Proper facial skin care - all stages!


A person is a business card of a person who should be beautiful and well-groomed. The skin of the face is thin and more exposed to environmental influences. The condition of the epidermis can be affected by various factors: nutrition, illness, cosmetics, stress, environment. The skin of the face should be taken care of regardless of the time of year and day.

Skin care rules

Cosmetics are selected under the skin type to fill the missing components in the epidermis, normalize the work of the glands and improve the appearance. However, there are common skin care ruleswhich are mandatory for all:

  • Wash in the morning and before bedtime. It is desirable that the water was warm and boiled;
  • Once a day, you can wipe the skin with an ice cube or a decoction of medicinal plants;
  • Do not use soap for washing, it dries the skin. The exception is a special soap;
  • Use only clean materials: a towel, a sponge, a brush, etc.
  • After the expiration date, the cosmetics must be discarded;
  • Use cosmetics no more than from two different manufacturers;
  • Do not self-medicate the skin, do not squeeze out acne and black spots;
  • Massage the skin through massage lines;
  • Protect the skin from sunlight not only in the hot season. In winter, the epidermis needs no less protection;
  • Proper nutrition - the foundation of all the basics. Do not eat fatty foods, eat less sweets, drink more water and green tea.

By following these simple steps, you reduce the risk of problems with the skin of the face and keep it healthy.

Skin Care Stages

Cosmetics, dust, toxic substances floating in the air - all this clogs our pores daily. To maintain cleanliness and health, observefacial skin care steps:

  • Cleansing;
  • Toning;
  • Moisturizing.

Take these points for rules that need to be followed as regularly as brushing your teeth and washing your hands. Cosmetics are designed to emphasize the beauty and hide small flaws, and not to mask the condition of your skin. Therefore, it is important to choose the right care products and use them every day. It is also recommended to use masks and peeling once every 1-2 weeks for prevention.


Clean skin should be twice a day. At night, the skin goes through regeneration, its cells divide eight times faster. In the morning, sweat, the secret of sebaceous glands and toxins that need to be washed off accumulate. At the end of the day, it is worthwhile to rid your face of the load of cosmetics and accumulated dirt.

When applying cosmetics, do not rub your face hard. And wiping with a towel, just blot. The moisture is absorbed into the skin, which will have a good effect on its appearance.

Cleansing is the first and most basic self-care action that many people do wrong. The facial skin cleansing steps should be performed in a specific sequence:

  • Stage 1: removal of cosmetics. If you have makeup on your face, then you should get rid of it first. By mistake, women of different ages clean cosmetics, immediately washing with gel. But it is more appropriate to use makeup remover: micellar water, lotion or micellar oil. Especially good from any kind of cosmetics eliminates biphasic lotion. Apply the product in a small amount on a cotton pad, gently wipe the areas of the face along the massage lines. If you have finished a product, you can use olive oil.
  • Stage 2: washing. After you get rid of the makeup, it's time to move on to the wash. Means for cleaning should be chosen carefully, focusing on the type of your skin.

Owners of dry and combined epidermis are recommended to use products that do not contain alcohol and milk, for example, milk.Lancôme Galatée Confort.For oily skin, you can use gels and foams, for example,Avene Cleanance.Hypoallergenic means will take care of sensitive skin type. Kiehl's Centella Skin-Calming Facial Cleanser.


The next stage after cleansing is toning, which allows restoring the lipid barrier of the skin and neutralizing the remnants of cleansing agents. At this stage, the epidermis is prepared to apply a moisturizing cream.

Young girls up to 25 years old just need to clean the skin and wipe it with a tonic. The skin at this age is restored by itself, and the use of excess cosmetics will cause premature problems with the epidermis and early aging.

The product is applied to wet skin. Good, nutritious tonic is consideredLa roche-posayfrom the budget option copes with its taskGarnier.Method of application: moisten a cotton sponge with a tonic and wipe the face with massaging movements.

