What to do if a dog has bitten - first aid, treatment methods. If a dog bites an adult or child - what should I do?


Dog bites vary in severity.

With a superficial bite, the animal damages the skin with its teeth, resulting in a superficial wound.

A ragged bite is often accompanied by severe loss of blood and therefore is the most dangerous for a person's life.

What to do if a dog bites?

Causes of animal aggression

Any dog ​​can bite regardless of breed and size. No one is safe from the bite of even his "favorite". Dogs are able to bite during the game. Dogs pose the greatest danger to children.

Starvation, illness, poor host attitude, fostering malice - all this sooner or later causes aggressive behavior. Stray dogs that gather in packs are considered especially evil. They attack for no apparent reason, aiming at the ankles, hips, palms, people. Children bite in the face and forearms.

What to do if a dog bites - first aid

1. The first thing to do after a bite is to wash the damaged area with soap and water. Better with the household. It is in its composition that it contains alkali, which destructively affects viruses and bacteria. Use warm water.

2. After washing, the wound must be treated with iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate solution - any of the available means will do. In extreme cases, you can disinfect the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

3. After the manipulations, treat the skin with an antibiotic ointment, for example, Syntomycin.

4. Cover the wound with a gauze dressing, but do not tighten the bandage.

These steps are effective first aid. In case of a bite, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will professionally assess the condition of the patient and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

It is advisable to provide the doctor with information about the health of the dog, about what vaccinations were given to the animal. If a stray dog ​​has bitten, then a laboratory test will be conducted to identify signs of rabies and tetanus infection.

What to do if a rabid dog bites

Rabies is a viral disease that causes the Neuroryctes rabid microvirus. The virus enters the bloodstream, spreads through the nerve endings, and affects the nervous system. Transmitted through saliva or the bite of an infected animal.

How to determine that in front of you is a mad dog? First of all, a sick animal is too calm or, on the contrary, too violent. Secondly, it is not able to drink (due to spasms in the throat). Thirdly, his saliva is very leaking. Fourth, the dog does not bark, but only howls or whines mournfully.

How to determine if you got rabies if a dog bites? For the disease, the following symptoms are characteristic:

• swelling and redness of the wound in the period from 1 to 3 days after the bite

• itching at the site of damage

• fever, fever

• in severe cases, photophobia, photophobia, hydrophobia

• nervous agitation

• inability to swallow saliva

• the last stage - paralysis and death

After a bite of a rabid dog, it is necessary to wash the wound with soap and water, treat it with an antiseptic, apply a bandage and immediately go to the doctor's appointment. The rabies vaccine is effective only in the first 3 days after a bite.

Attention! Rabies is not treated, only the vaccine given on time will help to avoid terrible consequences.

During the period when you are given injections: on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 30th day after the bite, and also six months after it, you should not drink alcohol, otherwise the therapeutic effect will be reduced to "no."

Rabies is extremely dangerous. Signs of the disease may not appear immediately, but throughout the year. After the bite of a sick animal, treatment should be started immediately.

What to do if a dog bites a child

The main task of parents if a child is bitten by a dog is to try to remain calm and begin to act clearly and systematically.

1. Immediately wash the wound with warm water and soap.

2. Treat it in a circle with green or iodine.

3. Seek help from a doctor at the emergency room.

In a medical institution, the doctor needs to tell about the incident, restore the picture of events in order to anticipate possible complications. If a pet has bitten, provide information about its health and vaccinations.

As a rule, in a hospital, a wound is washed, disinfected, a sterile dressing is applied. In the event of a life threat, surgery is performed. If dirt gets into the wound, tetanus serum is administered to the child. A rabies vaccine is given with a bite from a stray animal or when the doctor considers vaccination warranted.

Why does a dog attack children? First of all, because of fear. Children perceive dogs as toys: hug them, pull them by the tail. Meanwhile, this is an animal, with its instincts, fears, emotions. Even the most “domestic” dog with the existing (as it seems to it) threat can attack a child.

