Yoga strengthens immunity at the level of genes


A huge number of people are fond of yoga, and not surprisingly, because yoga classes not only relax, but also help to gather thoughts. A recent study by Norwegian scientists proved that yoga also improves immunity by acting on genes and altering their expression. Moreover, the effect is not long in coming, but appears immediately after training and, more importantly, is long-term.

To understand the biological effects of meditation and asanas on the human body, scientists from Oslo conducted an experiment. Each of 10 volunteers did yoga for two days in the morning. Then, over the next two days, people walked outdoors for two hours and listened to classical music or jazz. Each time before and after training, blood was taken from participants for the study of mononuclear cells.

It turned out that in both cases the gene expression undergoes changes, but after yoga, 111 working genes were detected in immunocompetent cells, and after walking - 38, that is, three times less.

Scientists have known before that relaxing exercises can alter gene expression. In 2008, American researchers proved that yoga and Pilates give impetus to the process of converting hereditary information in genes into RNA or protein, and this is the expression of genes. It came as a surprise that the effect on the immune system was instantaneous.


Watch the video: Master These Yoga Moves For Maximum Flexibility. Yoga Video. Yoga Asanas (June 2024).