What is the dream of pregnancy


What is the dream of pregnancy - according to Miller’s dream book

If a pregnant woman dreams, it portends a successful birth and a quick recovery in the future. To virgins he dreams of adversity and shame, and all other women - to unhappy marriage and ugly offspring.

What is the dream of pregnancy - according to Wangi’s dream book

For a married woman, such a dream predicts the birth of twins. Girls dream of pregnancy to the deceit of a loved one, dishonesty of his motives.

What is the dream of pregnancy - according to Freud’s dream book

In a dream, a woman is informed that in real life she will soon become pregnant. It is also believed that if a woman dreams that she is expecting a baby, then in the near future she will meet a man with whom relations will be more productive than with her previous lover.

If a man dreams of pregnancy, then this indicates that he wants a child from his partner. Also, this dream, a man’s dream, can be interpreted as a warning about the troubles in relations with the weaker sex that are possible in the very near future. The current alliance may undergo some undesirable consequences.

What is the dream of pregnancy - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

If you dream that you are pregnant, then losses are ahead, and if someone else is asked for a loan.

Why pregnancy is dreaming - according to Loff's dream book

Anyone can dream about pregnancy. In general, he personifies wealth, creativity or puberty. However, there are situations when you need a special approach to individual dreams.

A young woman who would like to become pregnant, but not soon, such a dream reports on the initial transition to the next stage of introspection.

Sexually active women who do not plan to become pregnant, this condition in a dream serves as a natural accompaniment to the menstrual cycle. Sleep can cause anxiety in the spirit of "what if", which require analysis and careful analysis.

If a man in a dream sees himself pregnant, then this is only a reflection of his personal anxieties of life: at present, the ability to continue the clan and masculinity are in doubt from him. In most cases, they torment the representatives of the strong half of humanity, who seem to themselves in this role not as active as they would like.

In real pregnancy, a woman dreams of a wide variety of events - from sad to pretty funny. Pregnancy itself is a huge source of experience - from excitement and anxiety to euphoria.

What is the dream of pregnancy - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Such a dream portends to a girl a deceit, a woman - joy and pride, and a man - making plans in the coming days. If you saw a pregnant woman in a dream, then this may indicate future troubles.

What is the dream of pregnancy - according to Hasse's dream book

A dream about pregnancy, a young woman portends happiness in love, and the old - near death.

What is the dream of pregnancy - according to the dream book of Meneghetti

She dreams that her friend is pregnant - a sign of bearing someone, mainly in a negative way. This dream reports a hidden effect on the individual of something alien or organic disease.

What pregnancy is for - according to Longo's dream book

A man dreams that his wife is in a position - very well. Your new idea is not as hopeless as it was thought at first glance and has a great perspective. If you want and perseverance, success and a good income are provided. However, there is a slight clarification: if a wife is pregnant in reality, then sleep cannot be interpreted in this way. If a woman had a dream, one should expect an addition to the family. But he reminds the young girl that she sat up in the girls and the time has come to realize the awakening maternal instinct.


Olga 11/03/2016
I had a dream that my pregnant girlfriend (who is actually pregnant) was beaten, and I stood up for her. What is this for?

What is dreaming about 10/08/2016
For the correct interpretation of this dream, it is better to immediately divide it into two groups, because pregnancy in a dream can have both a “direct” meaning (that is, somehow overlap with the topic of pregnancy in real life), and “portable” (not related to a real pregnancy and procreation).

Let us consider in more detail what pregnancy is dreaming of in each of these cases.

In the first case, a dreamed pregnancy can mean:
Internal feelings, fears, aspirations: Readiness for procreation, desire (or fear) to get pregnant;
Upcoming events: Pregnancy, light / difficult births, replenishment in the family (with you or friends), number of children in the future;
Features of the ongoing pregnancy: Sex of the child, the current state of the fetus, etc. (depending on the context of sleep).

In the second case
New ideas, projects, plans, plans, "born" in your head;
Upcoming events: Happiness / grief, profit / loss, joyful / sorrowful news, gossip, shame, deceit, quarrel, upcoming changes, etc.

Many dream books draw boundaries depending on who is having this dream. But in this case, you need to build on first of all from yourself, from your attitude to pregnancy. Ask yourself a simple question: "What feelings and thoughts do I have with the word pregnancy?". And already based on your attitude, decipher the dream.

who to believe then?

Samira 09/23/2016
I really want a baby. God forbid a dream sets reality.

Victoria 09/17/2016
Well, whom to believe? interpretations are different everywhere!


Watch the video: . Dream Interpretation. pregnancy. pregnant in dreams. prophetic dreams (June 2024).