Causes of age spots on the face after childbirth. How to get rid of age spots on the face after childbirth: the most effective ways


During pregnancy, the female body undergoes significant changes.

The hormonal system and the work of all internal organs are rebuilt.

All these factors have a direct impact on the overall well-being of the expectant mother.

Due to changes in the hormonal background, age spots may appear on the face after childbirth.

The question of how to get rid of them is very relevant, because this phenomenon provokes psychological discomfort, which leads to the development of self-doubt.

Pigmented spot on the face after childbirth: the main causes

Dark spots on the face of newly made mothers appear due to the high production of melanin. It is worth noting that for brunettes this phenomenon is not so much striking as in blondes. Pigmentation can occur both on the face and on the hips, around the nipples and in the navel.

Causes of pigmentation

1. Change in hormonal levels and increased production of estrogen.

2. If a woman is often nervous, stress may well cause dark spots on the face.

3. If there is a lack of folic acid in the body, this can lead not only to pigmentation, but also to a deterioration in the general well-being of the baby and mother. During pregnancy, a woman must drink folic acid, eat fatty fish, eggs, bananas and beef liver.

How to whiten a face after childbirth is a question that in no case should you decide on your own. If pigmentation is detected, you should contact your doctor so that he develops the right treatment strategy and prescribes suitable multivitamins.

Diseases that pigment spots may indicate

Pigment spots on the face after childbirth usually pass independently after 6-7 months. At this time, the work of the internal systems of the female body is normalized and the hormonal background is stabilized. In the event that the dark neoplasms have not disappeared, how to get rid of them you need to ask your doctor. It is possible that pigmentation indicates some diseases of the body.

1. If the spots were localized mainly on the forehead in the central part, it is possible that the mother has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

2. If pigmentation has formed around the eyes, this indicates problems with the thyroid gland.

3. If the spots are located symmetrically on the cheeks and nose - this is a serious hormonal failure, the doctor should prescribe a complex of multivitamins to the woman.

Pigmentation should disappear after the newly minted mother is cured of the underlying disease. If this does not happen, you can contact a cosmetologist or folk remedies to try out several ways to whiten your face after childbirth.

How to whiten a face after childbirth with cosmetics

When choosing a cosmetic bleaching agent against pigmentation, a woman should carefully study its composition. There should be no components that could adversely affect the quality of breast milk.

When the question arises of how to get rid of pigmentation, doctors recommend Skinoren cream. This tool is the most simple, effective and harmless. It is recommended to use the cream from 1 month to 3, the exact date will be indicated by the doctor.

The drug is applied twice a day to pigmented areas of the skin.

Of course, every woman continues to use cosmetics after childbirth. This is permitted, but remember that the skin is changing. It becomes either drier or more oily. It is necessary to select cosmetics based on these criteria.

Special Skin Whitening Protectors

It is known that after the birth of a baby, a woman's skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet rays. If you do not use protective equipment, especially in the summer, then the appearance of age spots can not be avoided.

The composition of the sunscreen should be the following components:

• talc;

• zinc oxide;

• kaolin.

A correctly selected product guarantees maximum protection of the skin from the rays of the scorching sun. However, they have a small drawback - when water gets on your face, the product is quickly washed off. For this reason, it is recommended to choose more stable creams. A woman should pay attention to the composition of such components as:

• brown acid;

• benzophenone derivatives;

• para-aminobenzoic acid.

Attention is also drawn to the protection index, which is always indicated on the packaging. It shows the effectiveness of the cream and its period of action. For example, if the figure is 15, this is very good. It guarantees long-lasting and effective protection against the rays of the sun.

How to get rid of pigmentation: salon procedures

Today, professional beauty salons offer many procedures with which you can remove age spots on the face after childbirth. They are made on modern equipment and harm the skin.

1. Cryoapplication. With the help of liquid nitrogen, a professional cosmetologist burns out spots that have formed on the face after childbirth.

2. Laser rejuvenation. The procedure includes not only getting rid of pigmentation, but also general rejuvenation of the skin.

How to whiten a face after childbirth painlessly using salon procedures - this issue is often of interest to young mothers. It is important to find an experienced professional in this field, he will advise the best and most harmless option.

How to get rid of pigmentation on the face using folk remedies

If a woman does not want to resort to salon procedures, and age spots do not pass on her own, you can try to get rid of them with the help of simple folk remedies.

For any skin type, rubbing the face with fresh cucumbers and herbal solutions based on chamomile is suitable. Also, you can not forget about tar soap - it whitens the skin, relieves acne and acne.

How to get rid of dark spots on the face of the house

1. Compresses with grated potatoes.

2. Herbal lotions.

3. Lemon. They are recommended to wipe the face every day in the morning after washing.

4. Whitening masks (a large selection can be found in a pharmacy or prepared at home on the basis of white clay).

We must not forget about proper nutrition. If the body does not have enough useful trace elements, pigmentation just won't work. After childbirth during breastfeeding, it is recommended to take additional multivitamins. They have a positive effect on the overall health of a woman and the quality of breast milk.

Whitening Mask Recipes

1. Mix the grated cucumber, olive oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes once a day.

2. One tablespoon of vinegar (6%) is mixed, the same amount of onion juice and honey. The consistency is applied to the face 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes.

3. To the grated potatoes you need to add 5 drops of olive oil and a little milk. This mask not only eliminates age spots, but also improves the overall condition of the skin.

4. To the raw carrot grated on a fine grater, add one yolk of a chicken egg and a spoonful of fat cream. Everything is mixed to a homogeneous consistency and applied to the face for 25 minutes.

Preventative measures

In order not to think about how to whiten your face after childbirth, you need to follow a few simple rules during pregnancy.

1. If a woman has to be in the sun for a long time, you must definitely wear a hat. This is especially true for the summer time.

2. During pregnancy, cosmetics should be selected only with a natural composition.

3. During the period of gestation and after childbirth, you must always monitor your daily diet. It should include products such as fish, meat, fresh vegetables and fruits.

4. From the use of carbonated and flavored drinks, coffee, it is best to refuse. Compotes and freshly squeezed juices will be most useful.

5. As little stress as possible is the basic rule for expectant and new mothers. Nerves adversely affect health.

Brown spots on the face after childbirth are an urgent problem. Following the preventive measures presented, their appearance can be avoided. However, in the event that a problem still arises, do not panic, there are many ways to help whiten your face.


Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Dark Spots and Age Spots on Face (July 2024).