Kislitsa - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Kislitsa - general description

Kislitsa - a representative of one-year-old or perennial herbaceous, less often shrubby plants, belongs to the family of sour plants. Among the huge variety of species in nature, there are acidic acids of the most varied forms and characteristics. In most specimens, leaves are three or four-lobed, sometimes five and even nine lobed, planted on long cuttings. They have a characteristic sour taste, due to the high concentration of oxalic acid in the plant.

Small but attractive flowers also have the most diverse, sometimes bizarre shapes and colors. The only thing that most species have in common is the presence of the right flowers, the sour taste and the ability to fold leaves with mechanical irritation, direct sunlight, at night, before rain.

Kislitsa - types and places of growth

The genus concentrated about 800 species, growing mainly in Latin and South America, Africa. On the territory of the former USSR there are 6 varieties of sour acid, most are hybrids.

In the dense coniferous forests of Russia, common sour acidis lives, which is popularly called rabbit cabbage. It can be recognized by single white flowers with unusual purple venation and clover-like leaves. Some varieties, for example, tuberous acid, are cultivated to produce edible tubers.

Decorative species are grown indoors. So triangular sour, brought from Brazil, has elegant purple leaves of a moth form and is highly appreciated by florists. Enormous popularity was also gained by Depp sour, Mexico's homeland. Indoor copies are very unpretentious, but photophilous. However, gardeners should remember that direct sunlight can destroy the plant.

And, finally, the most common carob acid, growing in Europe, South Africa and Australia, is considered a weed. Once settled on a flower bed or lawn, she will never leave them.

Kislitsa - healing properties

Common acid, like the rest of the species, is a weakly poisonous plant; it is it that is most often used for medicinal and food purposes. Salads are made from it, soups are boiled, drinks made from deciduous juice are prepared. Oxygen is a whole complex of beneficial substances, organic acids. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps fight colds, enhances immune response and strengthens the body as a whole.

In folk medicine, it is used as an anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, wound healing, diuretic. In addition, ordinary sour acid normalizes metabolic processes, lowers acidity, eliminates dyspeptic symptoms, improves appetite, relieves bad breath and quenches thirst. The plant also has a strong antitoxic effect and neutralizes heavy mercury and arsenic compounds in the body.

Kislitsa - dosage forms

As medicinal raw materials, the leaves and grass of common sour acid are used. The plant produces the highest concentration of nutrients in the May-June period, so these months are the most favorable for collection. Whole or slightly crushed parts are dried in air under awnings or in special dryers at a temperature of forty degrees. It is necessary to store the finished raw materials in a wooden or cardboard container for one year.

Kislitsa - recipes of traditional medicine

Broth for rinsing with angina and eliminating problems with the gastrointestinal tract: 2 teaspoons of dry herbal extract of sour acid is added to 200 ml of pure water, put on fire, brought to a boil, after which the broth should simmer on the stove for about 10 minutes. It is filtered after cooling and returned to the broth initial volume with boiling water. Use three times a day for half a glass with food. Such a decoction is good to wash wounds and bruises.

Tincture for compresses and rinses: 50 gr. leaves are poured with a bottle (500 ml) of vodka, insisted in a dry and dark place for ten days, squeezed and rubbed into the affected areas of the skin. With stomatitis, dilute with water and rinse the oral cavity every 2-4 hours.

The juice of the aboveground parts with honey (1: 1) is advisable to use for diarrhea and inflammatory processes, take on the table. spoon several times a day.

Kislitsa - contraindications

- gouty arthritis;
- renal and liver failure;
- tendency to cramps;
- bleeding disorders;
- cirrhosis.

Before using drugs based on acid, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and check the condition of the kidneys. Follow a strict dosage, inadequate and uncontrolled treatment leads to kidney damage.


Regina 04/22/2016
And the first thing that occurred to me when reading this article was that I had not been in the forest a long time ago ... This year I definitely need to go. Yes, all kinds of herbs to pick medicinal, and just relax and soul and body. And for acid, is it necessary in the taiga?

Tamara 04/22/2016
Well, I personally haven’t heard anything so special about sour, therefore, this information is enough for me for a slight surprise. Anyway, this wild berry contains substances that are beneficial for the body. And she treats colds very well.

Ivanna 04/22/2016
Yes, I was also about the sour acid of a better opinion))) Maybe, of course, it is - better. Since, not all properties are still studied, or simply not all are written. It is not in vain that our old people praised the sour acid so much. So, it’s still useful.

Galya 04/22/2016
I did not suspect that there are decorative types of acid, which can be grown right in the house. Something she has a lot of contraindications, and the benefits - on the contrary, a little is written. I somehow got used to thinking that acid is a storehouse of vitamins.

Svetlana 04/22/2016
Wow!!! What are her leaves !!! No, I saw the acid, and I ate it, and even collected it. But, here, I don’t remember something such strange little leaves, probably did not pay attention. Everyone knows about the fact that the acid contains a lot of useful substances.


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