What to do if acne appeared during pregnancy? Are acne scary during pregnancy and how to deal with them?


It is believed that pregnancy paints a woman.

Magazines write about this, they talk on TV, this opinion is supported by loving husbands. But the beauty of radiant, full of love eyes can easily be spoiled by acne that appeared during pregnancy.

Acne During Pregnancy - Causes

The reason for the appearance of acne during pregnancy lies in the changes that await the woman in this beautiful period. These include:

• hormonal activity;

• stress;

• use of iodine-containing drugs;

• heredity.

Since the main cause of acne during pregnancy is hormonal changes, we will dwell on them in more detail.

The appearance of pustules on the skin due to hormonal activity can occur literally in the first weeks of pregnancy or after the 13th obstetric week. At this time, the growth of the male hormone testosterone is activated. In ordinary life in women, it is present in the body in an insignificant amount. Testosterone levels rise slightly in the middle of the menstrual cycle, stimulating attraction to the opposite sex during ovulation, and then decrease again. Some women note its influence during this period: mood changes, several pimples may appear, tenderness of the mammary glands is noted. Such phenomena are usually called premenstrual symptom.

If fertilization of the egg occurs, then the corpus luteum begins the active production of testosterone, due to which another hormone, progesterone, is synthesized. Progesterone allows the embryo to remain in the uterus and is necessary to maintain pregnancy. There is a close relationship between these two hormones. With a lack of testosterone, progesterone production stops immediately, and the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage.

After completing the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the placenta, which began to function in full force, is connected to the production of testosterone. It is at this time that the appearance of a large number of acne on the skin of a pregnant woman is possible, since testosterone regulates the sebaceous glands, the load on them increases and a failure occurs in a well-functioning system.

Acne during pregnancy - types and consequences

Many noted that some pimples go away quite quickly, others can plague for weeks, and others do not bring pain at all, but only spoil the appearance.

Inflammation on the skin goes through several stages, passing from one species to another or remaining in the same condition.

1. In pores, plugs are formed from a mixture of old epithelium and fat secreted by the sebaceous glands. Pore ​​blockage occurs. Such plugs are called comedones.

2. Depending on how deep the cork is, white or blackheads form over time on the site of the comedone. White (wen) are located under the skin, black - in open pores. Blackheads become black when fat in an open pore becomes old and turns yellow first and then black.

3. Both types of eels are not protected from infection. This can happen when you try to remove the eel mechanically, with hard scrubbing of the skin, or simply when your hands or objects touch the affected area of ​​the skin. Often, inflammation begins in places where the skin is crushed (propping up the chin with your hands, pressing the phone to the cheeks). So the third stage develops - papules or pustules.

4. Pus inside the inflammation comes out and the pimple heals. If the abscess persisted for a long time, scars may remain on the skin.

Getting rid of the effects of acne is not easy, but possible. For this, there are special cosmetic procedures and products.

• Dermabrasion is a hardware operation during which the skin layers are gradually cut off one by one to the lower point of the scar, due to which the skin of the face is evened out.

• Laser resurfacing of scars is a rather painful procedure that requires long preparation and rehabilitation. The person is smeared with anesthetic cream, after which the laser treatment itself takes place. After the procedure, a burn remains on the skin, which heals for about 7 days.

• Chemical peeling - a procedure during which the upper layers of the skin are exfoliated with the help of special chemical compounds. Peeling varies in depth of exposure and duration of rehabilitation, which averages 1-2 weeks.

• Injection - the introduction into the skin of substances that fill the pits of the scars.

• Ointments, creams - means with which you can cure fresh scars. They give a good effect in the treatment of scars on the same level as the skin (spots).

Important! Treatment of the effects of acne can only begin after the end of the fight against acne itself, so the solution to this issue is delayed until the time of birth, and sometimes until the completion of breastfeeding.

Acne during pregnancy - what to do

Since hormonal changes become the cause of acne during pregnancy, the attention of the gynecologist conducting the pregnancy should be paid to the skin condition. The doctor will prescribe a hormone test. It must be remembered that if a pregnant woman suddenly has acne, then the level of testosterone and progesterone can be too high, and this adversely affects pregnancy.

