Marshmallow - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Altai - general description

The marshmallow is a perennial or annual herbaceous plant belonging to the family of mallow. It has a straight, rarely branched stem with a height of 5 cm to one and a half meters. The flowers are usually pale pink, relatively small in size. In most species of marshmallow, they are collected in a brush-paniculate inflorescence. The root is dense, many-headed, has many fleshy branches that go deep into the ground. Leaves are lobate-dentate, soft to the touch, like velvet. Blossoms and bears fruit in the second half of summer. Seeds are kidney-shaped, gray or brown.

Altai - types and places of growth

The most common and valuable species is the marshmallow. It can be found in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of our country, in the south of Siberia, as well as in Europe, Central Asia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and the Caucasus. Marshmallow grows everywhere where there is moist soil with a shallow occurrence of groundwater.

Along with medicinal marshmallow, raw materials of a similar type, the Armenian marshmallow, are widely used in folk and scientific medicine. The height of the plant varies from half a meter to 2 meters. The marshmallow blooms in the summer, and bears fruit in October. Outwardly, it is very similar to the drug, but it has a number of minor differences. Distributed in Central Asia, mountain-steppe regions of the North Caucasus, the Far East, in the lower Volga and Don rivers.

Other types include:

- marshmallow Brussonecelet - grows in the coastal regions of the Volga, between the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers;
- hemp marshmallow - its range covers most of Europe, the Near and Middle East, Asia; lives in bright broad-leaved forests, on stony slopes and meadows;
- rough marshmallow - grows in North Africa, Europe, Central and West Asia; prefers rocky slopes, desert terrain;
- Ludwig marshmallow - a very low plant (from 5 to 30 cm), registered in South Africa, Central Asia and the Mediterranean.

Marshmallow - healing properties

Due to the unique chemical composition of marshmallows, medicinal and Armenian is widely used in folk medicine, and is also part of some synthetic preparations made on the basis of medicinal herbs.

The marshmallow has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory, emollient, antispasmodic effect, therefore it is used to treat diseases such as inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system (acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis, pneumonia, etc.) and digestion, urinary tract infection, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer , dysentery, conjunctivitis (eye wash), candidiasis of the oral cavity.

Altai - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves and roots of the marshmallow are used. But according to laboratory data, most of the nutrients are concentrated in the root. Therefore, for the preparation of various infusions and decoctions, it is used most often.

Altai - secrets of use

In inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to take an alcohol-free infusion of marshmallow roots.

Method of preparation: add 4 teaspoons of crushed roots to 500 ml of boiled water, insist 8-10 hours and take 100 ml 3 r / d for one to two weeks. With diseases of the respiratory system, it is possible to use an infusion in the form of rinses, with conjunctivitis it is necessary to rinse the eyes.

An excellent expectorant effect has syrup from the marshmallow roots, prepared at home.

Recipe: For 100 g of hot sugar syrup add 2-3 g of dry root extract, mix and insist for several hours in a warm place. Such a syrup is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia (as an additional remedy for the main treatment).

Althea juice has also proven itself well. It is extracted from the leaves and stems of plants collected in the first half of summer (maximum until the end of July). It is necessary to use it for 1 tbsp. spoon (you can add honey) 3 p. per day in the treatment of angry cough, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, etc.

Marshmallow - contraindications

- individual intolerance;
- persistent constipation;
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- respiratory failure 2, 3 degrees.

Side effects: in young children, marshmallows can cause constipation, and people with diabetes should also take it with caution.


Victoria 04/16/2016
Yes, so many diseases are treated by a simple, it would seem, grass. But I wonder if it is possible to give her decoction to children? My daughter developed bronchitis, it seems healed, but it can start again at any moment. And to feed the child with pills, there is not the slightest desire.

Eve 04/16/2016
It’s not only that we are marking the medicine, but we are still spending huge amounts of money on all kinds of pills! And what in return??!! An empty wallet, and even an extra pair of sores, which were not even more so! I have long believed that nature herself gave us everything, only you need to learn how to see it!

Diana 04.16.2016
My granny saw such a flower in the village. Why did I pay attention to him - a grandmother collects grass from a granny, and she also vomited. How interesting everything is - the medicines themselves grow underfoot, but we don’t even know about it, we’re trampling on them ...

Elena 04/16/2016
I have always had problems with the gastrointestinal tract. I'll try to drink marshmallows. True, I always thought that alcohol is better for alcohol ... It should be somehow more reliable. And now I understand that with alcohol, and with stomach problems, there is no medicine.

Svetlana 04.16.2016
Thanks a lot to smart people for this article! My husband had a very sick stomach, went to the hospital, there he was prescribed all kinds of pills. But, he drank a little and his liver started to hurt! Now, for a week now he has been drinking broth from the marshmallow, and pah-pah, he felt much better.


Watch the video: Medicinal Herbs: Lisa's Greenhouse & Gardens. Volunteer Gardener (June 2024).