Treadmill for weight loss - how to run? Composing a treadmill workout to lose weight


Running is included in almost any training program, both for weight loss and for health improvement.

It trains endurance, strengthens the respiratory and cardiac systems, develops various muscle groups and improves coordination of movements.

You can go jogging in the stadium, in the park or on the treadmill.

Regardless of whether this happens in the gym or at home, the rules for effective running on the simulator are always the same.

Does the treadmill help you lose weight

If you do the treadmill correctly, then it will become the first assistant in the fight against extra pounds. Calories are burned during any physical exertion, and with a long run - even more so, since metabolism is accelerated. In addition, several different muscle groups are involved at once, that is, you can work out most of the problem areas of the body. With a sparing mode of training, you can not be afraid to "pump" your legs, on the contrary, they will become slim and fit just to the right extent. Running, perhaps, in principle, is one of the most accessible and fruitful ways to lose weight. It contributes to the burning of body fat on the legs, arms, stomach and waist.

Treadmills are often equipped with a so-called on-board computer with a screen on which not only distance and time are displayed, but also the calories actually spent on training. This is very convenient, as it helps not only to control your loads, but also to motivate yourself for further achievements. It is much easier to believe in the result, when already in the process of doing the exercises you see numbers confirming their effectiveness. At the same time, if achievements are not satisfied, then the need for adding other exercises to slimness becomes obvious. A treadmill helps you lose weight quickly if it is accompanied by other workouts, such as gymnastics or strength training.

The most effective way to ask for excess weight on the track is interval running, during which the speed constantly changes. More precisely, with equal approach times, running is performed at different speeds and even alternates with a step. You can do this in the park, timed by the clock or stopwatch, but with a treadmill it will be much more convenient - even on the simplest simulator, you can set a timer that will signal the beginning of the next approach or even reset or raise the speed of the belt yourself.

What shoes to choose for a treadmill

Running shoes are different from any other sports high depreciation. This is especially true for running on hard surfaces, although the tracks of the treadmills usually have good cushioning on their own. Treating training shoes as a minor detail is a big mistake. In addition to the effectiveness of the exercise, we are talking about safety. Good running sneakers for training will have not only shock absorption, but also flexibility, ventilation and will be very light. A brand does not matter much if the quality meets all the requirements.

Does it make sense to buy expensive branded sneakers if classes on a treadmill take place exclusively at home? It's not about where to train, but how often and with what intensity. The treadmill is not considered as hard as the same asphalt; therefore, to run correctly, the simplest lightweight running shoes with minimal cushioning will suffice. It is important to pay attention to whether they rub their ankles - this is a common problem with such shoes.

Choosing the right treadmill for your home

For home use, there are treadmills of a more compact size than those installed in gyms. And with the modern trend of environmental friendliness in everything, they can also be incredibly ergonomic. First you need to find a place in the apartment where you can place the simulator, and make all the necessary measurements. The main thing in the treadmill is the length and width of the treadmill. The longer it is, the better. In addition, simulators are divided into mechanical and electrical, and, significantly differ from each other in functionality.

The most economical option would be mechanical treadmill. Her tape does not work from the mains, but is directly driven by the runner. Such a treadmill is very light and it can be transported with you without problems or cleaned after class so as not to clutter up the space. Another significant advantage of this simulator for running - the speed will always be comfortable. However, this also contains its main drawback - the tape slows down along with the fatigue of the person running along it, and less effort will be required for the exercise. Because of this, fewer calories are burned, because you lose weight faster when you perform the most difficult exercises. Doing it right on such a treadmill would be better not for weight loss, but as a hitch after the main workout.

