How to cook so that pork meat is soft - the best recipes and culinary observations. The nuances of cooking pork


The quality and taste of any dish directly depends on the products chosen by the cook.

This is especially true of meat, its specific part, appearance and smell.

The choice of meat such as pork should also be approached with all seriousness and care.

First of all, pork should be pinkish slightly red in color, with a characteristic odor.

In the process of slicing meat, it should produce exclusively transparent juice.

If the pork flesh has a dark burgundy or red color, then we can say with accuracy that it is the meat of an old animal, which means that at the end of cooking, lovers will have a tasty meal instead of a juicy and soft meat piece - a hard or rubber “sole”.

Pork has a sweet and mild flavor, which perfectly combines with acidic components (lemon, kiwi, lime quince, vinegar) aromatic seasonings, spices, and sauces.

To prepare delicious pork dishes - mouth-watering, tasty and juicy, it is important to learn how to soften pork meat before and during cooking.

How to cook so that the pork meat is soft, juicy and piquant - yes, there are very simply a lot of methods thanks to which a variety of dishes from this type of product are delicious and delicious.

Cooking soft and juicy meat (pork) - the general principles and features of this process

Before cooking:

• To make the pork pulp soft, you can use a special meat clapper. By breaking the muscle fibers in pieces of meat with this mallet, the cook will achieve the main thing, during the cooking process the flesh will not become stiff and does not absorb excess oil.

• In order to make pork in the process of cooking soft and tender, it is recommended to marinate the pieces of pulp. In this case, the marinade should be medium acid. Since if you overdo it with components containing acid, the meat will become even tougher and unsuitable for eating.

• Pork can be pickled using vinegar, a variety of wines, citrus fruits, and fermented milk products.

• Salting can also help soften pork. When salted, the pork flesh inside retains moisture, so that when frying, the meat slices become juicy and tender. Additional seasonings such as rosemary, thyme and apple cider will add special piquancy and taste to the meat.

During cooking:

• In order for, for example, the chops to be soft and juicy, they must be fried over high heat until golden brown, and then placed in the oven to complete the cooking process.

• You also need to know that cooking meat over high heat is only necessary a few minutes, otherwise it will be cooked only on the outside, and inside it will remain raw.

• In the process of stewing, pork also becomes tender and appetizing, due to the fact that it is placed in a liquid consistency, supplemented with aromatic ingredients, and cooked for several hours.

• It is recommended to fry the meat before stewing to form a crisp.

• You can also smoke pork, simmer over low heat - the result is a tender, soft and mouth-watering meat dish.

Important! Cooked meat must be given a "rest". Since if immediately after cooking the meat is cut from it, all the juice will flow out and it will become hard and tasteless.

The best recipes for soft and juicy pork

Recipe 1. Steak - how to cook so that the pork meat is soft


• Pulp of pork - 1 kg.

• Kefir - 0.5 l.

• Onion.

• Garlic - 5 cloves.

• Salt.

• Spices.

Cooking method:

In order for the steak to cook, and become soft, mouth-watering and juicy, you must marinate the meat in advance. To do this, chopped pieces of meat are recommended to be placed in kefir with chopped onions, pepper, spices and salt. Pieces of pork, placed in kefir, must be previously beaten with a special mallet.

Further, the meat must be removed in the refrigerator for marinating for at least 4 hours.

After the meat is well marinated, it will need to be put in a frying pan with very hot oil.

Then the meat must be fried on both sides until golden brown over high heat (not for long), then reduce it and bring the dish to readiness.

The brown crust will keep the juice in the meat, and make it soft and juicy.

Recipe 2. Roast in sweet and sour sauce or how to cook so that the pork meat is soft


• Pulp of pork 0.5 kg.

• Canned pineapple - jar.

• Pepper (Bulgarian) - 2 pcs.

• Water - 40 ml.

• Yolk.

• Starch - 30 gr.

• Soy sauce - 30 ml.

• Ginger.

• Salt.

Sauce Ingredients:

• Sugar - 70 gr.

• Ketchup 60 ml.

• Vinegar - st. spoon.

