Kegel exercises for women at home: why are they? Can a woman learn Kegel exercises at home


When the famous American Arnold Kegel came up with a set of exercises for intimate muscles, he was hardly counting on world popularity.

However, the technique of an advanced gynecologist turned out to be so effective and in demand that now it is used in almost all corners of the planet.

Kegel Exercises for Women at Home: Why Strengthen the Pelvic Muscles

Thanks to the special compression and ejection technique, you can train two muscle groups: intimate and pelvic. In ordinary life, they are practically not used, but because of age they completely lose elasticity, tone, strength. For a woman, this is not just bad, but very bad. Why?

The main task of the pelvic muscles is to keep the internal organs in a normal, natural position. After giving birth, a woman may have problems associated with prolapse of the uterus, urinary incontinence, and the development of other ailments. Sexual life suffers, depression begins.

Kegel exercises for women at home, it is desirable to learn and before childbirth, so that the baby was born without problems. In addition, trained muscles enhance the pleasure of intimacy, both for a woman and for a partner.

We summarize.

You need to train your pelvic muscles to achieve the following goals:

• prevention (and in some cases one of the methods of conservative treatment) prolapse and prolapse of the pelvic organs;

• preparation for labor;

• prevention of urinary incontinence;

• recovery after childbirth;

• prevention of genital inflammation;

• increased sexual desire.

Kegel exercises for women at home are excellent prevention of aging. Classes normalize the hormonal background, stimulating the production of the most important hormones of the female genital area.

Kegel exercises for women at home: how to find intimate muscles?

The first question that arises regarding training intimate muscles is how to find them. Where are these same pelvic muscles located, if you can’t feel their work in everyday life? Indeed, at first it is difficult to find the exact place of compression and pushing out.

Therefore, there are two main ways to detect the desired muscles.

1. Natural method. It allows you to feel muscle contraction during urination. When emptying the bladder, interrupt the process by contracting the muscles around the vagina. It was possible to stop the flow of urine precisely thanks to the muscles of the pelvic floor. After six seconds, you can relax the muscles by renewing the flow of urine. Repeat the exercise to remember the feeling of muscle work. Subsequently, it can easily be performed in any convenient situation throughout the day.

2. Palpation method. In the supine position, put your fingers in the perineum in the back, from the back. To reduce the muscles of the pelvic floor, staying in this position for six seconds. During muscle contraction, the hand should be pulled inward slightly. Another method of palpation is the immersion of moistened fingers in the vagina. Tense muscle fibers should grip your fingers sensitively.

It is important to distinguish the work of the vaginal muscles from the work of the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks, and anus. Over time, an automatic skill will form, but at the first stage, you need to carefully monitor the correct course of training.

Kegel basic exercises for women at home

Slow contractions are performed as follows (during the development of Kegel exercises for women at home - this is the position lying on their sides, fingers in the perineum behind):

• squeeze muscles, fix them for six to seven seconds;

• relax the muscles for ten seconds;

• repeat the exercise from five to fifteen times;

Quick cuts will be performed in the same way: ten cuts must be made in a row at a fast (no more than a second each) pace. Then comes a ten-second period of relaxation. Repeat the exercise for quick contraction also need ten to fifteen times.

During the day, up to five workouts should be carried out with a slow and fast contraction. To achieve the desired results, you will need from one hundred to two hundred exercises per day. This is quite difficult, as the muscles in beginners are in a very weak state. But it’s worth it: literally in three weeks you can feel significant changes in the state of health.

Nulliparous girls Doctors recommend Kegel exercises for women at home aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor.

• Shorten the muscles of the vagina by simulating a buoyancy movement. It should resemble the tension that muscles experience during bowel movements, however, the direction of the shocks should not be directed toward the anus, but into the vagina.

• Fix the muscles for three seconds.

• Repeat the cycle ten to fifteen times.

The frequency of using Kegel exercises for women at home is acceptable to reduce as the muscles strengthen. The most difficult are the first four days. From the fifth day of training, the muscles will be “woken up” enough so that the classes no longer seem so tiring.

Kegel exercises at home: for pregnant

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of any woman. Not only the process of the birth of a baby, but also women's health in general depends on proper preparation for labor.

Kegel exercises for women at home are very effective just in preparation for safe delivery. An uterus that grows in size constantly stretches the muscles, due to which their elasticity decreases. But it is precisely the muscles that will help promote the baby from the uterus to the outside world during childbirth. Thanks to training, childbirth will be easy, without breaks.

