What to do if a tooth is loose - is it so bad? Some useful tips for those who have a loose tooth: save a smile!


Health and aesthetic beauty of teeth are very important for a person.

Their appearance often characterizes the state of the internal organs of a person, but sometimes a situation happens when the teeth look great, but begin to stagger.

What to do at such a moment?

Teeth, how are they important for humans? What to do if a tooth is loose?

The teeth are laid during intrauterine development of the fetus. Already at this moment, it is important that the child receives all the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. They are responsible for building the bone and muscle structure of the child’s body. If initially weak bones, teeth with a flimsy root system are laid, then it is likely that they will last a short time and begin to stagger. Perhaps even for no apparent reason.

Teeth are an important element in the processing of food, which enters the human body for further assimilation. Food is very important for people, without it they can not survive. If food is poorly chewed, the intestines and stomach suffer. Therefore, it is worth monitoring the thoroughness of chewing and so that the teeth do not stagger and do not deteriorate.

Many young women complain that they accumulate extra pounds in the body, but at the same time they do not think about chewing food quite poorly, which leads to its complete digestion. Such food is immediately delayed in the form of extra pounds in problem areas of the girls' figure.

Chewing stimulates better absorption of food and strengthens the gums. Do not forget that it is the health of the teeth that largely depends on the health of the gums. If the gums are inflamed, bleeding, then healthy teeth are not worth talking about. This creates discomfort when chewing and can cause tooth sensitivity. If periodontal disease develops, then your teeth may also begin to stagger, they can even fall out without help.

Dentists argue that most patients are attentive and prudent about the health of their teeth only when they have to be removed. The thing is that in many countries a culture of regular examination by the dentist is not vaccinated. Every six months it is necessary to undergo such an examination and eliminate dental problems. Otherwise, you have to eliminate the tooth itself.

Sometimes a person does not even suspect that he has huge problems with his teeth until they begin to stagger. What to do if a tooth is loose? It is best to do nothing on your own until the cause of this situation is established. It is worth contacting the dentist to establish the cause and eliminate it.

What to do if a tooth is loose - dentist's advice

Often, teeth begin to stagger precisely due to diseases of the oral cavity. Some patients deal with this problem, which arose against the background of the development of stomatitis. This is a viral or fungal infection of the oral mucosa that can even affect the roots of the tooth. As a result, the root system deteriorates and the tooth begins to stagger.

In such cases, dentists attribute antibiotic treatment and use various methods to save the tooth. In some cases, a pin is implanted into it, which keeps it from swaying and completely falling out. With the help of a pin, it is possible to almost completely restore the tooth structure.

It so happens that the tooth overcomes deep caries and as a result, its roots begin to rot. There is a flux. Pus begins to accumulate in the tooth cavity and thereby displace it, the patient may seem that the tooth is loose. This is often a false sensation. With this problem, you should immediately contact a dentist, because how to solve it yourself is quite difficult.

An experienced specialist will quickly eliminate the area of ​​suppuration and can even save a tooth if it comes to flux. There is nothing complicated for a qualified dentist in this matter. A variant of the development of periodontal disease is also possible. This is a rather insidious disease that can be caused by dozens of factors, microorganisms and bacteria.

Often, periodontal disease occurs against a background of vitamin deficiency, prolonged depression. The gums become thinner, begin to bleed, they no longer hold the tooth in its cavity, and the tooth begins to stagger. In this situation, the treatment process and its prognosis are very favorable. In this case, the dentist can prescribe the use of special toothpastes for periodontal disease and mouth rinses.

These specialized remedies will quickly remove the cause of the problem and also quickly stop tooth shakiness. But what to do to prevent the development of such an insidious disease? Watch your teeth and gums. If only a few drops of blood are visible on the toothbrush while brushing your teeth - this is a signal for action. There are cases when young people lost almost all of their teeth as a result of the development of periodontal disease.

What to do if a tooth is loose? Traditional medicine methods

For many peoples, teeth are a connection with their race. If a tooth starts to stagger - it is a disease or an imminent death. Believing in these signs, our ancestors came up with a lot of folk remedies for saving a tooth. It is worth noting some of the most effective:

• Regular use of calcium preparations can strengthen teeth, tooth roots and gums;

• Rinsing the oral cavity with a weak broth of chamomile, a person ensures their health and luster;

• It is good to use a disinfecting weak decoction of oak bark;

• Well-proven sea salt, which should be rubbed into the gums of a loose tooth;

• If the gum is bleeding heavily - it is worth using lotions with aloe juice.

The first-aid kit is rich in various recipes that are designed to heal a person. What to do if a tooth is loose? Do not panic. It is worth identifying the cause of the situation and liquidating it. It is also worth remembering the benefits of preventive measures that can save yourself from such an unpleasant situation when your teeth are loose.


Watch the video: Dentist says DO NOT CROWN YOUR TEETH! - Proves it with a Clinical example! (July 2024).