It happens tonic spray, in this case, spray the product on the face and neck, then gently "drive" his fingertips, wipe in the end with a dry cotton pad.


Moisturizing maintains water balance in the epithelium. This is a very important point in personal care, because it is thanks to the moisture our skin looks fresh and healthy. Without proper moisturizing, the epidermis will become dehydrated and lose elasticity, wrinkles will begin to occur prematurely.

Each skin type requires specific cosmetic moisturizers:

  • For dry skin products containing amino acids, ceramides, sugars and unsaturated fats will be effective. Hidraderm sesderma has a multi-level moisturizing.
  • Oily skin also needs moisturizing. Choose products with natural silicone, it does not clog pores and makes the skin smooth. The preparations may be in the form of light emulsions, fluids or gels. For example: delicate gel with jasmine and aloe veraSranrom.
  • For problem skin You need to pick up tools with a soft texture and effective components. Good products in the form of balms and creams based on fats or beeswax. For example, you can purchase Aqualia Thermal, Vichy.We advise you to visit a beautician, he will consider your individual case and select the means that will be most useful.
  • For combination skinalmost all moisturizers are suitable. The beneficial effects are drugs, which include: Dimethicone, cyclomethicone, mineral oil. We recommend a mask with hyaluronic acid Hydraphase Intense, La Roche-Posay.
  • Behind normal skin easiest to care for. She does not need additional substances, so cream-gel will do. Hydraskin light from Darphin.

Observing the main three stages of skin care, do not forget about the neck. Put cosmetics on it.

Cream application

In the cold season, the skin needs more nourishment. This helps special nourishing cream. Its thick texture restores the lipid mantle of the skin, protects against weathering and dryness. Nutritious creams are designed for any kind of skin, so choose a tool at its discretion.

Beauticians offer the following procedure for applying the cream:

  • Whether you are caring for your face, or for someone else, apply the cream on your hand. This method is much more convenient and will not overdo it with the right amount of consistency;
  • Spread the cream with your fingertips. He will have a body temperature, and this increases the effectiveness of the product;
  • Apply a small amount of cream to the face and neck, without affecting the area around the eyes (separate creams exist for them). The movements must be massaging, otherwise you will stretch the skin, which will eventually decay;
  • The cream on the face should give a feeling of lightness. If this is not the case, then after 20 minutes, remove the excess with a paper napkin;
  • The remains of the cream can be distributed on the back of the hand.

The day cream should be applied one hour before going outside, the night cream at around 22:00 - 23:00, since it is at that hour that melatonin is actively produced. It is not recommended to apply the cream right before going to bed, the skin relaxes during sleep, and in the morning you can wake up with slight swelling, especially around the eyes.

Frequent Skin Care Questions

Beauticians are often asked questions about the proper care of facial skin. In this article we will answer some of them.

Useful to wash with hot or cold water?

Water should be at a pleasant room temperature. Hot water expands pores and capillaries, and cold water, on the contrary, constricts blood vessels. Both options will not affect favorably the delicate skin of the face.

Does body position during sleep affect skin condition?

It affects. Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness. Incorrect body position, neck leads to a double chin, folds in the chest area and puffiness. The best thing is to sleep on your back. The pillow should be low, the mattress is firm, better - orthopedic.

Can not wash, and use special tools?

It is possible, but not recommended. Traces of cosmetics and cleansers should be removed in any case. Moisten a cotton pad with drinking water and wipe the skin, in extreme cases - tonic. Washing does not take much time, so it is better to devote a couple of minutes to this process.

Can I apply the cream on the mobile eyelid?

The eyelids have the thinnest skin in our entire body, there is practically no sebum secretion in it. Eyelids do not need extra water. You can apply only a special cream for eyelids.

What vitamins are good for the skin?

Each vitamin has its own nutritional functions, supporting the health of our body. In cosmetics, vitamin A and E are most often used. However, you should not forget about vitamins of groups B and C.


Watch the video: Skincare Steps: In What Order Should I Apply My Skincare? Vivienne Fung (June 2024).