A set of exercises to prepare for the birth process.

1. Slow compression from the base complex. They will strengthen muscle fibers. One approach - five compressions, a full cycle - ten approaches. Perform lying on your side.

2. The second exercise is performed similarly, but from a supine position.

3. Take a pose that mimics the position of childbirth: put hands along the body, legs bent and spread apart. Under the back and under the head you need to put flat pillows or towels folded several times. Tighten the intimate muscles as if you need to stop the flow of urine. Hold for ten seconds (if too difficult, start with a five second delay). Relax, take two or three breaths, repeat. Perform eight approaches.

4. A difficult exercise called "Elevator Lift". Imagine that the vagina is a few (three to four) muscle rings, or “elevator shaft”. Mentally rise from the "floor" to the "floor", starting from the bottom ring. Lingering on each "floor" for three to five seconds, gradually build up pressure. Having reached the "top", squeeze the muscles as much as possible, fix the position for five to seven seconds. Now start the “descent” in the reverse order, gradually weakening the muscle tension.

5. Exercise "Excitement at sea". Strongly compress the vaginal muscles, relax. Tighten the muscles of the anus immediately, relax. Perform a wave-like cycle of five to six waves, relax. Repeat up to five times.

6. Muscle training for straining during childbirth (performed in an empty bowel and bladder). Get on your knees, leaning your hands and body on a fitball or sofa with a hill of pillows - so you will take one of the generic poses. Strain up just as you do when you empty the bowel while trying to push the vaginal muscles forward and down, out. To feel the protrusion of muscles, put your hand to the perineum. Relax, repeat five to ten times. This exercise teaches you how to push correctly, helping to push the baby out of the uterus through the birth canal.

Training of intimate muscles during pregnancy helps to significantly reduce pain during childbirth, to recover quickly after the baby is born, and to avoid problems with bowel movements and urination in the postpartum period. Childbirth will pass quickly and painlessly.

In addition, Kegel exercises for women at home are the best way to keep their sex life from fading, which, unfortunately, often happens after the baby is born and harms family life. Training stimulates the synthesis of female sex hormones, which means they prolong youth and give beauty.

Important, that a pregnant woman should train according to the method of the American gynecologist only after consultation with her doctor! There are situations in which tension of the intimate muscles during the period of bearing a child is contraindicated and can provoke a miscarriage. After the 18th week of pregnancy, exercises should be performed only in a standing or sitting position: thus, the inferior vena cava will experience less tension.

Kegel exercises at home after childbirth

Throughout the first half of the year after the birth of the baby, the body of a young woman is restored. At this time, training of the vaginal muscles for the prevention of prolapse of the uterus, urethra, kidneys, intestines, and other internal organs is shown. Unfortunately, the danger of drooping during this period is very high, so you should immediately take up your health.

You can start at the hospital. If the birth was natural, there are no contraindications for performing the exercises. After a cesarean section, it is important to consult a gynecologist with a post-natal care provider regarding gymnastics.

To restore the body, vaginal muscle training is combined with breathing exercises.

The exercise is performed lying. Put your hands on your stomach, inhale the air with your nose, inflate your stomach. As you exhale, draw in the vaginal muscles, strain, as if interrupting the flow of urine when the bladder is empty. Lock position for five seconds, relax. Repeat up to ten times (as you feel). Along with strengthening the pelvic muscles, exercise will improve blood flow.

Diaphragmatic breathing. Put your hands under your chest, inhale through your nose slowly, smoothly, deeply. Now it’s not the stomach, but the sternum that should be thought out. Take a slow exhale with your mouth, trying to draw in your navel. Exercise does not train the intimate muscles, but perfectly strengthens the abs.

Perform two exercises from the base cycle: slow and fast compression. During rest-relaxation, breathe smoothly, deeply, belly.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic and gluteal muscles, the press. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Inhaling through the nose, inflate the stomach. Exhaling through the mouth, draw in the abdominal muscles, tighten the abs and buttocks. Fix the compression position for five to six seconds. Relax, repeat five to fifteen times.

Regardless of the age, Kegel exercises for women at home must be done without fail. This is an incredibly effective way to restore health and avoid many serious problems. In addition, through classes you can make your intimate life bright and happy.


Watch the video: Kegel Exercises Beginners Workout For Women (June 2024).