Sweet cherry: benefits and harm to the body, safe doses of sweet berries. How many calories are in cherries and what vitamins are in it?


Cherry is one of the favorite natural goodies that you can treat yourself to in early summer, and in some regions at the end of spring.

Externally, the cherry is similar to cherry.

Only the first fruit is slightly larger, and the berry itself is juicier and more tender.

The berry, of course, is delicious, but not everyone knows what vitamins in cherries are contained and how it is useful.

What vitamins do cherries contain?

Sweet cherry is rich in mineral and vitamin composition. Among the nutrients, the content of potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper and iodine is especially high. Bright red fruits contain B vitamins (B1, B3, B6), C, PP, E, K. Such a rich composition makes cherries a valuable product for human health. Young women who are expecting a baby should definitely eat cherries if their pregnancy occurs at the time of its maturation. Sweet cherry is a real storehouse of useful substances that are necessary for the normal formation of the fetus and its further development.

Retinol in the composition of the cherry fruit is responsible for the formation of tissues, starting from the bones, ending with the retina.

Vitamin B1 establishes metabolic processes in the body. B6 - participates in protein synthesis, regulates the work of the heart, liver and brain. Vitamin PP saturates the cells with oxygen.

The use of cherries can be the prevention of thrombosis, since coumarins and oxycoumarins in the composition of berries help to reduce blood coagulation.

Cherry is often used to cleanse the body of toxins.

Saturated burgundy color is recommended for patients with hypertension, as it reduces pressure. Those who suffer from anemia also need to lean on cherries. Iron in its composition raises hemoglobin.

Sweet cherry: health benefits and harms. Useful properties of cherries

A wide vitamin composition makes the berry universal. It stimulates the work of almost all vital organs: liver, kidney, heart, intestines.

Sweet cherry helps with diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. For those who often suffer from constipation, the berry helps alleviate the condition. To do this, it is eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. She is also able to establish the process of digestion. Cherry can also be eaten with dysbiosis, since it contains a lot of plant fiber, which is necessary for saprophytic bacteria.

Amygdalin, a component of the fruit, contributes to appetite. Thanks to the same substance, cherries quickly and easily relieve pain in the stomach.

Cherry compote, cooked from fresh berries, treat cough, since the fruits have an expectorant effect. Drink the drink warm several times during the day.

Freshly squeezed cherry juice is used to raising hemoglobin, normalizing digestion and for treating rheumatic diseases. To do this, drink juice in half a glass at least 4 times a day.

Cherry blossoms and leaves are also used in folk medicine. Of these, decoctions and infusions are prepared, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Such drinks help to cope with infections and colds.

Cherry is used not only for healing the body from the inside, but also outside. The fruits deal with many skin diseasessuch as psoriasis, eczema and acne.

Cherry is also used in cosmetology. During its maturation, you can independently make a cherry face mask. For example, if necessary moisturize and saturate dry skin with vitamins, you can make the following mask:

● remove the stalks and seeds from the berries, wash it and wipe it to obtain a volume of 1 tbsp;

● cherry gruel is mixed with the same amount of low-fat sour cream and mix well;

● the resulting mixture is applied to the face and incubated for 15 minutes.

For problem skin, a mask of cherries and strawberries is suitable. An equal amount of ingredients is turned into slurry and applied to the face. If you do this procedure regularly, it will soon become noticeable that the skin has become cleaner, the pores have narrowed, and the dead cells are removed.

Sweet Cherries: Harmful

Before eating cherries, do not forget to wash them well. Even if you picked the fruits on your tree and are sure that the berry was not processed in any way. Dust and various particles of dirt still settle on it. In the best case, this can lead to intestinal upset, in the worst - lead to poisoning.

It is not recommended to eat the berry to people who suffer from chronic diseases of the intestinal tract, such as incontinence and obstruction. You can not eat cherries and those who have gastritis with high acidity. Those who suffer from frequent flatulence, bloating and chronic constipation, the berry is also better not to get carried away. If you decide to allow yourself a little, then it is better to eat it after at least half an hour after eating.

To avoid bloating, which often occurs after eating a berry, it should be eaten not by handfuls, but slowly.

Separately, I want to say about young children. Despite all the benefits of berries, children under one year old should not be given. Their body has not yet fully matured and may simply not be able to withstand such a large amount of red substances. They can cause severe allergies, diarrhea, or indigestion.

Sweet cherry: is it beneficial or harmful to health? Is sweet cherry good for diabetes? How many calories are in cherries?

Many people care about the question: is it possible for sweet cherries in diabetes. At first glance, it may seem that the sweetness of a berry can hurt, but in fact more than 70% of its carbohydrate composition is fructose, which is easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, diabetics can berry, but strictly in small quantities.

Those who want to lose weight should also take this fact into account. In the ripening season, you can take advantage of the situation and replace your favorite desserts with sweet berry. It will be no less tasty, but more useful and without harm to the figure. Few people know how many calories in cherries. In 100 g of fresh berries, there are only 50 of them.

For the diet, cherry stalks can also be used. They make a decoction that has diuretic properties. It helps to remove excess fluid from the body and, as a consequence, to lose weight.

Useful properties of cherries and how to store it correctly

The health benefits of the berry are enormous, however, it sings in early summer and quickly leaves. With a large harvest, you can harvest cherries for the winter and enjoy it almost all year round. With proper harvesting, cherries do not lose their beneficial properties and remain just as tasty.

One of the more popular and more gentle methods of harvesting is storage in a freezer. You can freeze fruits with seeds or without them. Previously, the berries are well washed, dried and stacked in bags or containers.

An important point: watch the tightness of the container in which the cherry is stored. It absorbs all odors very easily.

- You can freeze cherries with sugar. To do this, for 1 kg of berries you need to take 300 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. lemon juice. The berries are peeled, washed well, covered with sugar and watered with lemon juice. All mix well (try to do it carefully so that the fruits remain intact), put in containers for freezing and send them to the freezer. Also, the dish is perfect as a dessert on cold winter evenings. The berry is stored in this form for about 8-10 months.

- For the winter, you can also prepare dried cherry fruits. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the faster this process goes, the more useful properties will remain and the tastier the berries will be. One of the most popular methods of such preparation is drying in the oven. Harvested fruits are stoned and laid out on a baking sheet. It is placed in the oven, preheated to 55 degrees. It should be noted that drying is carried out with the oven door open.

When the fruits become dried, the temperature is gradually increased to 80 degrees. Then again reduced to 60 and wait for the end of drying. All this will take about a little less than a day.

Dried fruits are stored in a sealed container in a cool place.

Sweet cherry is a very tasty berry that has a number of useful properties and improves the condition of all vital systems of the body. But despite all the benefits, it can be dangerous. It is better not to eat cherries in diabetes and with a disturbed digestive tract. With such ailments, it is better not to get carried away with this berry. You can allow yourself a little, but only if you are sure that this will not aggravate the already existing serious illness.

Healthy people should also not lean on cherries. It can cause bloating, diarrhea, and in this regard, poor health. Remember the golden rule - everything is good and useful in moderation.


Watch the video: Treating Gout with Cherry Juice (June 2024).