How to draw arrows on the eyes: the advice of a makeup artist. Instructions for drawing arrows on the eyes, photos of unsuccessful options


A special weapon of any woman is her eyes and eyes.

But before shooting eyes, it is necessary to ensure their brightness and expressiveness.

In order for the gaze to become a real weapon of mass destruction, one should master the art of drawing arrows on the eyelids.

Arrows began to be drawn even in Ancient Egypt, where a cat was considered a sacred animal, and Egyptian women of fashion tried to create a cat look for themselves.

Even Cleopatra was unsurpassed in this skill, making her eyes bright and mysterious, however, still for many modern girls it is difficult to draw regular and even arrows on the eyelids.

How to achieve this skill? The main thing is not to rush. Makeup artists in salons work most of all over the eyes, because work requires skills, abilities, knowledge and concentration in order to make an ideal contour.

Arrows on the eyes: in which cases are appropriate

Arrows point to emphasize the beauty of their eyes, if the eyes are in perfect shape, they add femininity and flirty look.

Using the arrows, you can significantly change the contour of the eyes, because there are few happy owners of almond-shaped eyes, and everyone wants to be beautiful.

Therefore, if the eyes are round, convex, narrow, close or deep set, with overhanging eyelids, in such cases the skill of drawing arrows on the eyes will help. Correction of the form is performed using various means: a contour pencil, liquid or helium eyeliner.

Liquid eyeliner applied with a small brush, and for beginners it will be problematic to draw an even, clear line the first time.

Helium eyeliner It has several advantages: the line with which you can draw it is very thin, it is quite resistant to moisture and heat, the only minus is the difficulty of washing off such an eyeliner. But you can successfully cope with this, just dip a small hard brush in the oil, apply to the arrow for 30 seconds and then carefully remove it, if the line turned out fuzzy or uneven the first time, erase it with the same brush with oil.

Beginners are better off using contour pencilthat is what most women do, the pencil draws arrows softer, they can easily and quickly draw the necessary contours, from the minuses that the pencil needs constant sharpening and without experience a thin arrow is not always obtained.

General pencil drawing tips

It is necessary to stretch the eyelid with your finger towards the temple and use dotted movements to draw a line along the base of the eyelashes, without stopping, it is good to first practice on paper.

The pencil should be soft and greasy so as not to injure the eyelid, you only need to use a sharpened pencil for the eyes.

Never leave a space between the eyelash line and eyelid, while the eyes look tired and red, draw an arrow only near the eyelashes.

The arrow should thicken from the inner to the outer corner of the eye.

The contour should not go beyond the eyebrow either in height or in width, this distorts the face and looks vulgar.

When applying the contour of the eyes, do not keep your hand on weight, so that the hand is firm and does not flinch at the right time, the accuracy of the line depends on this.

How to draw arrows on the eyes: general principles

The technology of drawing arrows depends on the shape of the eyes, because the arrows change not only the shape, but also the look. Allow yourself any kind of eyeliner can only the owners of the almond-shaped eyes in perfect shape.

If the eyes are set close, only the outer edges of the eyes are drawn with eyeliner.

If, on the contrary, they are widely planted, a complete outline will help visually bring them closer, starting and ending with a line at the inner corner of the eyes.

With deep-set eyes, along with pale shadows, it is worth using a colored pencil for eyeliner.

If, on the contrary, you need to deepen your eyes, cover the upper eyelid with dark shadows, and draw the outline only under the lower eyelid.

A thin arrow is drawn with a sharpened pencil along the eyelash growth line, it is almost invisible, but it creates the illusion of thick eyelashes and is used for daytime makeup.

To visually raise the corners of the eyes, it is necessary to draw a line from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye and at the very end slightly raise it up above the eyelash growth line. Such an arrow lifts the contour of the upper eyelid, making the eyes more slanted.

Another option for evening make-up is the arrow, shaded along the entire length.

The angle of the outer edge of the eye will visually rise if you blend the arrow with a pencil or dark shadows.

If the eyes are small, they can be lengthened with arrows from the outer edge by a third, and not brought to the inner corners.

Thick arrows are suitable only for girls with round eyes, not only along the entire contour of the eyes, but only on the outer corner, otherwise you may get a tired, heavy look that does not decorate the girl at all.

Eyes with overhanging eyelids require special attention. Owners of such eyelids should point their arrows as thin as possible, sharp lines and clear contours are prohibited. In this situation, smooth transitions and soft, feathery contours are important, so the eyeliner is not at all suitable here.

To make your eyes seem larger, it is worth experimenting with colored pencils, the maroon shade looks amazing if the eyes are brown, emerald green will suit blue-eyed, and dark purple for owners of green eyes. At the same time, the eyes visually increase and become more noticeable.

For blondes with blue or gray eyes, a pencil or eyeliner of a dark gray color is very suitable, it perfectly sets off such eyes.

For owners of red hair A brown eyeliner will look very stylish.

Successful options for applying arrows on the eyes



Bad options

Eyeliner too wide;

Intricate arrows literally twisted his eyes;

Asymmetrical, uneven arrows;

Too much dark eyeliner makes your eyes tired;

The triangles of the nose are clearly superfluous.

What can not be done when drawing arrows

Get carried away by arrows on the lower eyelid. Excessive thickness of the bottom line of eyelashes visually reduces the eyes and lowers them down. So a fine eyeliner of a gray, turquoise, or blue shade will be enough to make the whites of the eyes noticeably whiter, but treat the reddish shades with caution, they can create the illusion of sore eyes.

Draw a jagged line. This is not easy, but you can’t put up with curves, broken lines, in this case the following technique will help: look down at the mirror, lifting your chin a little, through half-closed eyelids and then draw an arrow. This way can help to draw an even, sharp outline.

Choose the wrong application agent. To get a smoky effect, liquid eyeliners will not work, they will be too intense, and a soft pencil is the best suited for applying a mysterious haze around the eyes. But when creating a perfectly smooth arrow, the pencil will not help, helium or liquid eyeliner is more suitable.

If you incorrectly draw the arrows, you can significantly spoil even the most sophisticated makeup. The main reason for the formation of a fuzzy contour line is the unstable position of the hand, the elbow must be supported on a table or other flat surface. An ugly make-up will turn out if the eyeliner is applied from the side, so you need to look in the mirror directly in front of you.

In the art of drawing arrows, the main thing to remember is that for neat and even arrows you need a lot of practice and patience, more experimentation, and beautiful makeup will definitely work out.


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