Is it possible to do manti for colds or is it better to refuse vaccination? Is Mantoux a safe vaccine for colds?


Is it possible to do mantha with a runny nose and cough?

Many parents do not know the answer to this question, but doctors insist that a preventive vaccination is necessary.

But are they right in this case?

How the test will affect the general condition of the child, will not runny nose and cough affect the result?

Parents should know that the mantoux test is not a vaccine at all, but an immunological test aimed at detecting tuberculosis bacteria.

In this article we will answer the question of whether it is possible to put mantle with a cold. You can find out the opinions of doctors and parents. It is worth noting how to properly evaluate the mantle for diseases, and whether errors can occur.

Is it possible to do Mantoux for colds: what is Mantoux?

Each baby who was first given the BCG vaccine for the first time in his life is subsequently given a mantle. However, any mother can refuse the vaccine, therefore, before delivering it, medical workers must ask permission from their legal representatives.

After the BCG vaccine is introduced, a reaction test is performed for several days in a row. So the baby is injected with a substance called tuberculin, the injection site is just below the elbow bend from the outside. A few days later, the doctor evaluates the result. This diagnosis is performed for all children under 17 years of age. After that, other methods are used - fluorography.

But is it possible to do mantha with a runny nose and cough, many parents are interested? It often happens that you come for the purpose of a routine preventive visit, and the pediatrician says that you need to put the manta. At the same time, the doctor does not pay any attention to what you are talking about the recent illness of your child. But what is it? Is it all about the irresponsibility of doctors? Do not draw conclusions yourself, before answering the question, you need to dig deeper into the essence of the procedure.

If we generalize the general ideas about vaccination, then we can draw the following conclusion, from which it will become clear why it is still needed:

1. The main goal of vaccination is to detect infection at an early stage of development.

2. If the parents believe that their child does not need such a vaccine, they have the right to write a refusal.

3. If there is quarantine in a kindergarten or school, while the child’s body is very weak, it is better to postpone the vaccination for a while.

4. You can’t make an accurate diagnosis (tuberculosis) using only one mantle test. As a confirmation of the diagnosis, additional studies are needed.

5. Diagnosis for tuberculosis infection can be done by a blood test, which has its own name ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

6. The vaccine response depends on how you looked after it. After the doctor makes the vaccine, he will give certain recommendations that should be followed. If something is missed, the result may be positive.

Is it possible to do manti for colds: is vaccination dangerous

Is it possible to do mantha with a runny nose and cough? Many pediatricians answer the question positively. Everything can be explained simply and clearly.

The mantoux reaction is not another vaccination for a child. At the time of the procedure, the doctor does not “deliver” the vaccine to the baby’s body. By injection, reagents are introduced into the body. Tuberculin does not interact with the immune system, does not even cause a mild form of the disease, like many other vaccinations. Thanks to the substance, antibodies can be detected that are produced after BCG vaccination. Under the influence of tuberculin, a certain reaction occurs in the body, which doctors can fix, after a few days.

Doctors insistently say that a runny nose and cough are not a reason to refuse vaccination. Manipulation can be performed even with many viral and colds, in which the throat turns red and the body temperature rises.

But will the opinion change if we consider this question a little differently? What is a runny nose? This is the result of a viral attack, to which various bacterial infections join. The reason may lie in other respiratory viruses.

After a child has a runny nose, his immune system strains. It is important to remember that tuberculin, one way or another, interacts with the immune system. The vaccine, as it were, "checks" whether the immune system is strained against tuberculosis bacteria, which are not at all similar to those that caused a runny nose. But any anxiety in the baby’s immune system can adversely affect the response of the vaccine.

  • IMPORTANT!! A runny nose is the main symptom of a respiratory illness. If parents are interested in whether it is possible to do mantle with a runny nose and cough, then you need to remember that when a test is performed with rhinitis, a change in skin reactions will occur.

If we take into account the fact that the mantle cannot give a 100% accurate result, the occurrence of additional provoking factors will further confuse the doctors in deciphering the result.

Is it possible to do Mantoux with a cold: runny nose after Mantoux

Many children who have recently been given mantle have a slight runny nose. Parents associate this condition with a reaction to injected tuberculin. But in fact, there is no relationship between manthus and the common cold. Tuberculin contains only neutralized or killed fragments of tuberculous mycobacteria. There is absolutely nothing in them that could affect the occurrence of a runny nose.

Most likely, the runny nose is just a coincidence and it is associated with a virus that may have been obtained in any public place. Therefore, parents have no reason to worry.

But if suddenly along with a runny nose the body temperature rises, it is better to call an ambulance, in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Is it possible to do manti for colds: contraindications

For several consecutive years, doctors can not come to a consensus on manti. Some believe that any vaccinations can be given only if the child is completely healthy. Others, on the contrary, argue that mantu is just a test that will not affect the child’s body in any way. Accordingly, there are no barriers in order to vaccinate, nor a cough, runny nose, there are no contraindications at all.

But in fact, both of them are right. Tuberculin is absolutely not dangerous to health, this fact is proved from a scientific point of view.

In other words, if you put the mantle with a small cold, nothing bad will happen. But on the other hand, under the influence of viruses and infections, the result may not be entirely accurate. At the injection site, many children may develop severe inflammation. For every parent, this is a big cause for concern and stress.

But another problem lies in the fact that the reaction that has arisen cannot always be correctly evaluated by doctors. Many immediately measure the entire area of ​​redness, even where there is swelling. But in fact, only the size of the papule is estimated - the seal, which is located near the trace of the needle.

Therefore, even in perfectly healthy children, the results may turn out to be implausible. From this we can conclude that parents can justifiably refuse vaccination.

The final reaction of vaccination should be evaluated only by a specialist who understands this issue.

If the baby has a cough or runny nose, then only parents can decide whether they need this vaccine or whether it is better to refuse it.

Fears of parents

All parents are afraid that after the mantle is delivered, serious complications will arise. In most cases, this is all far-fetched and unjustified.

  • Important! A small dose of tuberculin is administered at a time, which does not have any consequences for the body.

It is best to abandon the test, but not at all because side effects may occur, but because the informational content of such vaccinations is a big question.

Many parents complain that their children are vaccinated in kindergartens and schools, and do not warn parents about this. It is worth saying that the actions of medical workers in this case are illegal.


Thus, we can conclude that you should not do mantle with a runny nose or cough, if there is no suspicion of tuberculosis. But even if you do decide to do it, then nothing terrible will happen to your child.

As an addition, you can recommend some alternatives to the Mantoux test - Quantiferon and Diaskintest.


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