In addition, the animal is irritated when sick. If he is hurt, then undoubtedly it will show aggression.

The dog is jealous. If in the face of the child she sees an opponent, then this can cause irritation and, as a result, a bite.

In any emergency, parents need to be calm and, if possible, take all measures to protect their child.

What to do if a dog has bitten - home remedies

In some cases, it is not possible to seek help from a medical institution. For quick wound healing, use home remedies:

1. Combine turmeric powder and a little honey, apply the composition to the washed and disinfected wound. Turmeric has antiseptic properties, and honey calms well.

2. Take vitamin C every day until the wound heals.

3. Prepare a healing ointment: chop the walnut kernels (3 pcs.), Add a small amount of salt and onion gruel. Mix everything, attach the composition to the wound and bandage it tightly. Healing mixture is a real antidote.

4. Chop the onion, add a spoonful of honey and a small spoonful of vinegar to the gruel. Mix everything and put the mixture on a sore spot.

5. What to do if a dog bites? Make butter from burdock roots. Pour 75 g of fresh raw materials with any of the available oils: sunflower or olive (1 cup). Allow the healing mixture to brew for at least 24 hours, then boil over low heat and, strain, drain into a clean bowl. Ointment copes with any wounds. Store it in the refrigerator, use 2 times a day to lubricate damaged areas.

6. Tear off fresh leaves of celandine and attach to the wound.

7. Boil a sheet of eucalyptus (50 g) in half a liter of boiling water. 3-5 minutes are enough. Cool the composition, strain and add a couple of spoons of honey to it. The ointment for wound healing from a dog bite is ready!

8. Combine the strongest anti-inflammatory drug - garlic with a small amount of honey and attach to the wound. Pre-grind the garlic into gruel.

In no case should you use these methods of treatment if the wound is deep. In severe cases, you need to calm down, try to stop the bleeding on your own (applying a tourniquet or tight bandage will help), immediately call an ambulance.

The consequences of a dog bite

In most cases, an animal bite has negative consequences for human health:

1. the presence of the wound

2. bleeding

3. ingestion of rabies virus

4. infection with harmful microorganisms, infections

5. severe stress for the nervous system

How to protect yourself?

In order to prevent the attack of the dog, you must do everything in your power to reduce the aggression of the animal. You can’t wave your hands, scream, look in the eyes, smile.

If the dog is far away, try to hide from it as soon as possible. It is important not to show that you are afraid. Although, of course, in this situation it is difficult to do.

Try to control your fear, do not give in to instincts. There were times when, in response to the aggression of a dog, a man with all his appearance showed a response malice, and the animal, frightened, left.

Women tend to wave their bags, trying to defend themselves against dog attacks. This is not recommended. The mutts are afraid of stone, sticks. You can scream, call for help people, but not with a squeal, but in a low voice. The main thing is not to reveal your fear, pack up and act on the situation.

Stopping a raging dog will help a handful of sand or earth thrown into the face, an open umbrella, a confident cry: "It is impossible!"

If you do not panic, the chance of being left without a bite increases many times. The dog feels the scent of fear. Rate the situation. If you manage to cope with animal power - show it, no - try to “take” it with caress. In any case, keep calm and sobriety of the mind, do not let fear paralyze you.

How to prevent a dog bite

1. Do not touch the unfamiliar dog.

2. Do not interfere in the fight of animals.

3. Do not disturb the dog while it is eating.

4. Do not approach the mother dog when it is guarding the puppies.

5. Do not leave the small child alone with the animal.

6. Learn to recognize signs of aggression and teach your children this.

If you or your loved ones become a victim of a dog attack, quickly and calmly carry out the necessary manipulations and seek help from a doctor. Only timely measures taken will help to avoid negative consequences in the future.


Watch the video: Dog Bite treatment with Home Remedies. कतत क कटन पर तरत कर य घरल उपय. Boldsky (June 2024).