Side dishes for cutlets - they are so different! Garnish recipes for fish, meat, chicken, liver and vegetable cutlets


What is the cutlet eaten with? Of course, with a side dish! Without it, the dish is incomplete, and the plate seems empty. There are many options for preparing side dishes, but not everyone will come to a meat or fish cutlet. What to do if it is made from a liver or vegetables? We solve puzzles!

Side dishes for cutlets - general principles of preparation

Side dishes are boiled, fried, stewed and baked. The type of heat treatment depends on the main product used, as well as the method of preparation of the patties. If it's steam and diet, then a side dish of fried potatoes will look ridiculous. You also need to pay attention to the compatibility of products. For example, meatballs with rice are never served with boiled rice or pasta. A vegetable cutlets with cabbage or stew.

What side dishes are made of:

• vegetables;

• cereals;

• pasta;

• mushrooms.

Sometimes several products from different categories are mixed. For example, cereal side dishes can be supplemented with vegetables or mushrooms. Pasta is never combined with cereals.

In addition to the main ingredients, fats, spices, all kinds of sauces and herbs are used to make side dishes. Canned and fresh vegetables can also be included in the design of the dishes, if they are not present in the side dish.

Zucchini side dish for meat cutlets

Zucchini is something that can be accurately used as a side dish for meat patties. They improve digestion, do not burden the stomach and are very useful. It remains only to cook them deliciously.


• 3 young zucchini;

• zest of 1 lemon;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• butter;

• 1 bunch of greenery;

• salt and pepper;

• 3 eggs.


1. Chop greens and garlic, add the zest to them and mix well. Leave the mixture nearby.

2. Cut the zucchini into circles of not more than 0.5 centimeters.

3. Beat the eggs with salt with a fork.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, dip the zucchini in the eggs alternately and fry on both sides. The egg will not allow vegetables to absorb fat and will contribute to the rapid appearance of a golden crust.

5. Put the mugs in a bowl and immediately sprinkle with an aromatic mixture of herbs with zest and garlic.

6. The following fried zucchini is laid on top, allowing the aroma to reveal.

7. Put on the plate the fried circles of zucchini, do not forget to add the cutlet.

Potato side dish for fish cakes

Fish cakes often lack juiciness and the side dish should cover this drawback. A wonderful option for cooking potato dishes, but not quite ordinary. For such a side dish, fishcakes will need milk.


• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 300 ml of milk;

• salt;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 1 tsp sweet paprika;

• 50 grams of oil drain.


1. Peel the potatoes and cut into small slices. We rinse and fill with milk.

2. Add a piece of butter and set to boil. The liquid will not completely cover the potatoes, as it should be.

3. After boiling, reduce the heat and mix the potatoes every 10 minutes. Cook until soft.

4. 5 minutes before the end of the dish, salt and add paprika, stir.

5. Turn off, take a spoon and begin to intensively stir the potatoes so that the remaining large pieces break up.

6. Sprinkle the side dish with dill, put the fish patty and send it to the table!

Garnish for chicken lentil cutlets

Much has been said about the benefits of lentils, we will not repeat. But then we will tell the recipe for a wonderful side dish to chicken cutlets. Lentil color and variety do not matter.


• 2 onion heads;

• 0.4 kg of lentils;

• 2 carrots;

• 1 tablespoon butter;

• 3 tablespoons rast. oils;

• spices.


1. Rinse the lentils and cook until tender in water. The exact time depends on the variety. In the middle of cooking, a little salt.

2. Drain the liquid, leave 0.5 cups.

3. Peel the vegetables and chop the straws.

4. Put both types of oil in a pan and fry the carrots with onions.

5. Add the lentils to the vegetables, pour in the previously left liquid, cover and simmer for another five minutes.

6. It remains to season the side dish with spices, herbs, you can add garlic and you're done!

Rice side dish for liver patties

The liver is a kind of product and it is important to choose the right supplement for it. Various cereals can be used as a side dish for liver patties, but rice is especially advantageous with it.


• 0.2 kg of rice;

• 1 onion head;

• 0.1 kg of green beans;

• 0.1 kg canned peas;

• salt and pepper;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 40 grams of oil rast.


1. Cook rice. We rinse the groats well and fill in at least a liter of water. Cook until soft, but do not boil. Do not forget to add water. Drain into a colander.

2. While the rice is being cooked, heat the oil in a pan and add the shredded onion. Fry a moment.

3. Add frozen green beans, cover and simmer another 10 minutes.

4. We evaluate the beans for readiness. If it is already soft, then open the lid, evaporate water and lightly fry.

5. Add green peas, freed from the liquid. Salt, pepper.

6. Next, spread the rice, stir and cover the pan for two minutes with a lid. We warm the side dish so that the taste of the ingredients merges together.

7. Open, add dill and you're done! It remains only to connect with the liver cutlets, but this is already done on a plate.

Garnish for fish cabbage

For a cabbage garnish for fish patties, you will also need tomato paste or fresh tomatoes.


