The meaning of the name Roman


Name Novel originally from ancient Greece. In a literal translation, "Roman" is "Roman." Other meanings of the word are "strong, strong, powerful."

And indeed, Novels are heroes. Outwardly they are strong and courageous. But the gentleness of character goes into complete discord with the impression that Roman makes at the first meeting.

Novel - character traits

The novel is not one of those men who will achieve the goal, no matter what. He prefers to count on luck, and a "saucer with a blue border." The events taking place around him, by and large, are perceived as a given, which does not make sense to change. Therefore, most often, Roman is an inert person, floating with the flow.

His ability to not resist gives him excellent chances to become one of the best employees at work, because he will never argue with his superiors. Agreeing with all the arguments in silence, he can at the same time devote several minutes to an internal analysis of the situation. But no more than that. Within half an hour from his thoughts there will be no trace. His head will be occupied by other contemplative functions.

Women often have Romanov among their friends, but they are friends, because the life partner for such a person is something unearthly, creative. Unfortunately, its pliability often leads to incomplete work on creating a family nest. Insidious persons twist them as they want, and he is easily led and falls into skillfully placed female traps. Why not? After all, he is attractive and sexy. One must use the delights of life.

Novel - Name Compatibility

In Roman, the concept of incompatibility does not seem to exist. He is able to converge with any person and with any woman. He will not try to change the world around him. He also will not seek to dominate people. Therefore, it is easy with them. But such an approach is possible only for short-term contacts.

In marriage, only a very wise or very cunning woman can endure inertia. The first category includes Ekaterina, Sophia, Love, Hope, and the second - Anna, Olga, Svetlana.

Novel - famous people who bore this name

Roman Viktyuk is a notorious contemporary director. It is distinguished by a special worldview and ability to show its own inner world through performances.

Roman Kostomarov is one of the best skaters. Winner of world championships and Olympic games.

Roman Abramovich is an oligarch, one of the richest people on the planet.

Novel - interesting facts about the name

The name of Roman Abramovich often flashes on the pages of the yellow press. His purchases, worth millions of dollars, are a reason for gossip and admiration. He has yachts, a football club and even an island, which he acquired quite recently. The island of New Holland, according to the owner, is to become the cultural, entertainment and business center of the city.


Roma 11/27/2016
cool page

Catherine 04/16/2016
ABOUT! I have one friend, Roman, who is very similar in character to the one described here. Its main features, of course, are attractiveness and breathtaking sexuality))) In our environment, there is practically not a single girl who would not sigh about Romka))

Lola 04/16/2016
And I have a good example of Roman’s marriage! Yes. he was also chosen. I mean, the girl took him, so to speak, into circulation. But, it was precisely “his” girlfriend. Now, looking at them, at their relationship, we can say that this is an ideal couple.

Nina 04.16.2016
I practically agree with everything written. Novels really do not like to somehow influence even their own lives; they prefer to be told what to do and how to be at all. But, with a good wife - this is a good moment in a person)))

Kristina 04/16/2016
And here I am familiar for many years with a slightly different Roman. “My” Roman does not just analyze the situation, but also makes decisions on it. You can’t blame him for obedience to another’s will, if he doesn’t consider it necessary, he won’t do anything. Maybe. This is an exception to the rule.