Cooking method:

The meat should be cut into medium pieces and put in a prepared container for pickling.

Then, soy sauce, yolk, starch, water and salt should be added to the meat. Then you need to mix all the components between you and send the meat to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

Next, you need to chop the Bulgarian pepper in half rings, cut the pineapple with squares.

When the meat is ready (pickled), it must be sprinkled with starch on all sides and put in hot oil in a frying pan. Next, the pork must be fried until crusty and put out of the pan in a clean bowl.

After you need to fry the pepper, ginger for several minutes, and then add the pineapple to them. Cook all components for no more than 5 minutes.

Separately, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, pour sugar in a cup, add vinegar and ketchup. All components must be mixed and added to the frying of pepper, ginger and pineapple. You also need to add to all these ingredients starch, previously diluted in some water.

Put the meat in the sauce, mix all the ingredients and fry for a few more minutes.

The dish of the most tender and juicy pork in sweet and sour sauce is ready.

Recipe 3. Pork with apples. How to make soft pork meat


• Pork - 650 gr.

• Fat - 60 gr.

• Onion.

• Apples - 2 pcs.

• Flour - 40 gr.

• Caraway seeds - 0.5 tsp.

• Salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the pork thoroughly, salt, pepper, roll in flour - a whole piece and lay in a frying pan.

Then you need to fry the pork on preheated fat from all sides, and then put it in the ducklings together with the fat that remained after cooking in the pan.

Then you need to sprinkle meat with caraway seeds and pour ¾ on water. Next, the ducklings with pork must be set on fire and left to stew. If during this process the water begins to evaporate, then it will need to be added.

After you need to peel, cut the apples into slices and before the end of cooking, report them to the meat in the chicken bowl.

When the meat is cooked, it will need to be removed from the ducklings, and add the flour diluted with some water to the remaining apple liquid. Then apple sauce will need to be boiled for several minutes.

When the meat subsides a little, it will need to be cut into pieces, pour the prepared sauce and gloss over with greens.

Recipe 4. Pork baked in the oven. How to make soft pork meat


• Pulp of pork.

• Onion.

• Garlic.

• Mustard.

• Salt, pepper, seasonings.

Cooking method:

On top of the selected piece of pork, it is necessary to make incisions with a knife, this is done so that the meat, when cooked, turns out to be soft, juicy and mouth-watering.

Next, half the rings you need to chop onions, peel and crumble the garlic.

Then the meat must be salted, put garlic in the cut places, sprinkle the pork with spices and coat with mustard. You can also add mayonnaise to mustard - this will make the meat even tastier. Top the mustard with chopped onions and leave the pork to marinate, thus, for 3-4 hours.

Next, you will need to put the pork on the foil, wrap it on all sides with it and send the meat to the oven so that it is pretty good, baked until ready.

Recipe 5. Pork in French. How to make soft pork meat


• Meat (pork) 0.5 kg.

• Cheese - 250 gr.

• Mayonnaise - 250 gr.

• Onion.

• Butter.

• Salt.

Cooking method:

The pork pulp must be cut into medium pieces. Next, you need to beat off the meat, pepper and salt on both sides.

Then you need to peel and chop onions in half rings, grate the cheese.

Next, you need to grease a special mold with oil and put pieces of prepared meat on its bottom. Onion must be put on top of the meat, pour the components with mayonnaise.

Next, for mayonnaise, you need to shake the cheese and send the dish to bake in the oven.

You can decorate the dish with olives, a sprig of greens and serve.

How to cook to make pork meat soft - cooking tips and tricks

• The most tender part of pork is tenderloin. This piece will make a delicious, spicy and juicy dish, pork will simply melt in your mouth.

• In order for pork meat to cook soft, it must be coated with mustard and left in this form for half an hour.

• Pork can be marinated in purchased mineral water - a gorgeous and tasty dish will come out.

• For greater softness, you can add sugar to pork during cooking, spoonfuls will be enough.

• Juicy and tender pork will turn out if put in cold water with the addition of starch for 2-3 hours.

• The most important thing for preparing any pork dish is that the meat is young and fresh.


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