• 0.7 kg of cabbage;

• 0.1 kg of onions;

• 0.15 kg of carrots;

• 0.05 kg of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of pasta or 2-3 tomatoes;

• spices.


1. Take a large stewpan or just a cauldron. We pour all the oil into it at once and send it to heat.

2. Cut the onion with any slices and pour into the cauldron.

3. Add shredded carrots, fry.

4. After a couple of minutes, the turn of cabbage, chopped straws is suitable. Fry until half cooked.

5. Dilute the tomato with 100 ml of water or just rub the tomatoes on a grater. Pour into cabbage.

6. Salt, pepper, cover and simmer until tender. When serving, sprinkle with dill or parsley.

Pea side dish for chicken cutlets

Pea puree is a delicious dish that can serve as an excellent side dish for chicken cutlets. Choose peeled peas, preferably halves or crushed.


• 2 glasses of peas;

• 100 gamma butter;

• 1 onion;

• 1 carrot;

• 4 glasses of water;

• salt.


1. Soak peas in cold water for at least 5 hours. Then we drain this water, we wash the product and fill in the prescription liquid. Put half the butter in a pan. We put it on the stove, stir it so that the peas do not burn. We give it a good boil.

2. Throw the remaining oil into the pan and fry the onions and carrots.

3. Once the peas are cooked, add the fried vegetables, salt and let it boil for another ten minutes.

4. Using a blender we make mashed boiled peas. If it turned out to be a little liquid, then you do not need to worry. It will thicken very quickly.

Garnish for vegetable cutlets

The most difficult question for many housewives. What to use as a side dish for vegetable cutlets, for example, from onions, beans, pumpkins, potatoes? A win-win option is cereals, for example, buckwheat. Cook delicious?


• 1 cup buckwheat;

• 2 tablespoons butter;

• 2 glasses of water;

• 1 small carrot;

• seasonings.


1. Buckwheat sorted, washed and slightly dried with a towel.

2. Put the cereals in a dry frying pan and fry. As soon as a pleasant aroma comes from buckwheat, and it darkens, transfer to a saucepan.

3. Add a pinch of salt and prescription water, which by this moment should already boil.

4. While porridge is cooked, grate the carrots finely and fry in butter.

5. We shift from the pan to an almost finished porridge. Stir.

6. Cover and cook until the end. Stir well before serving. For beauty, you can add a little canned peas.

Garnish for rice and Mexican mix fishcakes

A variant of a chic side dish for fish cakes, which is very simple and easy to prepare. The dish turns bright and tasty. And it is ideal for any fish, including red. A frozen Mexican mix is ​​used.


• 0.2 kg of Mexican mixture;

• 0.12 kg of steamed rice;

• 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 1 onion head;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• greenery.


1. In a saucepan, boil rice, salt water. Then drain the broth.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in a pan.

3. Add the Mexican mixture to the onion and cook together for about ten minutes.

4. Add previously boiled rice and soy sauce. Stir and taste. If necessary, pour more sauce or just add a little salt.

5. Stew the dish under the lid for another three or four minutes.

6. Done! When serving, add a fishcake and a few sprigs of greenery.

Vegetable side dish for chicken cutlets

The recipe for an amazing side dish for chicken cutlets, which can also be used as an independent dish. Zucchini can be changed to eggplant or pumpkin. But the little blue ones will need to be soaked in advance to get rid of bitterness.


• 3 zucchini;

• 0.2 kg of champignons;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 3 sweet peppers;

• butter;

• Italian herbs;

• 2 onion heads;

• salt.


1. Cut the peeled onion heads into strips. Throw in a cauldron with oil and begin to fry.

2. Dice the mushrooms and send to the onion. We fry together.

3. Next, add the zucchini and bell pepper, cut into slices, but not finely. Cook for about five minutes, evaporate the juice.

4. While preparing vegetables, pour tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into cubes.

5. Salt the vegetables, add some Italian herbs and spread the tomatoes to them. Mix well and cover.

6. Stir the dish for about five minutes and turn it off.

Garnish for cutlets - useful tips and tricks

• Any side dish will be tastier if cooked on a broth. It is not necessary to use meat broth. You can take fish, mushroom, vegetable broths, if they do not contradict the taste of the dish.

• The easiest way to make the side dish original is to complement it with something bright and tasty. A great addition to cereals and vegetables is canned peas, corn, you can add a little pickled mushrooms, olives. And, of course, greens in all its forms.

• Buckwheat porridge is not necessary to boil. You can rinse the cereal (optionally fry), then pour into a thermos and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2. Put a piece of oil, salt. And after 4 hours you get a tasty and crumbly porridge.

• Cutlets and side dishes should have the same temperature. A cold side dish will not decorate even the most delicious patty and vice versa. If any part of the dish is cooked earlier, then heat it immediately before serving. This cannot be done several times.


Watch the video: Pork Cutlets With Cream and Mushroom Sauce. French Bistro Recipes (June 2024).