Acne treatment by a gynecologist includes the appointment of drugs that will help restore normal hormonal levels to maintain pregnancy. Clean face skin is of secondary importance, and if acne does not pass after a course of taking medications and normalizing indicators, then you have to wait for the end of pregnancy, since it is impossible to lower the level of hormones below certain limits during pregnancy. In 80% of cases, the problem can be solved immediately.

If the hormonal background is not disturbed, then the pregnant woman is referred for consultation to a dermatologist. However, as such, drug treatment should not be expected from him until the time of birth because of the risk of complicating pregnancy when using antibacterial drugs.

A pregnant dermatologist can advise:

• eliminate fatty and sweet foods, prescribe a diet that excludes food allergens;

• drink more pure water in order to remove toxins and reduce the amount of fat secreted by the skin;

• less use of decorative cosmetics, clogging pores on the face (foundation, powder, concealer);

• spend more time in the fresh air, not forgetting to clean your face from dust from time to time with wet wipes;

• carry out home refreshing procedures and masks to reduce oily skin.

So you can significantly reduce the amount of inflammation on the skin. If, after childbirth, the problem persists, acne medicines and cosmetic procedures are prescribed to remove scars if they remain after treatment.

Acne during pregnancy: folk remedies

To reduce the risk of acne, reduce the duration of inflammation and thereby prevent the appearance of deep scars, even during pregnancy. To do this, you must follow the recommendations of a dermatologist regarding diet and perform elementary, but regular procedures for facial skin care:

• thorough skin cleansing;

• masks cooked at home according to old grandmother's recipes.

Folk remedies for acne during pregnancy prevent the spread of inflammation to healthy areas of the skin, have a beneficial effect on its condition in general and help gently get rid of existing acne.

Ice Wash or Contrast Wash

A brief contact of the face skin with ice water or ice narrows the pores, improves blood circulation, enriches it with oxygen, and prevents pathogenic bacteria from multiplying and penetrating the skin.

Tar soap

Tar soap known for its antibacterial action is an excellent remedy for acne. Regular washing with tar-based soap reduces oily skin and tightens pores, healing acne that has already appeared and preventing the appearance of new ones. You can improve the effect using a soft sponge. To do this, apply soap to a sponge or sponge and rub the most problematic areas of the skin well.

Gelatin mask


• 0.5 tsp gelatin;

• 1 tablet of activated carbon;

• 1 tsp warm water.

The ingredients are mixed, heated for 10 seconds in the microwave, and the resulting product is applied in 8-10 layers. Each layer needs to be given 10-15 seconds to dry. After the final drying, which lasts about 30 minutes, remove the mask film. On the back surface you can see a lot of sebaceous plugs.

Honey massage

A small amount of honey should be applied to the skin of the face and massage with light sweeping movements. Due to the special sticky composition of honey, all sebaceous plugs will be removed, the skin will become much cleaner, and the pores will be narrower.

Egg mask

Another mask that allows you to clean the pores of traffic jams. The egg is beaten, applied to the skin and a very thin paper towel is applied on top, then the action is repeated again. After drying, remove the resulting mask film. After applying this mask, it is better to lie down, completely relaxing the face, otherwise the tissue will begin to lag behind the skin when the muscles move and there will be no effect on it.

Lemon mask

Mix honey and lemon juice in equal proportions and apply to the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask kills microbes and gently cleanses the skin, brightening the inflamed areas. The best effect can be achieved by first steaming the face.

Cucumber mask

Grated cucumber is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with cool water. This mask is suitable for summer face skin care, refreshes and reduces oily skin. It is used more to prevent acne than to treat it.

Important! When treating acne, scrubs and hard brushes should not be used because of the risk of skin damage and infection.

Using these simple remedies, even during pregnancy you can prevent acne from spreading over the entire skin of the face, or even do without them. And feeling your attractiveness and maintaining a good mood throughout your pregnancy, you will only do better for your appearance, health and future baby.


Watch the video: 10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know. Do & Don't (July 2024).