Suddenly hit and do not know how to quickly get rid of a bruise? Is it possible to quickly get rid of a bruise without knowing its reasons - let's try!


Sometimes it happened, you feel pain in the same place, like there was no bruise, look, and there is a bruise.

Okay, children who rush about like crazy, not noticing corners and jambs, falling and breaking legs, arms, but why there are blue stains in calm children, they cannot be kicked out into the street.

Why do bruises appear on female hands and feet, hardly touching them harder?

How to quickly get rid of a black eye if a solemn exit is soon?

Bruises: causes and types

Often, for no reason, bruising that occurs is an urgent reason to consult a doctor who will determine their type and cause of occurrence.

- Hemorrhage, capturing not only the subcutaneous layer, but muscle tissue, giving off pain in the bones, is characteristic of hematoma bruises.

- From simple grinding, microcirculatory bruises occur in patients with thrombocytopenia.

- The combination of the two previous species with their common manifestations is called the microcirculatory - hematoma form.

- Bruises accompanied by an itchy rash can be attributed to the vasculitis-purple appearance.

Bruises can not only be on the arms and legs, they occur on the chest, stomach, nose and veins. Frequent bruising, if left untreated, can turn into cysts. It is more difficult to get rid of bruises on the legs than on the face, this is explained by more pressure in the blood vessels of the lower extremities.

Bruises from injuries need no explanation, The unexpected appearance of dark spots can be explained by several reasons..

1. Vitamin rutin is responsible for the strength of capillaries, and its deficiency leads to the formation of blood networks, on which bruises from bursting vessels often stand out. The famous and well-known vitamin C is responsible for the renewal of tissue cells after an injury. Take courses of cheap and very useful ascorutin and your legs, pens will get rid of bruising. Eat citrus fruits, chew carrots, saturate with ascorbic acid and your blood vessels will become stronger.

2. In our opinion, harmless aspirin, with which we treat all diseases, can be a cause of big problems if taken outside of any system due to increased blood thinning. For the same reason, do not get involved in painkillers.

3. Vitamin K, which has the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, is also responsible for blood coagulation; its lack will constantly be affected by the appearance of bruises in various places. Plastic surgeons who use vitamin K to remove bruises after plastic surgery are especially fond of him. This drug is produced in tablets, in the idea of ​​an ointment, or intensively eat cabbage and various greens rich in vitamin K.

4. The susceptibility of the female body to the more frequent appearance of bruises can be explained by a change in the hormonal background and a decrease in estrogen.

5. Subsequently, the transmitted infectious diseases of the blood vessels of the circulatory system are damaged, vasopathy occurs.

6. Hemophilia was previously called a disease of family ties, in which the level of blood coagulation decreases, as a result of which bruises can also appear.

7. A number of diseases, since thrombocytopenia, hemangioma, erythremia and others arise due to a decrease in platelets.

8. Oncology can also cause frequent bruising.

How to quickly get rid of a bruise: medication

It is unlikely that a bruise, to which cold was not immediately applied, can be cured immediately, but pharmacy medicines will help speed up the process of its disappearance.

- Heparin ointment used in many diseases, the success of its action is based on the ability to dissolve blood clots, which helps to remove the blue. However, in the presence of thrombosis, its use is prohibited.

- Troxevasin ointment, the activity of which is based on the action of the flavonoid rutin, can enhance its effect while taking troxevasin tablets.

- "Bruise-off" - Transparent gel recommended for severe hematomas, developed on the basis of leech extract.

- "Indovazin" at first it will relieve pain and swelling, and then accelerate the disappearance of the bruise itself.

- Various creams, which include nonsensewhether it’s Express Bruise, Tramp Fort or 911 Tramp will help you get rid of the bruise quickly.

- Ointment will be the salvation for getting rid of the bruise Dolobene, which will not only immediately relieve pain, reduce swelling, but also quickly restore the capillaries.

- If you apply cream immediately after a bruise "Akrikhin 1000", then you can prevent the appearance of a bruise.

How to quickly get rid of a bruise: folk remedies

A bruise, as a rule, always appears at the wrong time and when the pharmacy is far away, and there is nothing other than greenback at home from medical preparations.

- The first action that should be done is to apply cold to the site of injury to block the spread of edema and narrow the vessels damaged by contusion. If you have not stocked up with ice cubes, grab any frozen product from the freezer, put it in a plastic bag, wrap it with a simple towel and cool the place of impact.

- As soon as the edema subsides, we apply heat to regenerate the damaged vessels, for this we heat the sand in a pan, and if it is not there, we add salt, preferably large, to the sock and hold it for a quarter of an hour in place of the bruise.

- The unique properties of iodine have long been known, such as:

• anti-inflammatory;

• warming:

• improving blood circulation.

The iodide grid drawn at night in the morning is completely absorbed by the skin, which will become completely invisible, along with it the blue at the site of the bruise will decrease significantly.

- The cabbage leaf, beaten off until the juice appears and wrapped in gauze, can be used as a compress that helps to quickly get rid of a bruise.

- Literally before our eyes the bruise disappears under the influence of a compress from the pulp of one onion and 1 tbsp. salt. The main thing is to withstand the smell and action of onions, if a bruise on the face. Apply twice a day for half an hour.

- If the house has potato starch, then you can cook gruel by adding a little water to it, which is applied to the bruise for 30 minutes.

- Having mixed 100 ml of vinegar with half a teaspoon of salt, we get a solution in which we will moisten the swab for application on a bruise. We do this twice a day for 15 minutes.

- If you have parsley and vodka on hand, then you can prepare the pulp, which we apply to the bruise.

- The most pleasant folk remedy for quickly getting rid of a bruise is a banana skin. You don’t need to cook anything else, just apply an internal banana peel to the bruise and hold for 15 - 20 minutes.

- Any bruise will quickly disappear after applying a cake of the following ingredients:

• egg yolk;

• 1 tablespoon flour;

• 1 tbsp honey;

• 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

- Bruises that do not go away for a long time can be overcome with a compress from a mixture of castor oil and propolis tincture.

- The bruise that occurs at the injection site can be reduced by attaching to it a piece of foil or a cut leaf of aloe, a circle of potatoes or a crushed leaf of burdock.

- Any woman knows that with the help of cosmetics, skillful make-up you can hide any bruise by applying a layer of cream and powder.

How to quickly get rid of a bruise in a child

Children, this is such a people that constantly moves and stumbles upon everything that stands in their way, automatically getting bruises.

You can treat children with pharmacy drugs, but each of them has a warning or about the duration of use, or contraindications in use for children under 12 years of age.

- Recently, laundry soap is not in every house, but in vain, because if you rub it directly into the surface of the bruise, you can prevent not only the appearance of edema, but also the bruise.

- There is certainly butter in the house where the children live. As soon as the child comes running complaining of a bruise, start slowly, gently rubbing the oil where a bruise may appear.

- If a child lives in your house, then buy a powder of badiagi in a pharmacy in advance, so that if necessary, prepare an ointment from it when adding vegetable oil or vodka, depending on the age of the child. This ointment is also rubbed into the bruise twice a day.

It is easier to quickly get rid of a bruise when all the causes of bruising have been established and all preventive measures have been taken to strengthen the vessels.

Attention! When choosing a remedy for quickly getting rid of a bruise, the main thing is not to grab it all at once, otherwise you will get another problem in the form of allergies.
