Such a subtle question: can pregnant women go to church? Do pregnant women need to go to church often: rules and superstitions


During pregnancy, many women are very painstaking in their delicate situation and are especially attentive to their emotional and physical health.

Unfortunately, pregnant women panic and begin to believe in rumors and superstitions, limiting their lives.

Can pregnant women go to church? - This question often sounds from them.

Is the church dangerous, and can pregnant women go to church?

For many centuries in Europe, Christianity has remained the main religion. It is one of the most loyal religions in the world. She retains the traditions of family and motherhood in the first place. It is very strange to hear from women who are in a delicate situation or planning a pregnancy the question: "Can pregnant women go to church?"

If you argue optimistically and judiciously, then the very building of the Temple of God cannot do harm. If a pregnant woman is afraid that she will be jinxed in a crowd of believers, then the church has nothing to do with this. This refers to her attitude in the first place.

The ministers themselves are happy to explain that during pregnancy a woman is most susceptible to external factors and believing future mothers will even benefit from visiting the Temple. Here she will be able to confess, take communion, attend church services. Prayers soothe and protect mothers, like the Mother of God and her baby Jesus.

There is no direct and objective danger in the church for pregnant women; there are simply various superstitions and fears that overcome them. But, it’s better than going to church to a night club or a bar to reflect on your future life with your child.

Can pregnant women go to church during big holidays?

For believers, church holidays - these are significant dates and the observance of all canons - is very important. When a woman becomes pregnant, she begins to think, but can she visit the Temple during the great holiday?

Why not? At Christmas, pregnant women have a special grace in the Temple. They are filled with strength, faith, they can ask for protection for their child and for themselves. It is very important to understand that if the inner voice leads a person to the Temple, then everything will be successful.

Many pregnant women attend church daily. They come to morning or evening prayers. Their service calms, allows you to feel support from above. Many women in the situation do not refuse to talk with the Holy Father. At such a time, it is very important for them to get knowledge about how best to build relationships in the family in which the first-born appears and how the mother should behave with her child.

On large church holidays, pregnant women especially feel support, they are overwhelmed with joy and happiness. And these are precisely the feelings that should fill them. On Easter and Christmas, women feel most protected in the church.

If there is a need for a big feast to visit the Temple, but a pregnant woman is afraid of a large crowd of people, she can come in advance and take a convenient place to attend church services. In any of the Temples there are special shops for those who can not withstand the entire service. Of course, it is not necessary to listen to the prayer in such a delicate position, just leave notes and put candles on the icons.

Can pregnant women go to church - contraindications

There are situations when campaigns for pregnant women somewhere, and not just to the church, are contraindicated. So, if a woman is on conservation or has health problems, then she is better to adhere to the regime and not go to the Temple.

In order to pray, she can build an altar for a prayer in the house. This is a separate part of the room, in which a table with icons and candles can be placed. God hears prayers from all over the world and not only from the Temple. And if doctors forbade travel and prescribed bed rest, then it is better to stay at home.

If a pregnant woman has become very impressionable, then it is better for her to refrain from going to church, as well as from going to any crowded place. She can visit the Temple before closing, when there are very few people in it. Also, it is not worthwhile for the expectant mothers to be in a sacred place during the Memorial service. The thing is that it is at this time that memorial services are held and people grieve. Sorrow for a woman in such a situation is a negative feeling and does not bring joy.

It is better for an impressive young mother to stay at home and ask friends and relatives to order a service for her and put candles. You can pray at home for the health of relatives and the unborn child. This will be the best solution to the problem.

Can pregnant women go to church if they are superstitious? That's a moot point. In recent years, women have become especially afraid of damage and the evil eye, any negative that they even began to believe that they might be lime in the Temple itself. Christianity considers superstition a sin. Therefore, do not sin again. It is better to ask for patronage from higher powers and leave fears that negatively affect the unborn child.

So can pregnant women go to church? - the question is twofold. There are no objective reasons not to walk. There are fabrications and superstitions, reluctance, lack of opportunities. But do not go to extremes - almost daily to visit the Temple without special need. You should not listen to other people's advice and run to church, because someone said so.

Prayers must come from the heart and bring joy, pleasure. For those pregnant women who find themselves in a difficult life situation, the church may be the only support and support. Others simply may not want to go there and there is no problem, everything has its time. The most important thing is to rejoice in your condition, rejoice in the unborn child and share this joy with others, tune in to positive and believe that all babies and their mothers are protected from above by forces. Indeed, happiness is inside a person, and he decides what is good for him and what is bad!


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