the morning half an hour before breakfast or 1 hour before going to bed.

2. The place for classes should be spacious, in a cluttered room it is inconvenient to twist the hoop.

3. In which direction to turn the hoop - it does not matter. The main thing is that a person feels as comfortable as possible.

4. During training, you need to stand with your back straight, the muscles of the abs should be a little tense. You cannot breathe through your mouth, only your nose.

5. If you still have bruises on your body after using the hula hoop, you can wear a tight belt. It allows you to get rid of pain and calmly continue training.

6. It is necessary to try very hard not to drop the hoop, twist it for at least 15-15 minutes (for a beginner). Each projectile drop takes up valuable time.

7. To make the training more enjoyable, it is recommended to turn on rhythmic music. So time will fly by.

Important. Hulahup for weight loss will not give effect if you do not adhere to the minimum rules of nutrition. That is, do not eat 2 hours before bedtime, exclude heavy food from the diet. Also, do not forget to drink water. Much water. The optimal amount of fluid for a person per day is 2 liters. In addition to water, green tea, fresh vegetable and fruit juices are allowed.

The main contraindications

Despite the enormous benefits of the hoop for the human body, you need to remember some contraindications.

You can not do hula-hoop:

• during pregnancy;

• in the first month after birth (muscles are not yet ready for exercise);

• during the menstrual cycle;

• in the presence of serious diseases of the spine.

Hulahup for weight loss is a simple and affordable way for everyone to bring their figure back to normal. The simulator does not take up much space; practicing it is interesting and useful. The main thing is not to forget about the drinking regimen, proper nutrition and recommendations for the training.


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