Diet "Ladder": principles and basic rules of the organization of the diet. Diet "Ladder": a menu for 5 days with a detailed description


Diet "Ladder" is a simple and effective weight loss technique that many women have come to love.

It is very easy to carry, the menu is structured so that people do not feel hunger. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the initial weight, in 5 days the weight loss system can get rid of 3-7 kg.

The best part is that kilograms do not come back. The diet "Ladder" menu for 5 days is 5 different stages, each of which has its own rules and features.

The essence of the diet "Ladder": the main advantages, disadvantages

Diet "Ladder" menu for 5 days - these are the various stages of weight loss. The first stage is cleansing, then comes the restorative. On the third day, the menu is designed to saturate the body with energy, on the fourth - it replenishes protein reserves. The last step is fat burning. The diet is easily tolerated, not only because of a lack of hunger, but also from a psychological point of view. A person pre-configures that he has 5 days to lose weight and knows that after this period he will receive the desired result.

To make weight loss even easier, it is recommended that you draw a ladder on a piece of paper, hang it in a prominent place, and mark the next completed stage every day.

The main advantages of weight loss techniques

1. Efficiency - in a short period of time at least you can get rid of 3 kg, but do not resort to starvation.

2. There is no monotony, the menu every day pleases with variety.

3. All products presented on the menu are inexpensive and affordable for humans.

4. At the end of following the procedure, excess weight does not return back.

The Ladder diet has only one drawback - the risk of failure. True, this happens not only in this power system. If a person has poorly developed willpower and there is no clearly set goal, no weight loss technique will help him.

Diet "Ladder": menu for 5 days, a detailed description of the diet at each stage

Every day is a unique set of products. It is absolutely impossible to supplement the presented menu with other food. If you want to achieve an effective result, you need to strictly follow the rules of each stage and understand what is happening with the body at this time.

Stage 1: Cleansing

Nutritionists and doctors have proved that before you start to lose weight, the body must be prepared for "restructuring", cleanse the intestines.

On the first day, "Ladder" implies the use of the following products:

• 1 kg of apples, any kind can be;

• non-carbonated clean water (1 liter);

• you need to drink 12 tablets of activated carbon per day.

All presented components can be used in any order. However, it is advisable to be at home during this period, since the intestines will be intensely cleaned and you will need to have access to sanitary facilities.

The principle of the stage. Apples are rich in pectin, the use of water allows you to fill the stomach and avoid hunger, and activated carbon removes toxins and toxins. As a result, the intestines are cleansed of all harmful deposits, the body is prepared for further weight loss.

Stage 2: Recovery

On the second day after cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, the microflora needs to be restored. The daily menu includes the following products:

• cottage cheese of minimum fat content - 500 grams;

• clean water without gases - 1 liter;

• low fat kefir - 1 liter.

The diet "Ladder" continues to cleanse the body on the second day. The combination of pure water and kefir allows you to stimulate intestinal motility, which allows you to lose a few kg at the end of the second day.

The principle of the stage. Kefir restores the microflora of the digestive tract, nourishes the body with protein, which triggers the acceleration of metabolism.

Stage 3: Replenish Energy

Fructose and glucose, which can be obtained by eating the following foods, will allow you to replenish the supply of energy:

• 2 tablespoons of honey;

• 2 liters of compote made from dried fruits;

• 300 grams of pre-steamed raisins.

At this “sweet” stage, hunger can attack, but this is not the time to retreat - after all, this is the middle of the Ladder diet. However, there are advantages. Monosaccharides are absorbed as quickly as possible, which gives an instant burst of energy and gives an excellent mood for the whole day. It is important to divide the specified amount of products for the whole day, eat in small portions, but often. A break between snacks is at least 1.5 hours.

The principle of the stage. Energy day allows you to unload a little psychologically. It is known that sweets cheer up. In addition, the body produces useful trace elements from dried fruits - potassium, iron, calcium.

Stage 4: Replenish Protein Supply

Protein is the best building material for the body. Its use is necessary even in the process of weight loss. On the fourth day, you need to boil for yourself 500 grams of white meat (either chicken or turkey). The specified amount is divided into small portions and eaten little by little during the day. It is also allowed to eat greens. It is advisable not to salt food.

The principle of the stage. The poultry meat in moderate amounts is perfectly absorbed, gives the body essential amino acids for the normal functioning. It is known that any diet helps to reduce muscle mass, with the "Ladder" everything is different. At this stage, protein replenishes the supplies of building material for muscle.

Stage 5: Effective Fat Burning

The finish line is the last day of the Ladder Diet. Here it is necessary to fill the body with fiber, which enters the digestive tract when following the following menu:

• raw fruits and vegetables, total amount 1 kg;

• 200 grams of oatmeal in milk, sugar free and other sweeteners.

When choosing vegetables and fruits, you should avoid eating bananas and starchy vegetables (potatoes), as these are all empty calories.

The principle of the stage. The last step is a real feast for the stomach. Due to the use of fiber, fat reserves are effectively burned. This is called the negative calorie effect. That is, a person is full, but the energy value of the consumed products is minimal.

The correct way out of the diet "Ladder"

As with any diet, from the "Ladder" you need to learn how to exit. This is necessary so that the lost weight does not come back, because it will be very disappointing if all efforts are in vain.

To consolidate the result, you need to avoid eating too fatty foods, pastries. Starving and continuing the method of losing weight is strictly prohibited, this will lead to exhaustion of the body. You also need to constantly monitor the amount of food eaten. The optimal number of meals is 5-6. If suddenly a person experiences a feeling of hunger, it would be better to drink a glass of water or kefir.

Diets "Ladder" menu for 5 days is designed so that every day give the body calories that will not be stored in fat stores, but will contribute to fat burning. The main thing is not to break at the end of the weight loss technique and continue to follow the basic rules.

Important points in organizing the diet "Ladder" (menu for 5 days)

There are several important nuances that a person should know both when following the weight loss system, and after achieving the desired result.

1. On the contrary, some people when they eat apples begin to feel hungry. In order for the first day to go well and without breakdowns, you can bake them and sprinkle with cinnamon, in this form the fruits are even more saturated.

2. If someone does not like kefir, it can be replaced by using yogurt or fermented baked milk.

3. At any stage, you must drink water. A person needs at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day to ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. You need to understand that any diet requires minimal physical activity, only in this way weight loss will be most effective. It is not necessary to attend gyms, enough in the morning and before going to bed for 15 minutes to do exercises.

5. In order to make it easier to transfer the diet of the "Ladders" diet, it is recommended to drink multivitamin complexes in addition so that the body does not experience a lack of useful trace elements.

The main contraindications

Before starting to lose weight on the menu of the presented diet, it is necessary to study the contraindications of specialists. Weight loss system is prohibited in the following cases:

• during the lactation period and during pregnancy;

• if there is an ulcer or gastritis (in any form);

• in the presence of diseases associated with the liver and kidneys;

• for violations of the heart vessels;

• in the presence of chronic diseases;

• in the presence of individual intolerance to the individual components that are in one of the stages of the weight loss system.

Diet "Ladder" is a time-tested method of losing weight, which has collected a huge number of positive reviews from satisfied women. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended that you consult your doctor in order to avoid negative consequences. It is strictly forbidden to resort to a diet more than 1 time in 3 months. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, the diet "Ladder" (menu for 5 days) will give an excellent result, a person will find the shape of his dreams and will no longer return to the "scary" figures on the scales.


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