Electric treadmill It will cost much more than a mechanical one, but its functionality is much higher. Such simulators are always equipped with their own miniature computer, which literally controls itself how well the runner is training. You can set the time, speed, timer and counting not only calories, but even heart rate while running. The latter is especially true for those who are new to sports and are afraid to take on more than they can handle. Of the add-ons that are pleasant, but not particularly necessary, you can name music, backlighting, and even an alarm clock (these functions are often present in the most expensive models of electric treadmills). As the name implies, this simulator works from the network, so you will also have to pay for electricity. In addition, it is usually very heavy and cannot be removed continuously after training to free up more space. You must know in advance how noisy a motor is on an electric treadmill - in the gym this may not interfere, merging with the general sound background, but at home it will be incredibly annoying and tiring.

How to exercise on a treadmill at home

You can understand how to deal with the treadmill properly by remembering a few fairly simple rules.

1. The treadmill must be installed on a firm and level surface, it must not slip. Nor should she “bounce” from the runner’s movements - this means that her weight is lower than necessary for safe training.

2. For classes, it is necessary to choose not only special sports shoes, but also such clothes that will not cling to the details of the simulator and rub (for example, often too tight T-shirts and shirts are rubbed in the armpits). Another plus of having a treadmill at home is the ability to train without worrying about your appearance.

3. Increase the load gradually. It is especially dangerous to try to take the "marathon distances" from a habit, without ever engaging in any serious running before. The treadmill gives a fairly strong load on the lower legs and knee joints, especially the mechanical one. Fatigue after training is normal, but severe pain and burning are not.

4. One and a half to two hours before and after class should not be eaten, and you can only drink water. This is the standard rule of any sports training, you should never forget about it. Therefore, choosing the time to exercise correctly at home, you should not try to squeeze half an hour of running between lunch and afternoon snack - it is better instead of one of them.

5. Any physical training should have a regimen. You need to choose the days of the week and the time when it will be most convenient to run, and strictly adhere to this schedule. In order to skip playing sports for weight loss, there must be an extremely good reason.

6. Do not attempt to step on the treadmill when it is on. Such courage can be fraught with a very painful fall and serious injuries.

7. On a treadmill, it is better to focus on the duration of the workout, and not on the speed of running. Having set the speed of the tape too fast, you can not cope with it and fall. Moreover, calories are most efficiently burned not at the maximum pace of running, which can be maintained very briefly, but at an average speed, but for a long time.

8. An equal amount of time should elapse between the approaches for interval running or in the alternation of running with aerobics. It has been proven in practice by fitness trainers that then the effectiveness of any workouts increases.

9. In order for the treadmill to be effective for weight loss, you need to supplement running with other exercises for various muscle groups. By the way, it will be useful to remember the basic rule that for safe and effective sports, cardio exercises are placed at the end of the training.

10. To properly run, you need to adhere to at least the simplest diet and drink a lot. A treadmill at home is convenient if only clean water can always be at hand, because with cardio-stress, the body quickly loses its fluid reserves and really needs to be replenished.

How to improve your treadmill results

It is quite predictable that sooner or later the moment will come when it seems that there are no more improvements - it is very easy then to give up and completely abandon the simulator. In fact, this is a test, do you know how to run properly, constantly improving your results and getting only benefit from sports. Firstly, you can increase the time of classes or make them more frequent. Many train on the treadmill every day for at least an hour in order to preserve previously achieved results. Secondly, running can be diversified by other physical activities, changing the standard training scheme.

In that case, if the goal is not only burning fat, but also building muscle, then you can start running with weighting agents. In any sports store, various types of weighting materials for legs and arms are sold. For running, you need to choose durable, not rubbing. It is recommended to increase their weight gradually, since a sharp load can lead to muscle or even joint injury.

An integrated approach to losing weight, of course, will increase the efficiency of the treadmill. If earlier classes were not combined with any diet, then you can try at least some sparing option. Too strict diets are not suitable for those who intensively play sports for harmony, as the body needs minerals and other substances to build muscle. Another useful supplement to running for weight loss is massages and body wraps. There are even special warming creams on sale that are applied before training - they increase the drainage effect and at the same time warm up the muscles. Massage or body wrap after a workout will also be more effective than individually. Yes, and it will be nice to relax after exercise, and not just confine yourself to a quick shower.


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