June 9: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 9th.


Holidays June 9th

International Friends Day

Friendship is more than a pleasant society or a similarity of interests. This is a disinterested relationship that is based on spiritual intimacy and mutual affection. You can always turn to friends not only for help, but also to share your joy. Friendship among all nations has long been considered a great value. Unfortunately, recently, real friendship is replaced more often by business relations or by mutual benefit. Therefore, real friends need to be valued, and friendship should be valued. International Friends Day was just created so that you can once again remind your friends how dear they are to you. Perhaps for some people this holiday will be an occasion to call their old friends whom they have not seen for several years, or better yet, get together, as before, with a cheerful company, exchange news and give yourself pleasant memories.

June 9th in the folk calendar

Fedorin day. Fedora is considered "prickly" in the tongue, so the peasants on Fedora behaved very carefully. They tried once again not to talk, so as not to proclaim trouble or to quarrel. It was believed that Fedora learns about what is happening in the hut, then trouble can not be avoided. To talk, gossip, the gossip neighbors chose another day.
It was not customary for Fedor to take revenge in the hut so as not to take the dirty linen out of the hut, otherwise this would lead to disagreement and quarrels in the family. And also it was possible by chance along with garbage to sweep a brownie, which that day climbed under a broom. And without a brownie, as you know, peace and harmony in a house will not last long. The peasants, who were involved in trade, fed up the brownie on Fedora: they made a pot of porridge, put it in the oven, not forgetting to throw a few coins. According to legend, this brought additional profit, good luck in trading and promised to attract many buyers.

Historical events of June 9

June 9, 1898 England for 99 years rented Hong Kong from China

After the victory of England in the First Opium War with China, the island of Hong Kong, under the terms of the post-war treaty, in 1842 passed from China to Britain. And in 1860, after the end of the Second Opium War, the islands of Stonecutters were given to England. In 1898, Britain leased from China the rest of the territory adjacent to the island for a period of 99 years. Hong Kong was declared a port-free (a place for duty-free export and import of goods), and performed for Britain in Southeast Asia the role of a cargo transshipment base. The lease expired in June 1997. Hong Kong was returned to China on the condition that for fifty years there will remain its own monetary unit, its own governing bodies and laws.

June 9, 1931 first started the train "Red Arrow"

It was the first branded train in the USSR. He went on his first flight on the night of June 9-10. Its average speed at that time was only 70 km / h. The train went along the Moscow-Leningrad route and back. At first, the cars were painted blue, but from 1962, to this day, the train has a dark red color. It was in the "Red Arrow" for the first time in the Soviet Union that wagons of increased comfort for NE were introduced. Express "Red Arrow" has another tradition: when departing from Moscow, the station radio sounds Oleg Gazmanov's song "Moscow", and when departing from St. Petersburg - Gliere's song "Anthem to the Great City." The length of the route is 650 km. Initially, the train covered this distance in 12 hours, modern express trains - in eight.

June 9, 1935 death penalty was introduced in the USSR for escaping abroad

In many regions of the USSR, famine raged at that time. The country's leadership, wanting to play it safe, decided to introduce such a tough law to exclude mass illegal emigration. Not only the defectors themselves were punished, but also their relatives, who were declared criminals. Only after the death of Stalin, the punishment in the form of execution was canceled.

June 9, 1967 Soviet Union and Israel severed diplomatic relations

After Israel destroyed the Arab Air Force during the Six Day War in the Middle East and crushed the armies of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, the Soviet Union condemned Israel’s aggression policy and supported Arab countries. The government of the USSR repeatedly appealed to the leaders of Israel with a demand to cease hostilities and withdraw troops. The UN Security Council, at the suggestion of the Soviet side, adopted a resolution instructing the warring parties to stop the bloody actions and proceed to negotiations. But Israel continued the offensive. On June 9, the USSR in an ultimatum once again reminded Israel that if the aggression did not stop, the Soviet Union would break off diplomatic relations with Israel and move on to tougher measures to stop the aggressor. On June 10, Israel, believing that its mission was completed and its strategic objectives resolved, ended the war. But by this time, diplomatic relations with the USSR had already been severed. They were restored again only after 24 years, in the early nineties, with the advent of Gorbachev and the announcement of a great perestroika in the country.

Born on June 9

Peter I the Great (1672 - 1725), Russian Tsar, the first Russian Emperor

For his father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Peter became the fourteenth child, but the first common son with his second wife, Natalya Naryshkina. Despite the fact that in childhood the boy did not receive the proper education, and until the end of his days he wrote with errors, he was known as a great reformer and managed to do a lot for Russia. He built a fleet, strengthened the military power of the state, creating a strong regular army, and began the construction of St. Petersburg, which was erected in a swampy area. As a consequence, this city became the first seaport of the Russian state through which ships could directly access the Baltic Sea. It was under Peter that schools and gymnasiums began to open, industry developed, trade expanded, large-scale development of Siberia began, and reunification with Ukraine took place. He carried out the reform of public administration, dividing Russia into provinces, provinces and counties and created supervisory authorities, as well as Church reform, after which the clergy was subordinate to secular authority, and the church could no longer independently conduct a spiritual policy.

Natalie Portman (born 1981), Israeli, American actress

Natalie Portman (Hershlag) was born in Jerusalem, in the family of Moldovan immigrants. In 1984 the Hershlag family moved from Israel to the United States. Natalie from four years old was engaged in dancing and participated in concerts. From childhood, she was purposeful and ambitious, she threw herself to become only an actress. Therefore, when a representative of the company "Revlon" invited her to do modeling at the age of 11, Natalie refused. In 1994, she successfully auditioned for Luc Besson’s film “Leon,” and was approved for one of the main roles. It was at this time that she changed her name to Portman, although in the directorial version of the picture Natalie is also referred to as Hershlag. After “Leon”, she became a very sought-after actress, despite her young age. She starred in such films as “Beautiful Girls”, “Mars Attacks”, “Fight”, “Star Wars”. Acting in films, Natalie did not forget about studying. She graduated from Harvard University, and became a bachelor in psychology.

Name day 9 june

Ivan, Fedor, Leonid, Peter, Anastasia


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