September 18: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays September 18th.


Holidays September 18

HR Manager Day

Today, HR specialists or HR (human resources) managers celebrate their holiday. The history of this holiday has more than one and a half centuries. On that day of the 19th century, a decree regulating relations between owners and workers was issued. This was the first document officially guaranteeing employees rights. In Russia, they returned to this holiday after the collapse of the USSR, when the responsibilities of HR managers became much higher. Prior to this, a simple personnel officer who was engaged in exclusively routine work — paperwork when applying for a job, vacations and sick leave — was solving such issues. Today, the list of requirements and work is much larger - often managers look for qualified personnel and lure them to their company.

National Music Day in Azerbaijan

In 1908, the performance was held for the first time: the production of the opera Leyli and Majnun, the first work by Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibeyov. The 100th anniversary of the opera's appearance on the stage was celebrated by decision of the UNESCO General Conference, and it has become a tradition in the regions of Azerbaijan to hold a folk music festival these days. National Music Day is held in many regions of the country - concerts are held with the participation of dance ensembles, folk instrument orchestras, musical theaters. The works of Azerbaijani composers are heard everywhere.

Astronomy Day in Armenia

At one of its meetings in 2009, the Armenian government declared this September day as Astronomy Day, marking the birthday of the great Armenian scientist Victor Hambartsumyan. The scientist made a huge contribution to world astronomy, his work is related to the physics of stars and nebulae, stellar astronomy and the cosmogony of stars and galaxies. One of the minor planets bears the name of Hambardzumyan, and the observatory in Burkan, the leading scientific institution in Armenia, also bears his name. The observatory building itself is an architectural holiday.

Folk calendar September 18

Memorial Day of Zechariah and Elizabeth

Zachary was married to the cousin of the Virgin Mary - Elizabeth. They lived in Hebron and did not have children until old age. Once Zachary saw the archangel Gabriel, who announced the imminent birth of his son John. The priest, from surprise, was speechless, and has been silent since then, until his son’s birthday. Elizabeth managed to escape the beating of babies, but John was captured and killed. One legend says that Elizabeth died in the desert after 40 days, and John was fed by an angel. Elizabeth predicted the birth of the Savior to Mary, and the infant John became John the Baptist.

On this day, the girls are engaged in predictions and magic. Fortune-telling on the narrowed, the girls tried to see their fate. It is also the day of the fight against fever (kumokha) which is driven out of the house by a broom. It is necessary to heat the bath and steam it well. A person born on this day can resist werewolves and goblin, so they tried to hire him in shepherds. If cows eat hay with pleasure this day, then an early and cold winter should be expected. Yellow leaves of mountain ash at this time speak of rainy autumn.

Historical events of September 18

September 18, 1852 - in the journal "Sovremennik" for the first time the novel "Childhood" by the Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was published. The work of a classic of world literature told about the experiences of a little boy, the philosophical approach to presentation and the fine style of the writer won the hearts of readers.

September 18, 1928 - in the center of Moscow opened a culture and leisure park named after Gorky. The resting place for residents and guests of the capital at the time of opening occupied an area of ​​100 hectares. Currently, Gorky Park is a favorite place for millions of people. The large-scale complex has more than a hundred attractions, a children's railway, table tennis tables are installed, a large ice rink is flooded in winter and equipment rental is available.

September 18, 1934 - The Soviet Union became part of the League of Nations, the idea of ​​which was first voiced and reflected in his treatise "Towards Eternal Peace" at the end of the 18th century by the philosopher Immanuel Kant. Among the main tasks of the League of Nations international organization created as a result of the Versailles-Washington system of the Versailles Agreement was mass disarmament, world security, and improving the quality of life in all countries of the world. The organization ceased to exist in 1946.

September 18, 1938 - in Western Siberia, on the Yamal Peninsula, a strange and unexpected onset of darkness was recorded during the day, scientists call this rare phenomenon "Black Day", it happens extremely rarely. A lot of dust particles accumulate in the atmosphere, which temporarily covers the entire space and does not allow a person to see what surrounds him. A similar case was recorded at the end of the 18th century on the American continent, scientists speculated that it was caused by forest fires in neighboring Canada.

September 18, 1990 - in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda and Literaturnaya Gazeta, an article by Alexander Solzhenitsyn “How do we equip Russia?” was published, which caused serious resonance in society. The former dissident expressed his thoughts on the revival of the country. The writer donated a fee for the article to the victims of the Chernobyl accident.

Born on September 18

Jean Foucault (1819 - 1868) - creator of the gyroscope and pendulum

The French physicist Foucault had a medical education, was passionate about histology, but after meeting A. Fizeau, he became interested in physics. They conducted experiments in physical optics, for the first time they were able to get a clear shot of the sun. In addition to scientific work, Foucault was engaged in journalism and edited the scientific department of the Journal of Discussions. Foucault's main achievement is the final confirmation of the wave theory of light, which proved the failure of Newton's theory of light. When heating metallic bodies by rotating them in a magnetic field, a discovery was made - "Foucault currents". But his discovery of the diurnal rotation of the Earth around its axis gained great fame. Foucault made many more discoveries.

Uzeyir Hajibeyov (1885 - 194) - composer from Nagorno-Karabakh

The author of the first opera of the East, "Leili and Majnun", Uzeyir Hajibeyov played many instruments, processed melodies for the choir, worked as a teacher. He wrote his famous opera in 1908, and it was staged on the stage of the Baku Drama Theater. He was able to see the great success of the premiere, as well as the staging of his new works before the end of his musical education. Entering the private music courses of A. Ilyinsky, then to the St. Petersburg Conservatory, Hajibeyov received an academic education and returned to Baku. Hajibeyov was not only a composer, he also created music schools and organized an orchestra of Caucasian folk instruments, a choir, worked as a rector of the Baku Conservatory, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Greta Garbo (1905 - 1990) - American and Swedish actress

The most famous paintings with the participation of the actress - "Stream", "Love", "Flesh and the Devil" - were shot at the very beginning of the career. Greta Garbo reached the pinnacle of popularity in silent films, then successfully switched to sound cinema. Her slight Swedish accent only added to her popularity. In 1954, she received an Oscar for her contribution to cinema, but she left Hollywood, believing that she had not played her main role. All her life was surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery, and even death was the same. In the hearts of her fans remained admiration for her work and the memory of beautiful roles.

Edwin Metison Macmillan (1907 - 1991) - American physicist

Nobel laureate, Edwin Macmillan is also known as a Ph.D. His work on the creation of Neptune was successful, he was involved in research on radar and nuclear weapons. It was he who improved the ideas of the cyclotron, subsequently used in the development of the synchrophasotron. He held a number of important posts in laboratories and institutes, and was chairman of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1955, for the synthesis of plutonium, he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry with his partner Glenn Seaborg.

Name day September 18

Name day celebrate: David, Athanasius, Gleb, Efim, Fedor, Zakhar, Iraida, Maxim, Elizabeth, Alexei, Raisa.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).