Bananas help you remember dreams better


Usually, people successfully forget their dreams almost immediately after waking up. What to do is the pattern of the human brain. Do you want to clearly remember every dream? Start eating more bananas and take vitamin B6. Empirically proven - this vitamin helps to see more vivid and sensual dreams that you will remember perfectly in the morning.

It has long been known that a person has the ability to see three to five separate dreams per night. Alas, in the morning they do not remain in memory. Vitamin B6, which is found in vegetables, nuts, bananas, meat and whole grains, allows you to remember dreams. This fact was confirmed by an interesting experiment involving twelve people. They were divided into three groups. Tests from the first group received 100 mg of vitamin B6 daily, from the second - 250 mg, the third group was given a placebo.

The duration of the experiment was five days. Subjects immediately after waking up accurately recorded their dreams. An analysis of these records showed that respondents receiving 250 mg of vitamin B6 had the most memorable dreams. So far, scientists are not able to definitely say why vitamin B6 has a positive effect on dream memory. The explanation most likely lies in the process of converting amino acids to serotonin, which triggers the memory that “records” our dreams.

You should not overdo it with bananas, otherwise an excess of vitamin B6 may well lead to severe panic attacks, insomnia, high blood pressure and arrhythmias.


Watch the video: Have bananas before bedtime - you'll remember your dreams the next day (July 2024).